HISTORY OF NEW-YORK, FROM THE BEGmNING OF THE WORLD TO THE END OF THE DUTCH Dl^NASTY ; CONTAINING, AMONG MANY SDEPKISING AND CDEIOUS MATTERS, The Unutterable Ponderings of Walter the Doubter, the Disastrous Projects of William the Testy, and the Chivalric Achievements of Peter the Head- strong— the three Dutch Governors of New Amsterdam : Being the only Authentic History of the Times that ever hath been or ever will be pubhshed. BY ■De waar^eib bie in buigter lag^ S!ic !omt met flaart)eib a.m ben iac,. THE author's revised EDITION. COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME. LONDON : HENRY G. BOHN, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 1850. London : Spottiswoodes and Shaw, New-street- Square. TITT^ LIBRARY .UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA' SANTA BARBARA CONTENTS. The author's apology Page viii Original adv'ertisements x Account of the author xii Address to the public xx BOOK I. CONTAINING DIVERS INGENIOUS THEORIES AND PHILOSOPHIC SPECULA- TIONS, CONCERNING THE CREATION AND POPULATION OF THE WORLD, AS CONNECTED WITH THE HISTORY OF NEW-YORK. Chap. L — Description of the world 1 Chap. II. — Cosmogony, or creation of the world ; with a multitude of excellent theories, by which the creation of a world is shown to be no such difficult matter as common folk would imagine . . 5 Chap. III. — How that famous navigator Noah was shamefully nick- named ; and how he committed an unpardonable oversight in not having four sons — with the great trouble of philosophers caused thereby, and the discovery of America . . . . .12 Chap. IV. — Showing the great diflBcidty philosophers have had in peo- pUng America — and how the aborigines came to be begotten by acci- dent— to the great relief and satisfaction of the author . . 1 G Chap. V. — In which the author puts a mighty question to tlie rout, by the assistance of the man in the moon — which not only delivers thou- [ sands of people from great embarrassment, but likewise concludes this introductory book 21 BOOK 11. TREATING OF TILE FIRST SETTLEMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF NIEUW- NEDERLANDTS. Chap. I. — In which are contained divers reasons why a man should not write in a huny — also of Master Hendrick Hudson, his discovery of a strange country — and how he was magnificently re\varded by the munificence of their High Mightinesses 33 Chap. II. — Containing an account of a mighty ark which floated, under the protection of St. Nicholas, from Holland to Gibbet Island — the descent of the strange animals therefrom — a great victory, and a de- scription of the ancient village of Communipaw ... 40 A 2 IV CONTENTS. Chap. III. — In which is set forth the true art of making a hargain — to- gether ■nitli the miraculous escape of a great metropohs iu a fog — and the ljiogra])hy of certain heroes of Conmiunipaw . . Page 45 Chap. IV. — How tlie heroes of Communipaw voyaged to Hell-gate, and how they were received there .50 Chap. V. — How the heroes of Communipaw returned somewhat wiser than they went — and how the sage Ololfe cbeamed a dream — and the dream that he dreamed ........ 58 Chap. VI. — Containing an attempt at etymology — and of the founding of the great city of New- Amsterdam .61 Chap. VII. — How the people of Pavonia migrated from Communipaw to the island of ]Manna-hata — and how Oloffe the Dreamer proved him- self a great land speculator ....... 63 Chap. VIII. — Of the founding and naming of the new city — of the city arms — and t)f the direful feud between Ten Breeches and Tough Breeches 65 Chap. IX How the city of New-Amsterdam waxed great under the protection of St. Nicholas, and the absence of laws and statutes — how Oloffe the Dreamer begun to dream of an extension of empire, and of the effect of his dreams 69 BOOK III. IN WHICH IS BECORDED THE GOLDEN REIGN OF ■VVOUTER VAN TWILLEB. Chap. I. — Of the reno^Tied Wouter Van Twillei", his unparalleled virtues — as likewise his unutterable wisdom in the law case of Wandle Sclioonhoven and Barent Bleeeker — and the great admiration of the public tlicreat 73 Chap. H. — Containing some account of the grand council of New- Am- sterdam, as also divers especial good philosophical reasons why an alderman should be fat — with other particulars touching the state of the province . 79 Chap. III. — How the town of New-Amsterdam arose out of mud, and came to be man-ellously polished and polite — together with a picture of the manners of our great-great-grandfathers ... 86 Chap. IV. — Containing further particulars of the golden age, and what constituted a fine lady and gentleman in the days of Walter the Doubter '. . . 91 CiiAP. V. — Of the founding of Fort Aurania — of the mysteries of the Hudson — of the arrival of the Patroon Kilhan Van Rensellaer ; his lordly descent upon the earth, and his introduction of club law 95 Chap. VI. — In which the reader is beguiled into a delectable walk, which ends veiy differently from what it commenced . . .97 Chap. VIL — Faithfully describing the ingenious people of Connecticut and thereabouts — showing, moreover, the true meaning of lilwrty of conscience, and a curious device among these sturdy barbarians, to keep up a harmony of intercourse, and promote population . 101 Chap. VIII. — How these singular bai-barians turned out to be notorious squatters — how they built air castles, and attempted to initiate the Nederlandcrs iu the mystciy of bundling . , . .105 CONTENTS. V Chap. IX. — How the Fort Goed Hoop was fearfully beleaguered — how the renowned Woiiter fell into a profound doubt, and how he finally evaporated \^. Page 108 BOOK IV. CONTAINING THE CHRONICLES OF THE REIGN OF WILLIAM THE TESTY. Chap. I. — Showing the nature of history in general ; containing further- more the universal acquirements of WilHam the Testy, and how a man may learn so much as to render himself good for nothing . 113 Chap. II. — How William the Testy undertook to conquer by proclama- tion— how he was a great man abroad, but a little man in his own house 116 Chap. III. — In which are recorded the sage projects of a lailer of uni- versal genius — the art of fighting by proclamation — and hov/ that the valiant Jacobus Van Curlet came to be foully dishonoured at Fort Goed Hoop 119 Ch.ap. rV. — Containing the fearful wrath of AVilliam the Testy, and the alarm of New- Amsterdam — how the governor did strongl}' fortify the city — of Antony the Trumpeter, and the windy addition to the armo- rial beai'ings of New-Amsterdam . . . . . .122 Chap. V. — Of the jurisprudence of William the Testy, and his admirable expedients for the suppression of poverty . . . .125 Chap. VI. — Projects of William the Testy for increasing the currency — he is outwitted by the Yankees — The great oj'ster war . . 128 Chap. VH. — Growing discontents of New- Amsterdam under the govern- ment of William the Testy . .131 Chap. VIH. — The edict of William the Testy against tobacco — of the pipe plot, and the rise of feuds and parties .... 133 Chai'. IX. — Of the folly of being happy in the time of prosperity — of troubles to the south brought on liy anricxation — of the secret expedi- tion of Jansen Alpendani, and his magnificent rewai'd . . 136 Chap. X. — Troublous times on the Hudson — how Killian Van Eensellaer erected a feudal castle, and how he introduced club law into the province . . . . . . . . . .139 Chap. XI. — Of the diplomatic mission of Antony the Trumpeter to the Fortress of Eensellaerstein — and how he was puzzled by a cabalistic reply 141 Chap. XH. — Containing the rise of the great Amphictyonic Council of the pilgrims, with the decline and final extinction of William the Testy 144 BOOK V. CONTAINING THE FIRST P.ART OF THE REIGN OF PETER STUTTESANT, AND HIS TROUBLES WITH THE AJirillCTYONIC COUNCIL. Chap. I. — In which the death of a great man is shown to be no very in- consolable matter of sorrow — and how Peter Stuyvesant acquired a great name from the uncommon strength of his head . .148 A 3 VI CONTENTS. Chap. II. — Showing how Peter the Headstrong bestinxd himself among the rats and cobwebs on entering into office ; his inter\'iew with Antony the Trumpeter, and his perilous meddling with the currency . Page 153 Chap. III. — How the Yankee league waxed more and more potent — and how it outwitted the good Peter in treaty-making . . .156 Chap. IV. — Containing divers speculations, showing that a treaty of peace is a gi'eat national evil 160 Chap. V. — How Peter Stup-esant was grievously belied by the great council of the league — and how he sent Antony the Trumpeter to take to the council a piece of his mind . . . . .165 Chap. VL — How Peter Stuyvesant demanded a court of honour — and of the court of honour awarded to him . . . " . .168 Chap. VH. — How " diiim ecclesiastic " was beaten throughout Connec- ticut for a crasade against the New-Ketherlandts — and how Peter Stuyvesant took measm'es to forti^" his capital . . .169 Chap. VIII. — How the Yankee crusade against the New-Xethei"lands was bafHed by the sudden outbreak of witchcraft among the people of the east , . 173 Chap. IX. — "Which records the rise and renown of a mihtary conmiander, showing that a man, like a bladder, may be puffed up to greatness by mere wind ; together with the catastrophe of a veteran and his queue 176 BOOK YI. CONTAIXns'G THE SECOND PART OF THE REIGN OF PETER THF HEAD- STRONG, AND HIS GALLANT ACHIEVEMENTS ON THE DELAWARE. Chap. I. — In which is exhibited a warlike portrait of the gi"eat Peter — of the windy contest of General Van Poffenburgh and General Printz, and of the !^Iusquitto war on the Delaware . . . .182 Chap. II. — Of Jan Risingh, his giantly person and crafty deeds — and of the catastrophe at Fort Casimir 186 Chap. III. — Showing how profoimd secrets are often brought to light ; with the proceedings of Peter the Headstrong when he heard of the misfortunes of General Van Poffenburgh . . . .191 Chap. IV. — Containing Peter Stuy vesant's voyage up the Hudson, and the wonders and delights of that renowned river • . . 196 Chap. V. — Describing the powerful army that assembled at the city of New-Amsterdam, together with the interview between Peter the Headstrong and General Van Poffenburgh, and Peter's sentiments touching unfortunate great men 201 Ch.vp. VI. — In which the author discourses very ingeniously of himself; after which is to be found much mteresting history about Peter the Headstrong and his followers ...... 206 Chap. VII. — Showing the great advantage that the author has over his reader in time of battle ; together with divers portentous movements, which betoken that something temble is about to happen . 213 Chap. VIIL — Containing the most horrible battle ever recorded in poetrj- or prose ; with the admirable exploits of Peter the Hcadsti-ong 217 CONTENTS. VU Chap. IX. — In which the author and the reader, while reposing after the battle, fall into a very grave discourse, after which is recorded the conduct of Peter Stuyvesant after liis victory . . . Page 225 BOOK VII. CONTAINING THE THIRD PART OP THE REIGN OF PETER THE HEAD- STRONG ; HIS TROtTBLES WITH THE BRITISH NATION, AND THE DECLINE AND PALL OF THE DUTCH DYNASTY. Chap. I. — How Peter Stuyvesant relieved the sovereign people from the bmthen of taking care of the nation ; with sundry particulars of his conduct in the time of peace, and of the rise of a great Dutch aris- tocracy . 232 Chap. II. — How Peter Stuyvesant laboured to civilise the community — how he was a great promoter of holidays — how he instituted kissing on New-Year's Day — how he distributed fiddles throughout the New- Netherlands — how he ventured to I'eform the ladies' petticoats, and how he caught a Tartar 237 Chap. III. — How troubles thicken on the province — how it is thi-eatened by the Helderbergers, the Merrylanders, and the giants of the Sus- quehanna .... 240 Chap. IV. — How Peter Stuyvesant adventm-ed into the East Country, and how he fared there 242 Chap. V. — How the Yankees secretly sought the aid of the British Cabinet in their hostile schemes against the Manliattoes . . 247 Chap. VI. — Of Peter Stuyvesant's expedition into the East Country, showing that, though an old bird, he did not understand trap . 248 Chap. VH. — How the people of New- Amsterdam were thrown into a great panic, by the news of the threatened invasion, and the manner in which they fortified themselves 253 Chap. VIII. — How the Grand Council of the New-Netherlands were miraculously gifted with long tongues in the moment of emergency ; showing the value of words in warlare 254 Chap. IX. — In which the troubles of New-Amsterdam appear to thicken; showing the bravery, in time of peril, of a people who defend them- selves by resolutions . . . . . . . .257 Chap. X. — Containing a doleftil disaster of Antony the Trumpeter; and how Peter Stuyvesant, lilce a second Cromwell, suddenly dissolved a Eump Parliament 263 Chap. XL — How Peter Stuyvesant defended the city of New- Amsterdam for several days, by dint of the strength of his head . . 267 Chap. XII. — Containing the dignified retirement, and mortal smxender of Peter the Headstrong 272 Chap. XHI. — The author's reflections upon what has been said . 277 A 4 THE AUTHOR'S APOLOGY. The following work, in whicla, at the outset, nothing more was contemplated than a temporary jeu-d'esprit, was commenced in company with my brother, the late Peter Irving, Esq. Our idea was to parody a small hand-book which had recently ap- peared, entitled " A Picture of New York." Like that, our work was to begin with an historical sketch; to be followed by notices of the customs, manners, and institutions of the city ; written in a serio-comic vein, and treating local errors, follies, and abuses with good-humoured satire. To burlesque the pedantic lore displayed in certain American works, our historical sketch was to commence with the creation of the world ; and we laid all kinds of works under contribution for trite citations, relevant or irrelevant, to give it the proper air of learned research. Before this crude mass of mock ei'udition could be digested into form, my brother departed for Europe, and I was left to prosecute the enterprise alone. I now altered the plan of the work. Discarding all idea of a parody on the Picture of New-York, I determined that what had been originally intended as an introductory sketch, should comprise the whole work, and form a comic history of the city. I accord- ingly moulded the mass of citations and disquisitions into intro- ductory chapters, forming the first book ; but it soon became evident to me that, like Robinson Crusoe with his boat, I had begun on too large a scale, and that, to launch my history success- fully, I must reduce its proportions. I accordingly resolved to confine it to the period of the Dutch domination, which, in its rise, progress, and decline, presented that unity of subject required by classic rule. It was a period, also, at that time almost a terra in- cognita in history. In fact, I was surprised to find how few of my fellow-citizens were aware that New-York had ever been called New-Amsterdam, or had heard of the names of its early Dutch governors, or cared a straw about their ancient Dutch progenitors. This, then, broke upon me as the poetic age of our city ; poetic from its very obscurity ; and open, like the early and obscure days of ancient Rome, to all the embellishments of heroic fiction. I hailed my native city, as fortunate above all other American cities, in having an antiquity thus extending back into the regions of doubt and fable; neither did I conceive I was committing any THE AUTHORS APOLOGY. IX grievous historical sin in helping out the few facts I could collect in this remote and forgotten region with figments of my own brain, or in giving characteristic attributes to the few names connected with it which I might dig up from oblivion. In this, doubtless, I reasoned like a young and inexperienced writer, besotted with his own fancies ; and my presumptuous tres- passes into this sacred, though neglected, region of history have met with deserved rebuke from men of soberer minds. It is too late, however, to recall the shaft thus rashly launched. To any one whose sense of fitness it may wound, I can only say with Hamlet, Let my disclaiming from a purposed evil Free me so far in your most generous thoughts, That I have shot my arrow o'er the house, And hurt my brother. I will say this in further apology for my woi'k : that if it has taken an unwarrantable liberty with our early provincial history, it has at least turned attention to that history, and provoked re- search. It is only since this work appeared, that the forgotten ar- chives of the province have been rummaged, and the facts and personages of the olden time rescued from the dust of oblivion, and elevated into whatever importance they may actually possess. The main object of my work, in fact, had a bearing wide from the sober aim of history, but one which, I trust, will meet with some indulgence from poetic minds. It was to embody the tradi- tions of our city in an amusing form ; to illustrate its local hu- mours, customs, and peculiarities; to clothe home scenes and places and familiar names with those imaginative and whimsical associa- tions so seldom met with in our new country, but which live like charms and spells about the cities of the old world, binding the heart of the native inhabitant to his home. In this I have reason to believe I have in some measiire suc- ceeded. Before the appearance of my work the popular traditions of our city were unrecorded; the peculiar and racy customs and usages derived from our Dutch progenitors were unnoticed, or re- garded with indiflerence, or adverted to with a sneer. Now they form a convivial currency, and are brought forward on all occa- sions ; they link our whole community together in good humour and good fellowship ; they are the rallying points of home feeling ; the seasoning of our civic festivities ; the staple of local tales and local pleasantries ; and are so harped upon by our writers of popu- lar fiction, that I find myself almost crowded oiF the legendary ground which I was the first to explore by the host who have fol- lowed in my footsteps. I dwell on this head because, at the first appearance of my work, its aim and drift were misapprehended by some of the descendants of the Dutch worthies, and because I undeistand that now and then one may still be found to regard it with a captious eye. The far X XOTICES. greater part, however, I have reason to flatter myself, receive my good-humoured picturings in the same temper with which they were executed ; and when I find, after a lapse of nearly forty years, this hap-hazard production of my youth still cherished among them; when I find its very name become a " household word," and used to give the home stamp to every thing recommended for popular acceptation, such as Knickerbocker societies, Knickerbocker in- surance companies, Knickerbocker steamboats, Knickerbocker om- nibuses, Knickerbocker bread, and Knickerbocker ice ; and when I found New-Yorkers of Dutch descent priding themselves upon being " genuine Knickerbockers," I pleased myself with the per- suasion that I have struck the right chord ; that my dealings with the good old Dutch times, and the customs and usages derived from them, are in harmony with the feelings and humours of my towns- men ; that I have opened a vein of pleasant associations and quaint characteristics peculiar to my native place, and which its inhabit- ants will not willin themselves, according to their respective gravities, round the burning or vitrified mass that formed their centre. Hutton, on tlie contrarj^, supposes that tlie waters at first were universally paramount ; and he terrifies himself with the idea that the earth must be eventually washed away by tlie force of rain, rivers, and mountain torrents, until it is confounded with tiie ocean, or, in other words, absolutely dissolves into itself. — Sublime idea! far surpassing that of the tender-hearted damsel of antiquity, who wept herself into a fountain; or the good dame of Narbonne in France, who, for a volubility of tongue unusual in her sex, was doomed to peel five hundred thousand and thirty-nine ropes of onions, and actually run out at her eyes before half the hideous task was accomplished. Whiston, the same ingenious philosopher who rivalled Ditton in his researches after tlie longitude (lor which the mischief- loving Swift discharged on tlieir heads a most savoury stanza), hasdistinguished himself by a very admirable theory respecting the earth. He conjectures that it was originally a chaotic comet, which, being selected for the abode of man, was removed from its eccentric orbit, and whirled round the sun in its present regular motion; by whicli change of direction, order succeeded to confusion in tiie ar- rangement of its component parts. The philosopher adds, that the deluge was produced by an uncourteous salute from the watery tail of anotlier comet ; doubtless througli sheer envy of its improved condition: thus furnishing a melancholy proof that jealousy may prevail even among the heavenly bodies, and discord interrupt that celestial harmony of the spheres so melodiously sung by tlie poets. But I pass over a variety of excellent theories, among which are those of Burnet, and Woodward, and Whiteliurst ; regretting extremely that my time will not suffer me to give them the notice tliey deserve — and shall conclude with tiiat of the renowned Dr. Darwin. Tliis learned Tlieban, who is as mucli distinguished for rhyme as reason, and for good-natured credulity as serious research, and who lias recommended Iiimself wonderfully to the good graces of the ladies, by letting them into all the gallantries, amours, debaucheries, and other topics of scandal of the court of Flora, has fallen upon a theory woitliy of his combustible imagination. Ac- cording to his opinion, the huge mass of chaos took a sudden 10 HISTORY OF NKW-YORK. [bOOK I. occasion to explode, like a ban-el of frunpowder, and in that act exploded tlie sun — Avhich, in its flight, by a similar con- vulsion, exploded the earth, which in like guise exploded the moon — and thus, by a concatenation of explosions, the whole solai" system was produced, and set most systematically in motion ! * By the great variety of theories here alluded to, every one of which, if thorouglily examined, will be found surprisingly consistent in all its parts, my unlearned readers will perhaps be led to conclude, that the creation of a world is not so difficult a task as they at first imagined. I have shown at least a score of ingenious methods in which a world could be constructed ; and I have no doubt, that liad any of the phi- losophers above quoted the use of a good manageable comet, and the philosophical warehouse chaos at his command, he would engage to manufacture a planet as good, or, if you would take his word for it, better than this we inhabit. And here I cannot help noticing the kindness of Pro- vidence, in creating comets for the great relief of bewildered philosophers. By their assistance more sudden evolutions and transitions are effected in the system of nature, than arc, wrought in a pantomimic exhibition by the wonder-working- sword of Harlequin. Should one of our modern sages, in his theoretical flights among the stars, ever find himself lost in the clouds, and in danger of tumbling into the abyss of nonsense and absurdity, he has but to seize a comet by the beard, mount astride of its tail, and away he gallops in triumph like an enchanter on his hyppogriff, or a Connecticut witcli on her broomstick, "to sweep the cobwebs out of the sky." It is an old and vulgar saying about a " beggar on horse- back," which I would not for the world have applied to these reverend pliilosophers : but I must confess, that some of them, when they are mounted on one of those fiery steeds, are as wild in their curvettings as was Phaeton of yore, when he aspired to manage the chariot of Phn?bus. One drives his comet at full speed against the sun, and knocks the world out of him with the mighty concussion ; another, more moderate, makes his comet a kind of beast of burden, carrying the sun a regular supply of food and iaggots ; a third, of more combustible disposition, threatens to throw his * Dnv. Bot. Garden, part i. cant. i. 1. 105. CHAP. II.] IXGENIOUS TIIEOUIES AND SPKCULATIONS. 1 1 comet like a bombshell into the world, and blovv it up like a powder magazine ; while a fourth, with no great delicacy to this planet and its inhabitants, insinuates that some day or (itiier his comet — my modest pen blushes while I write it — shall absolutely turn tail upon our world, and deluge it with water! — Surely, as I have already observed, comets were bountifully provided by Pi'ovidence for the benefit of philoso- phers, to assist them in manufacturing theories. And now, having adduced several of the most prominent theories that occur to my recollection, I leave my judicious readers at full liberty to choose among them. They are all serious speculations of learned men — all differ essentially from each other — and all have the same title to belief. It lias ever been the task of one race of philosophers to demolish the works of their predecessors, and elevate more splendid fantasies in their stead, which in their turn are demolished and replaced by the air-castles of a succeeding generation. Thus it would seem that knowledge and genius, of which we make such great parade, consists but in detecting the errors and absurdities of those who have gone before, and devising new errors and absurdities, to be detected by those who arc to come after us. Theories are the mighty soap-bubbles with which the grown-up children of science amuse themselves — while the honest vulgar stand gazing in stupid admiration, and dignify these learned vagaries with the name of wisdom ! — Surely Socrates was right in his opinion, that philosophers are but a soberer sort of madmen, busying themselves in things totally incomprehensible, or which, if they could be compre- hended, would be found not worthy the trouble of discovery. For my own part, until the learned have come to an agreement among themselves, I shall content myself with the account handed down to us by Moses ; in which I do but fol- low the example of our ingenious neighbours of Connecticut ; who at their first settlement proclaimed that the colony should bi; governed by the laws of Cjrod — until they had time to make better. One thing, however, appears certain — from the unanimous authority of the before- quoted philosophers, supported by the evidence of our own senses, (which, though very apt to deceive us, may be cautiously admitted as additional testimony.) it apjjears, I say, and 1 make the assertion de- libcraltly, without fear of contradiction, that this globe really 12 niSTOUY OF NEW-YOKK. [bOOK I. icas created, and tliat it is composed of land and water. It farther appears that it is curiously divided and parcelled out into continents and islands, amonj^ which I boldly declare the renowned Island of New- York will be found by any one who seeks for it in its proper place. CHAP. III. NoAii, Avho is the first sea-faring man we read of, begat three sons, Sheni, Ham, and Japhet. Authors, it is true, are not wanting, who affirm that the patriarch had a number of other children. Thus Berosus makes him father of the gigantic Titans; IMethodius gives him a son called Jonithus, or Jonicus ; and others have mentioned a son, named Thu- iscon, from whom descended the Teutons or Teutonic, or, in other words, the Dutch nation. I regret exceedingly that the nature of my plan will not permit me to gratify the laudable curiosity of my readers, by investigating minutely the history of the great Noah. Indeed, such an undertaking would be attended with more trouble than many people Avould imagine ; for the good old patriarch seems to have been a great traveller in his day, and to have passed under a different name in every country that he visited. The Olialdeans, for instance, give us his story, merely altering his name into Xisuthrus — a trivial alteration, which, to an historian skilled in etymologies, will ap])ear wholly unimportant. It appears, likewise, that he jiad exchanged his tarpaulin and quadrant among the Chal- deans, for the gorgeous insignia of royalty, and appears as a monarch in their annals. The Egyptians celebrate him under the name of Osiris ; the Indians as Menu ; the Greek and Roman wa-iters confound him with Ogyges, and the Thebau with Deucalion and Saturn. But the Chinese, who deservedly rank among the most extensive and authentic liistorians, inasmuch as they have known the world much longer than any one else, declare that Noah was no other than Fohi ; and what gives this assertion some air of credi- bility is, that it is a fact, admitted by the most enlightened literati, that Noah travelled into China, at the time of the building of the tower of Babel (probably to improve himself in the study of languages), and the learned Dr. Shackfbrd CHAP. III.] INGENIOUS TIIKOKIES AND SPECULATIONS. 13 gives US the additional inforinntion, that the ark rested on a mountain on the frontiers of China. From this mass of I'ational conjectures and sage hypotheses, many satisfactory deductions might be drawn ; but I shall content myself witli the simple fact stated in tlie Bible, viz. that Noali begat three sons, 8hem, Ham, and Japhet. It is astonishing on what remote and obscure contingencies the great affairs of this world depend, and how events the most distant, and to the common observer unconnected, are in- evitably consequent the one to the other. It remains to tlie philosopher to discover these mysterious affinities, and it is the proudest triumph of his skill to detect and drag forth some latent chain of causation, -which at first sight appears a paradox to the inexperienced observer. Thus many of my readers will doubtless wonder what connection the family of Noah can possibly have witli this history — and many will stare when informed, that the whole history of this quarter of the world has taken its character and course from the simple circumstance of the patriarch's having but three sons — but to explain : Noah, we are told by sundry very credible historians, becoming sole surviving heir and proprietor of the earth, in fee simple, after the deluge, like a good father, portioned out his estate among his children. To Shem he gave Asia ; to Ham, Africa ; and to Japhet, Europe. Now it is a thousand times to be lamented that he had but three sons, for had there been a fourth, he would doubtless have inhe- rited America ; Avhich, of course, would have been dragged forth from its obscurity on the occasion ; and thus many a hard-Avorking historian and philosopher would have been spared a prodigious mass of wearj' conjecture I'especting the first discovery and population of this country. Noah, how- ever, having provided for his three sons, looked in all pro- bability upon our country as mere wild unsettled land, and said nothing about it ; and to this unpardonable taciturnity of the patriarch may we ascribe the misfortune, that America did not come into the world as early as the other quarters of the globe. It is true, some writers have vindicated him from this misconduct towards posterity, and asserted that he really did discover America. Thus it Avas the opinion of Mark Lescarbot, a French writer, possessed of that ponderosity of 14 HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOE I. thought, and profoundness of reflection, so peculiar to his nation, that the immediate descendants of Noah [)eopled this quarter of the globe, and that the old patriarch liimself, who still retained a passion for the sea-faring life, superintended the transmigration. The pious and enlightened father, Charlevoix, a French Jesuit, remarkable for liis aversion to the marvellous, common to all great travellers, is conclusively of the same opinion ; nay, he goes still farther, and decides upon the manner in which the discovery was effected, which was by sea, and under the immediate direction of the great Noah. " I have already observed," exclaims the good father, in a tone of becoming indignation, " that it is an arbitrary supposition that the grandchildren of Noah were not able to penetrate into the new Avorld, or that they never thought of it. In effect, I can see no reason that can justify such a notion. Who can seriously believe, that Noah and his im- mediate descendants knew less thnn we do, and that the builder and pilot of the greatest ship that ever was, a ship Avhich was formed to traverse an unbounded ocean, and had so many shoals and (juicksands to guard against, should be ignorant of, or should not have communicated to his de- scendants, the art of sailing on the ocean ?" Therefore, they did sail on the ocean — therefore, they sailed to America — therofore, America was discovered by Noah ! Now all this exquisite chain of reasoning, which is so strikingly characteristic of the good father, being addressed to the faith, rather tlian the understandinjr, is flatly opposed by Hans de Laert, who declares it a real and most ridiculous paradox, to suppose that Noah ever entertained the thought of discovering America ; and as Hans is a Dutch writer, I am inclined to believe he must have been much better ac- quainted with the worthy crew of the ark than his compe- titors, and of course possessed of more accurate sources of information. It is astonishing how intimate historians do daily become with the patriarchs and other great men of antiquity. As intimacy improves with time, and as the learned are particularly inquisitive and familiar in their ac- quaintance witli the ancients, I should not be surprised if some future writers should gravely give us a picture of men and manners as they existed before the flood, far more copious and accurate than the Bible ; and that, in the course of another century, the log-book of the good Noah should be as CHAP. III.] INGENIOUS THEORIES AND SPECULATIONS. 1.5 current among historians as the voyages of Captain Cook, or the renowned history of Robinson Crusoe. I shall not occupy my time by discussing the huge mass of additional suppositions, conjectures, and probabilities respecting the first discovery of this country, with which unhappy historians overload themst-lves, in their endeavours to satisfy the doubts of an incredulous world. It is painful to see these laborious wights panting, and tolling, and sweating under an enormous burden, at the very outset of their wox'ks, which, on being opened, turns out to be nothing but a mighty bundle of straw. As, however, by unwearied assiduity, they seem to have established the fact, to the satisfaction of all the world, that this country has been dis- covered, I shall avail myself of their useful labours to be extremely brief upon this point. I shall not, therefore, stop to inquire, whether America ■was first discovered by a wandering vessel of that celebrated Phamician fleet, which, according to Herodotus, circum- navigated Africa ; or by that Cartliaginian expedition, which Pliny, the naturalist, informs us, discovered the Canary Islands ; or Aviiether it was settled by a temporary colony from Tyre, as hinted by Aristotle and Seneca. I shall neither inquire Avhether it was first discovered by the Chinese, as Vossius with great shrewdness advances ; nor by the Norwegians in 1002, under Biorn ; nor by Behem, the German navigator, as Mr. Otto has endeavoured to prove to the S9avans of the learned city of Philadelphia. Nor shall I investigate the more modern claims of the "Welsh, founded on the voyage of Prince Madoc in the eleventh century, who having never returned, it has since been wisely concluded that he must have gone to America, and that for a plain reason, — if he did not go there, where else could he have gone? — a question which most Socratically shuts out all farther dispute. Laying aside, therei'orc, all the conjectures above men- tioned, with a multitude of others equally satisfactory, I shall take for granted the vulgar opinion, that America was discovered on the 12tli of October, 1492, by Christoval Colon, a Genoese, who has been clumsily nicknamed Co- lumbus, but for what reason I cannot discern. Of the voyages and adventures of this Colon I shall say nothing, .seeing that they are already suihciently known. Nor shall 16 mSTORT OF NEW- YORK. [cOOK I, I iiinlertake to prove tliat this country should have been called Colonia, alter his name, that being notoriouslj self- evident. Having thus happily got mj readers on this side of the Atlantic, I picture them to myself, all impatience to enter upon the enjoyment of the land of promise, and in lull expectation that I will immediately deliver it into their possession. But if I do, may I ever forfeit the reputation of a regular bred historian ! No — no — most curious and thrice learned readers (for thrice learned ye are if ye have read all that has gone before, and nine times learned shall ye be if ye read that v.liich comes after), we have yet a world of work before us. Think you the first discoverers of this fair quarter of the globe had nothing to do but go on shore and find a country ready laid out and cultivated like a garden, wherein they might revel at their ease? No such thing — they had forests to cut down, underwood to grub up, marshes to drain, and savages to exterminate. In like manner, I have sundry doubts to clear away, questions to resolve, and paradoxes to explain, before I permit you to range at random ; but these difficulties once overcome, we shall be enabled to jog on right merrily through the rest of our history. Thus my work shall, in a nianner, echo the nature of the subject, in the same manner ns the sound of poetry has been found by certain shrewd critics to echo the sense — this being an improvement iia history which I claim the merit of having invented. CHAP. IV The next inquiry at which we arrive in the regular course of our history is to ascertain, if possible, how this country was originally peopled — a point fruitful of incredible em- barrassments ; for unless we i)rove that the Aborigines did absolutely come from somewhere, it will be immediately Asserted, in this age of scepticism, that they did not come at all ; and if they did not come at all, then was this country never populated — a conclusion perfectly agreeable to the rules of logic, but wholly irreconcilable to every feeling of humanity, inasmuch as it must syllogistically prove fatal to the innumerable Aborigines of this populous region. CHAP. IV.] INGENIOUS THEORIES AND SPECDLATIONS. 17 To avert so dire a sophism, and to rescue from logical annihilation so many millions of fellow creatures, how many wings of geese have been plundered ! what oceans of inlc have been benevolently drained ! and how many capacious heads of learned historians have been addled, and for ever confounded ! I pause v/ith reverential awe, when I con- template the ponderous tomes in different languages Avith which they have endeavoured to solve this question, so im- portant to the happiness of society, but so involved in clouds of impenetrable obscurity. Historian after historian has engaged in the endless circle of hypothetical ai'gument, and, after leading us a weary chase through octavos, quartos, and folios, has let us out at the end of his work just as wise as we were at the beginning. It was doubtless some philo- sophical wild goose chase of the kind that made the old poet Macrobius rail in such a passion at curiosity, which lie anathematizes most heartily as " an irksome agonizing care, a superstitious industry about unprofitable things, an itching humour to see what is not to be seen, and to be doing what signifies nothing when it is done." But to proceed : Of the claims of the children of Noah to the original population of this country I shall say nothing, as they have already been touched upon in my last chapter. The claimants next in celebrity are the descendants of Abraham. Thus Cliristoval Colon (vulgarly called Columbus), when he first discovered the gold mines of Plispaniola, immediately concluded, with a shrewdness that would have done honour to a philosopher, that he had found the ancient Ophir, from whence Solomon procured the gold for embellishing the temple at Jerusalem ; nay, Colon even imagined that he saw the remains of furnaces of veritable Hebraic construction, employed in refining the precious ore. So golden a conjecture, tinctured with such fascinating extravagance, was too tempting not to be immediately .snapped at by the gudgeons of learning ; and accordingly, there were divers profound writers, ready to swear to its correctness, and to bring in their usual load of authorities and wise surmises, wherewithal to prop it up. A'etablus and Kobertus Stephens declared nothing could be more clear — Arius ]\rontanus, without the least hesitation, asserts that Mexico was the true Ophir, and the Jews the early settlers of the country. While Possevin, Becan, and sevci-al other c 18 UISTOKV OF NEW'-YOKK. [UOOK I. sagacious writers, lug in a supposed prophecy of the fourth book of Esdras, which being inserted in the mighty liypo- thesis, like tlie keystone of an arch, gives it, in their opinion, perpetual durabilitj-. Scarce, liowever, have they completed their goodly super- structure, than in trudges a phalanx of opposite authors, with Hans de Laet, the great Dutchman, at their head, and at one blow tumbles the whole f.ibric about their ears. Hans, in fact, contradicts outright all the Israelitish claims to the first settlement of this country, attributing all those equivocal symptoms, and traces of Christianity and Judaism, which have been said to be found in divers provinces of the new world, to the Deiril, who has always affected to counter- feit the worsliip of tlie true Deity. " A remark," says the knowing old Padre d'Acosta, " made by all good authors who have spoken of the religion of nations newly discovered, and founded, besides, on the authority of the fathers of the church." Some writers again, among whom it is with much regret I am compelled to mention Lopez de Gomara and Juan de Leri, insinuate that the Canaanites, being driven fi'om the land of promise by the Jews, were seized with such a panic that they fled without looking behind them, until, stopping to take breath, they found tliemselves safe in America. As they brought neither their national language, manners, nor features with them, it is supposed they left them behind in the hurry of their flight — I cannot give my faith to this opinion. I pass over the supposition of the learned Grotius, who, being both an ambassador and a Dutchman to boot, is en- titled to great respect ; that North America was peopled by a strolling company of Norwegians, and that Peru was founded by a colony from China — Manco or Mango Capac, the first Incas, being himself a Chinese. Nor shall I more than barely mention, that father Kircher ascribes the settle- ment of America to the Egyptians, Rudbeck to the Scan- dinavians, Charron to the Gauls, Juffredus Petri to a skating party from Friesland, Milius to the Celtte, Marinocas the Sicilian to the Romans, Le Compte to the Phoenicians, Postel to the Moors, Martyn d'Angleria to the Abyssinians, together with the sage surmise of De Laet, that England, Ireland, and the Orcades may contend for that honour. CHAP. IV.] INGENIOUS THEORIES AND SPECULATIONS. 19 Nor will I bestow any more attention or credit to the idea that America is the fairy region of Zipangri, described by that dreaming traveller, Marco Polo, the Venetian ; or that it comprises the visionary island of Atlantis, described by Plato. Neither will I stop to investigate the heathenish assertion of Paracelsus, that each hemisphere of the globe was originally furnislied with an Adam and Eve. Or the more flattering opinion of Dr. Ivomayne, supported by manv nameless authorities, that Adam was of the Indian race — or the startling conjecture of Buffon, Plelvetius, and Darwin, so highly honourable to mankind, that the whole human species is accidentally descended from a remai'kable lamily of monkeys ! This last conjecture, I must own, came upon me very sud- denly and very ungraciously. I have often beheld the clown in a pantomime, while gazing in stupid wonder at the ex- travagant gambols of a harlequin, all at once electrified by a sudden stroke of the wooden sword across his shoulders. Little did 1 think at such times, that it Avould ever fall to my lot to be treated with equal discourtesy, and that while I was quietly beholding these grave philosophers, emulating the eccentric transformations of the hero of pantomime, they would on a sudden turn upon me and my readers, and with one hypothetical flourish metamorphose us into beasts ! I determined from that moment not to burn my fingers with any more of their theories, but content myself with detailing the different methods by which they transported the descend- ants of these ancient and respectable monkeys to this great field of theoretical warfare. This was done either- by migrations by land or transmigra- tions by water. Thus Padre Joseph d'Acosta enumerates three passages by land — first, by the north of Europe, secondly, by the north of Asia, and, thirdly, by regions southward of the Straits of Magellan. The learned Grotius marches his Norwegians by a pleasant route across frozen rivers and arms of the sea, through Iceland, Greenland, Estotiland, and Naremberga : and various writers, among whom arc Angleria, De Uornn, and Button, anxious for the accommo- dation of these travellers, have fastened the two continents together by a strong chain of deductions — by which means they could pass over dry-shod. But should even this fail, Pinkerton, tiiat industrious old gentleman, who coirpilcs 20 lIISTOnV OF NEW- YORK. [uOOK I. book.o, and ir.anufactures Geographies, lias constructed a natural biidc^e of ice, from continent to continent, at the distance of i'ouv or five miles from Behring's Straits — for Avliich he is entitled to the gratei'ul thanks of all the wan- dering aborigines who ever did or ever will ])ass over it. It is an evil much to be lamented, that none of thewortliy Avriters above quoted could ever commence his work without immediately declaring hostilities against every writer who liad treated of the same subject. In this particular, authors maybe compared to a certain sagacious bird, which, in build- ing its nest, is sure to pull to pieces the nests of all the birds in its neiglibourhood. This unhappy propensity tends griev- ously to impede the progress of sound knowledge. Theories ai-e at best but brittle productions, and when once committed to the stream, they should take care that, like the notable pots which were fellow-voyagers, they do not crack each other. My chief surprise is, that among the many writers I have noticed, no one lias attempted to prove that this country was peopled from the moon — or that the first inhabitants floated lii'.her on islands of ice, as white bears cruise about the northern oceans — or that they were conveyed hither by balloons, as modern aeronauts pass from Dover to Calais — or by witchcraft, as Simon Magus posted among the stars — or after the manner of the renowned Scythian Abaris, who, like the X(nv England witclies on full-blooded broomsticks, made most unheard-of journeys on the back of a golden arrow, given him by the Hyperborean Apollo. But there is still one mode leit by which this country could have been peopled, which I have reserved for the last, because I consider it w^orth all the rest: it is — bi/ accident f Speaking of the islands of Solomon, New Guinea, and New Holland, the profound father Cliarlevoix observes, ''In fine, nil these countries arc peopled, and it is possible some have been so L>/ accide/tt. Now if it could have happened in that jnanner, why might it not have been at the same lime, and by the same means, with the other parts of the globe?" This ingenious mode of deducing certain conclusions from possible ])remises, is an improvement in syllogistic skill, and proves the good father superior even to Archimedes, lor he can turn the world without any thing to re.st his lever upon. It is only surpassed by the dexterity with which the sturdy old CHAP. V.J INGENIOUS TIIKOI^IES AND SPECULATIONS. 21 Jesuit, in anotlier place, cuts the gordian knot — "Nothing," says he, "is more easy. The inhabitants of both hemispheres are certainly the descendants of the same father. The com- mon iatiier of mankind received an ex])ress order from Hea- ven to people the world, and accordinglj/ it has been peopled. To bring this about, it was necessary to overcome all diffi- culties in the way, and they have also been overcome V^ Pious logician I How does he put all the herd of laborious theorists to the bhish, by explaining, in five words, wliat it has cost them volumes to prove they knew notliing about ! From all the autliorities liere quoted, and a variety of otliers which I liave consulted, but which are omitted througk fear of fatiguing the unlearned reader, I can only draw tlie following conclusions, which luckily, however, are sufficient for my purpose. First, that tliis part of the world has actually been peopled (Q. E. D.), to support which we have living proofs in the numerous tribes of Indians that inhabit it. Secondly, that it has been ])eopled in five hundred different ways, as proved by a cloud of authors who, from the posi- tiveness of their assertions, seem to have been eye-witnesses to the fact. Thirdly, that the people of this country had u rarietij of fathers, \v\\\c\\, as it may not be thought much to their credit by the common run of readers, the less we say on the subject the better. The question, therefore, I trust, as for ever at rest. CHAP. Y. The writer of a history may, in some respects, be likened unto an adventurous knight, who, having undertaken a perilous enterprise, by way of establishing his fame, feels bound, in honour and chivalry, to turn back for no diificulty nor hardship, and never to shrink or quail, whatever enemy he may encounter. Under this impression, I resolutely draw my pen, and fall to, with might and main, at those doughty questions and subtle paradoxes, whicli, like fiei-y dragons and bloody giants, beset the entrance to my history, and would fain repulse me from the ve)-y threshold. And at this moment a gigantic question has started up, which I must needs take by the beard and utterly subdue, befon; I can advance another Step in my historic undertaking ; but I trust this will be the c 3 22 lllSTOKY OF M-W-YOUK. [bOOK I. last adversaiy I shall have to contend with, and that in the next book I shall be enabled to conduct mj readers in triumph into the body of" my work. The question which has thus suddenly arisen, is, What right had the first discoverers of America to land and take ])ossession of a country, without first gaining tlie consent of its inhabitants, or yielding them an adequate compensation for their territory? — a question which has withstood many fierce assaults, and has given much disti'ess of mind to mul- titudes of kind-hearted folk. And indeed, until it be totally vanquished, and put to rest, the worthy people of America can by no means enjoy the soil they inhabit, with clear right and title, and quiet, unsullied consciences. The first source of right, by which property is acquired in a country, is discovery. For as all mankind have an equal right to any thing, which has never before been appropriated, so any nation, that discovers an uninhabited country, and takes possession thereof, is considered as enjoying full pro- perty, and absolute, unquestionable empire therein.* Tills proposition being admitted, it follows clearly, that the liluropeans who first visited America were the real dis- coverers of the same ; nothing being necessary to the esta- blishment of this fact, but simply to prove that it was totally uninhabited by man. This would at first appear to be a point of some difiiculty, for it is well known that this quarter of the world abounded with certain animals, that Avalked erect on two feet, hud something of the human countenance, uttered certain unintelligible sounds, very much like language ; in short, had a marvellous resemblance to liuman beings. But tlie zealous and enlightened fathers who accompanied the illscoverers, for the purpose of promoting the kingdom of heaven by establishing fat monasteries and bishoprics on earth, soon cleared up this point, greatly to the satisfaction of his holiness the pope, and of all Christian voyagers and discoverers. They j)lalnly proved, and, as there were no Indian writers arose on tiie other side, the tact was considered as fully ad- mitted and established, that the two-legged race of animals before mentioned were mere cannibals, detestable monsters, and many of them giants — which last description of vagrants have, since the times of Gog, IMagog, and Goliath, been con- * Grotius; Piiffendorf, b. v. c. 4. ; Vatlel, b. i. c. 18. &c. CHAP, v.] INGENIOUS THEORIES AND SPECULATIONS. 23 sidered as outlaws, and have received no quarter in either history, chivalry, or song. Indeed, even the philosophic Bacon declared the Americans to be people proscribed by the laws of nature, inasmuch as they had a barbarous custom of sacrificing men, and feeding upon man's flesh. Nor are these all the proofs of their utter T)arbarism : among many other writers of discernment, Ulloa tells us " their im- becility is so visible, that one can hardly form an idea of them different from what one has of the brutes. Nothing disturbs the tranquillit}^ of their souls, equally insensible to disasters and to prosperity. Though half naked, they are as con- tented as a monarch in his most splendid array. Fear makes no impression on them, and respect as little." All this is furthermore supported by the authority of M. Bouguer. " It is not easy," says he, "to describe the degree of their indif- ference for wealth and all its advantages. One does not well know what motives to propose to them when one would per- suade them to any service. It is vain to offer them money ; they answer they are not hungry." And Vanegas confirms the whole, assuring us that "ambition thej' have none, and are more desirous of being thought strong than valiant. The objects of ambition with us — honour, fame, reputation, riches, posts, and distinctions, are imknown among them. So that this powerful spring of action, the cause of so much seeming good and real evil in the Avorld, has no power over them. In a word, these unhappy mortals may be compared to children, in whom the development of reason is not com- pleted." Now all these peculiarities, although in the unenlightened states of Greece they would have entitled their possessors to immortal honour, as having reduced to practice those rigid and abstemious maxims, the mere talking about which ac- quired certain old Greeks the reputation of sages and philo- sophers; — yet, were they clearly proved in the present in- stance to betoken a most abject and brutified nature, totally beneath the human character. But the benevolent fathei'S, who had undertaken to turn these unhappy savages into dumb beasts, by dint of argument, advanced still sti'onger proofs ; for as certain divines of the sixteenth century, and among the rest LuUus, affirm — the Americans go naked, and have no beards! — "They have nothing," says Lullus, "of the reasonable animal, except the mask." — And even that mask c 4 24 mSTORY OF KE"W~YORK. LbOOK 1. was allowed to avail ihera but little, for it was soon found that they were of a hideous cop])er complexion — and bein;r of a copper complexion, it was all the same as if they were ne^xroes — and negroes are black, "and black," said the pious iathers, devoutly crossing themselves, "is the colour of the Devil I" Therefore, so far from being able to own property, they had no rigiit even to personal freedom — for liberty is too radiant a deity to inhabit such gloomy temples. All which circumstances plainly convinced the righteous ibllowers of Cortes and Pizarro, that these miscreants had no title to tlie soil tliat they infested — tliat they were a perverse, illi- terate, dumb, beardless, black-seed — mere wild beasts of the forests, and, like them, should either be subdued or ex- terminated. From the foregoing arguments, tlicrefore, and a variety of others equally conclusive, which I forbear to enumerate, it is clearly evident that this lair quarter of the globe, when first visited by Europeans, was a howling wilderness, inhabited by nothing but wild beasts ; and that the transatlantic visitors acquired an incontrovertible property tlierein, by the r'ujht of discover }!• This riglit being fully established, we now come to the next, which is the right acquired by cultivation. " Tiie cultivation of the soil," we are told, "is an obliiration imposed by nature on mankind. The wdiole world is appointed for the nourishment of its inhabitants: but it would be incapable of doing it, was it uncultivated. Every nation is then obliged by the law of nature to cultivate the ground that has i'allen to its share. Those people, like the ancient Germans and modern Tartars, Avho, having fertile countries, disdain to cultivate the earth, and choose to live by rapine, are wanting to themselves, and deserve to be ex- terminated as savage and pernicious beasts."* Now it is notorious, that the savages knew nothing of agriculture, when first discovered by the Europeans, but lived a most vagabond, disorderly, unrighteous life, — ram- bling from place to place, and prodigally rioting upon the spontaneous luxuries of nature, without tasking her gene- rosity to yield them any thing more ; whereas it has been most unquestionably shown, that Heaven intended the earth should be ploughed, and sown, and manured, and laid out * Yattel, b. i. ch. 1 7. CHAP, v.] IXGENIOUS TIIF.OUIES AND SPKCULATIONS. 25 into cities, and town?, ami farms, and country sent?, and pleasure frrounds, and public wardens, all which the Indians knew nothing about — therefore, they did not improve the talents Providence had bestowed on thorn — therefore, they were careless stewards — therefore, they had no right to the soil — therefore, they deserved to be exterminated. It is true, the savages might ])lead tliat they drew all the benefits from the land which their simple wants required — they found plenty of game to hunt, which, together with the roots and uncultivated fruits of the eartli, furnished a sufli- fient variety for their frugal repasts; — and that as Heaven merely designed the earth to form the abode, and satisfy the wants of man ; so long as those purposes were answered, the will of Heaven was accomplished. — But this only proves how undeserving they were of the blessings around them — tliey were so much the more savages, for not having more wants ; for knowledge is in some degree an increase of desires, and it is this superiority both in the number and magnitude of liis desires, that distinguishes the man from the beast. Therefore the Indians, in not having more wants, were very unreasonable animals ; and it was but just that they should make way for the Europeans, who had a thousand wants to tlieir one, and, therefore, would turn the earth to more ac- count, and by cultivating it, more truly fulfil the will of Heaven. Besides — Grotius and Lauterbach, and Putfendorff, and Titius, and many wise men beside, who have considered the mattei" properly, have determined, that the property of a country cannot be acquired by hunting, cutting wood, or drawing water in it — nothing but precise demarcation of limits, and the intention of cultivation, can establish the possession. Now as the savages (probably from never having read the authors above quoted) had never complied with any of these necessary forms, it plainly follows that they liad no right to the soil, but that it was completely at the disposal of the first comers, who had more knowledge, more wants, and more elegant, that is to say, artificial desires than them- selves. In entering upon a newly discovered, uncultivated country, therefore, tlic new comers were but taking possession of what, according to the aforesaid doctrine, was their own property — therefore, in opposing them, the savages were invading their just rights, infringing the immutable laws of nature, 26 HISTORY OF NEW-TOUK. [BOOK I. :vnd counteracting the will of Heaven — therefore, they were jruilty of impiety, burglary, and trespass on the case — therefore, they were hardened offenders against God and man — therefore, they ought to be exterminated. But a more irresistible right than either that I have mentioned, and one which will be the most readily admitted by my reader, provided he be blessed with bowels of charity and philanthropy, is the right acquired by civilisation. All the world knows the lamentable state in which these poor savages were found. Not only deficient in the comforts of life, but, Avhat is still worse, most piteously and unfortunately blind to the miseries of their situation. But no sooner did the bene- volent inhabitants of Europe behold their sad condition, than they immediatelj' went to work to ameliorate and improve it. They introduced among them rum, gin, brandy, and the other comforts of life — and it is astonishing to read how soon the poor savages learn to estimate those blessings — they like- wise made known to them a tliousand remedies, by which the most inveterate diseases are alleviated and healed ; and that they might comprehend the benefits and enjoy the com- forts of these medicines, they previously introduced among them the diseases which they were calculated to cure. By these and a variety of other methods was the condition of these poor savages wonderfully improved; they acquired a thousand wants of wdiich they had before been ignorant; and as he has most sources of happiness who has most wants to be gratified, they were doubtlessly rendered a much happier race of beings. But the most important branch of civilisation, and which has most sti'cnuously been extolled by the zealous and pious fathers of the Romish Church, is the introduction of the Christian faith. It was truly a sight that might well inspire horror, to behold these savages tumbling among the dark mountains of paganism, and guilty of the most horrible igno- rance of religion. It is true, they neither stole nor de- frauded ; they were sober, frugal, continent, and faithful to their word ; but though they acted right habitually, it was all in vain, unless they acted so from precept. The new comers, therefore, used every method to induce them to em- bi-ace and practise the true religion — except indeed that of setting them the example. But notwithstanding all these complicated labours for their good, such was the unparalleled obstinacy of these stubborn CnAl'. v.] INGENIOUS THEORIES AND SPECULATIONS. 27 Avretclies, that they ungratefully refused to acknowledge the strangers as their benefactors, and persisted in disbelieving the doctrines they endeavoured to inculcate ; most insolently alleging, that, from their conduct, the advocates of Christianity ilid not seem to believe in it themselves. Was not this too much for human patience? — would not one suppose that the benign visitants from Europe, provoked at their incredulity and discouraged by their stifi-necked obstinacy, would for ever have abandoned their shores, and consigned them to their original ignorance and misery? — But no; so zealous were they to effect the temporal comfort and eternal salva- tion of these pagan infidels, that they even proceeded from the milder means of persuasion, to the more painful and troublesome one of persecution — let loose among them whole troops of fiery monks and furious bloodhounds — purified them by fire and sword, by stake and faggot; in consequence of which indefatigable measures the cause of Christian love and charity was so rapidly advanced, that in a i'ew years not one fifth of the number of unbelievers existed in South America that were found thereat the time of its discovery. What stronger right need the European settlers advance to the country than this ? Have not whole nations of un- informed savages been made acquainted with a thou- sand imperious wants and indispensable comforts, of which they were before wholly ignorant? Have they not been literally hunted and smoked out of the dens and lurking places of ignorance and infidelity, and absolutely scourged into the right path ? Have not the temporal things, the vain baubles and filthy lucre of this world, which were too apt to engage their worldly and selfish thoughts, been benevo- lently taken from tliem ; and have they not, instead thereof, been taught to set their affections on things above? — And finally, to use the words of a reverend Spanish father, in a letter to his superior in Spain — '-Can any one have the presumption to say that these savage Pagans have yielded any tiling more than an inconsiderable recompense to their benefactors, in surrendering to them a little pitiful tract of this dirty sublunary planet in exchange for a glorious in- heritance in the kingdom of heaven ? " Here, then, are three complete and undeniable sources of I'ight established, any one of which was more tlian ample to establish a property in the newly discovered regions of 28 HISTORY OF NE\Y-YOrtK. [bOOK I. America. Now, so it Ims liapponed in certain parts of this <]elig^Iitf'iil quarter of the, globe, tliat tlie right of fliscovery has been so strenuously asserted — the influence of cultivation so industriously extended, and the progress of salvation and civilisation so zealously prosecuted, that, what with their attendant wars, persecutions, oppressions, diseases, and other partial evils that often hang on the skirts of great benefits — the savage aborigines have, somehow or another, been utterly annihilated — and this all at once brings me to a fourth right, which is worth all the others put togetlier. — For the original claimants to the soil being all dead and buried, and no one remaining to inherit or dispute the soil, the Spaniards, as the next immediate occupants, entered upon the possessi(m as clearly as the hangman succeeds to the clothes of the male- factor— and as tiiey have Blackstone*, and all the learned expoundei-s of the law on their side, they may set all actions of ejectment at defiance — and this last right may be entitled the KiGiiT BY EXTEHMiXATiox, or, in other words, the kight BY GUNPOWDER. But lest any scruples of conscience should remain on this head, and to settle the question of right for ever, his holiness Pope Alexander YI. issued a bull, by which he generously grnnted the newly-discovered quarter of the globe to the Spaniards and Portuguese ; who, thus having law and gospel on their side, and being inflamed with great spiritual zeal, showed the Pagan savages neither favour nor affection, but prosecuted the work of discovery, colonisation, civilisa- tion, and extermination, with ten times more fury than ever. Thus were the European worthies Avho first discovered America clearly entitled to the soil ; and not only entitled to the soil, but likewise to the eternal thanks of these infidel savages, for having come so far, endured so many perils by sea and land, and taking such unwearied pains, for no other purpose but to improve their forlorn, uncivilised, and hea- thenish condition: for having made them acquainted with the comforts of life ; for having introduced among them the light of religion; and, finally, for having hurried them out of the world to enjoy its reward ! But as argument is never so well understood by us selfish mortals as when it comes home to ourselves, and as I am par- ticularly anxious that this question should be put to rest for * BL Com. b. ii. c. 1. CHAP, v.] INGENIOUS TIIKOKIES AND SPECULATIONS. 29 ever, I will suppose a parallel case, by way of arousing the candid attention of my readers. Let lis suppose, then, that the inhabitants of the moon, by astonishing advancement in science, and by profound insight into that lunar philosophy, the mere flickerings of which liave of late years dazzled the feeble optics, and addled the shallow brains of the good people of our globe — let us sup- pose, I say, that the inhabitants of the moon, by these means, had arrived at sucli a command of their energies, such an enviable state cii perfectibilitij, as to control the elements, and navigate tiie boundless regions of space. Let us suppose a roving crew of these soaring philosophers, in the course of an aerial voyage of discovery among the stars, should chance to alight upon this outlandish planet. And here I beg my readers will not have the uncharitable- ness to smile, as is too frequently the fault of volatile readers, when perusing the grave speculations of philosophers. I am far from indulging in any sportive vein at present; nor is the supposition I have been making so wild as many may deem it. It has long been a very serious and anxious question with me, and many a time and oft, in the course of my overwhelm- ing cares and contrivances for the welfore and protection of this my native planet, have I lain awake whole nights debating in my mind, whether it were most probable we should first discover and civilise the moon, or the moon discover and civilise our globe. Neither would the pi'odigy of sailing in the air and cruising among the stars be a whit more astonishing and incomprehensible to us, than Avas the European mystery of navigating floating castles through the world of waters, to the simple natives. "We have already discovered the art of coasting along the aerial shores of our planet by means of balloons, as the savages had of venturing along their sea-coasts in canoes ; and the disparity between the ibrmer and the aerial vehicles of the philosophers from the moon might not be greater than that between the bark canoes of tiie savages and the mighty ships of their dis- coverers. I might here pursue an endless chain of similar speculations; but as they would be unimportant to my subject, I abandon them to my reader, particularly if he be a philo- soplier, as matters well worthy of his attentive consideration. To return then to my supposition — let us suppose that the aerial visitants I have mentioned, possessed of vastly superior oO HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [jiOOK I. knowledge to ourselves ; that is to say, possessed of superior knowledge in the art of extermination — riding on hyppogriffs — defended with impenetrable armour — armed with concen- trated sunbeams, and provided with vast engines, to luirl enormous moon-stones ; in short, let us suppose them, if our vanity will permit the supposition, as superior to us in know- ledge, and consequently in power, as the Europeans were to the Indians when they tirst discovered them. All this is very possible ; it is only our self-sufficiency that makes us think otherwise ; and I warrant the poor savages, before they had any knowledge of the white men, armed in all the terrors of glittering steel and tremendous gunpowder, were as perfectly convinced that they themselves were the wisest, the most virtuous, powerful, and perfect of crentiul beings, as are, at this present moment, the lordly inhabitants of old England, the volatile populace of France, or even the self- satisfied citizens of this most enlightened republic. Let us suppose, moreover, that the aerial voyagers, finding this planet to be nothing but a howling wilderness, in- habited by us poor savages and wild beasts, shall take formal possession of it, in the name of his most gracious and philo- sophic excellency, the man in the moon. Finding, however, that their numbers are incompetent to hold it in complete subjection, on account of the ferocious barbarity of its in- habitants, they shall take our worthy President, the King of England , the Emperor of Hayti, the mighty Bonaparte, and the great King of Bantam, and returning to their native planet, shall carry them to court, as were the Indian chiefs led about as spectacles in the courts of Europe. Then making such obeisance as the etiquette of the court requires, they shall address the puissant man in the moon in, as near as I can conjecture, die following terms: — " Most serene and mighty Potentate, whose dominions extend as i'ar as eye can reach, who rideth on the Great Bear, useth the sun as a looking-glass, and maintaineth un- rivalled control over tides, madmen, and sea-crabs. We thy liege subjects have just returned from a voyage of discovery, in the course of which we have landed and taken possession of that obscure little dirty planet, which thou beholdest rolling at a distance. The five uncouth monsters, which we have bi'ought into this august presence, were once very im- portant chiefs among their fellow savages, who are a race of .CHAr. v.] INGENIOUS THEORIES AND SPECULATIONS. 31 beings totally destitute of the common attributes of humanity, and diifering in every thing from the inhabitants of the moon, inasmuch as they carry their heads upon their shoulders, instead of under their arms — have two eyes instead of one — are utterly destitute of tails, and of a variety of unseemly complexions, particularly of hori'ible whiteness, instead of pea-green. '• We have, moreover, found these miserable savages sunk into a state of the utmost ignorance and depravity, every man shamelessly living with his own wife, and rearing his own children, instead of indulging in that community of wives enjoined by the law of nature, as expounded by the philosophers of the moon. In a word, they have scarcely a gleam of true philosophy among them, but are, in fact, utter heretics, ignoramuses, and barbarians. Taking compassion, therefore, on the sad condition of these sublunary wretches, we have endeavoured, while we remained on their planet, to introduce among them the light of reason, and the comforts of the moon. We have treated them to mouthfuls of moonshine, and draughts of nitrous oxide, which they swallowed with incredible voracity, pai'ticulai'ly the females ; and we have likewise endeavoured to instil into them the precepts of lunar philosophy. We have insisted upon their I'enouncing the contemptible shackles of religion and common sense, and adoring the profound, omnipotent, and all perfect energy, and the ecstatic, immutable, immovable perfection. But such was the unparalleled obstinacy of these wretched savages, that they persisted in cleaving to their wives, and adhering to their religion, and absolutely set at naught the sublime doctrines of the moon — nay, among other abomi- nable Iieresies, they even went so far as blasphemously to declare, that this ineffable planet was made of nothing more nor less than green cheese!" At these words, the great man in the moon (being a very profound philosopher) shall fall into a terrible passion, and possessing equal authority over things that do not belong to him, as did whilom his holiness the Pope, shall forth- with issue a formidable bull, specifying, '' That whereas a certain crew of Lunatics have lately discovered, and taken possession of a newly discovered planet called the earth — and that whereas it is inhabited by none but a race of two-legged animals that carry their heads on their shoulders instead of 32 HISTORY OF XEW-YOUK. [liOOK I. under their arms; cannot talk tlie lunatic language; have two eyes instead of one ; are destitute of tails, and of a horrible whiteness, instead of pea-green — therefore, and for a variety of other excellent reasons, they are considered in- capable of i)ossessing any property in the planet they infest, and the right and title to it are confirmed to its original discoverers. — And furthermore, the colonists who are now about to depart to the aforesaid planet are authorised and commanded to use every means to convert these infidel savages from the darkness of Christianity, and make them thorough and absolute lunatics." In consequence of this benevolent bull, our philosophic benef;ictoi'3 go to work with liearty zeal. Tiiev seize upon our fertile territories, scourge us from our rightful pos- sessions, relieve us from our wives, and Avhen we are un- reasonable enough to complain, they will turn upon us and say, Miserable barbarians! ungrateful wretches I have we not come thousands of miles to improve your worthless planet ; have we not fed you with moonshine ; have we not intoxicated you with nitrous oxide ; does not our moon give you light every night, and have you the baseness to murmur, when we claim a pitiful return for all these benefits? But iinding that we not only persist in absolute contempt of their reasoning and disbelief in their philosophy, but even go so far as daringly to defend our property, their patience shall be exhausted, and they shall resort to their superior powers of argument ; liunt us with hyppogriffs, transfix us with concen- trated sunbeams, demolish our cities with moon-stones; until liaving, by main force, converted us to the true faith, thev shall graciously permit us to exist in the torrid deserts of Arabia, or the frozen regions of Lapland, there to enjoy the blessings of civilisation and the charms of lunar philosophy, in much the same manner as the reformed and enliglitened savages of this country are kindly suffered to inhabit the in- liospitable forests of the north, or the impenetrable wilder- nesses of South America. Thus, I hope, I have clearly proved, and strikingly illus- trated, the right of the early colonists to the possession of this country ; and thus is this gigantic question completely vanquished : so having manfully surmounted all obstacles, and subdued all opposition, what remains but that I should forthwith conduct jny readers into the city which we have been so long in a manner besieging? But hold; before I BOOK. 11.3 FIRST SETTLEMENT OP NIETJW NEDERLANDTS. 33 proceed finother step, I must pause to take breath, and recover from the excessive fatigue I have undergone, in preparing to begin this most accurate of histories. And in tliis I do but imitate the example of a renowned Dutch tumbler of antiquity, who took a start of three miles for the purpose of jumping over a hill, but having run himself out of breath by the time lie reached the foot, sat himself (juietly down for a few moments to blow, and then walked over it at his leisure. BOOK II. TREATING OF THE FIRST SETTLEMENT OF THE PRO\'INCE OP NIEUW NEDERLANDTS. CHAPTER I. Mt great-grandfather, by the mother's side, Hermanus Van Clattercop, when employed to build the large stone church at Rotterdam, which stands about three hundred yards to your left after you turn oif from the Boomkeys, and which is so conveniently constructed, that all the zealous Christians of Rotterdam prefer sleeping through a sermon there to any other church in the city — my great-grandfather, I say, when employed to build that famous churchy, did in the first place send to Delft for a box of long pipes ; then having purchased a new spitting-box and a hundred weight of the best Virginia, he sat himself down, and did nothing for the space of three months but smoke most laboriously. Then did he spend lull three months more in trudging on foot, and voyaging in trekschuit, from Rotterdam to Amsterdam — to Delft — to Haerlem — to Leyden — to the Hague, knocking his head and breaking his pipe against every church in his road. Then did he advance gradually nearer and nearer to Rotterdam, until lie came in full sight of the identical spot whereon the church was to be built. Then did he spend three months longer in walking round it and round it, contemplating it, first from one point of view, and then from another — now would he be paddled by it on the canal — now would he peep at it through a telescope from the other side of the IMeuse, and now would he take a bird's-eye glance at it, from the top of one of those gigantic windmills which protect the gates of D 34 HISTORY OF NEW-TORK. [bOOK II. the city. The good folks of the place were on the tiptoe of expectation and impatience — notwithstanding all the turmoil of my great-grandfather, not a symptom of the church was yet to be seen ; they even began to fear it would never be brought into the world, but that its great projector would lie down and die in labour of the mighty plan he had conceived. At length, having occupied twelve good months in puffing and paddling, and talking and walking — having travelled over all Holland, and even taken a peep into France and Germany — having smoked five hundred and ninety-nine pipes, and three hundred weight of the best Virginia tobacco — my great-grandfather gathered together all that knowing and industrious class of citizens who prefer attending to any body's business sooner than their own, and having pulled off his coat and five pair of breeches, he advanced sturdily up, and laid the corner-stone of the church, in the presence of the whole multitude — just at the commencement of the thirteenth month. In a similar manner, and with the example of my worthy ancestor full before my eyes, have I proceeded in writing this most authentic history. The honest Rotterdamers no doubt thought my great-grandfather was doing nothing at all to the purpose, while he was making such a world of prefatory bustle about the building of his church ; and many of the in- genious inhabitants of this fiiir city will unquestionably sup- pose that all the preliminary chapters, with the discovery, population, and final settlement of America, were totally irrelevant and superfluous — and that the main business, the history of New-York, is not a jot more advanced than if I had never taken up my pen. Never were wise people more mistaken in their conjectures; in consequence of going to work slowly and deliberately, the church came out of my grandfather's hands one of the most sumptuous, goodly, and glorious edifices in the known world — excepting that, like our magnificent capitol at Washington, it was begun on so grand a scale that the good folks could not afford to finish more than the wing of it. So, likewise, I trust, if ever I am able to finish this work on the plan I have commenced, (of which, in simple truth, I sometimes have my doubts,) it will be found that I have pursued the latest rules of my art, as exemplified in the writings of all the great American his- torians, and wx'ought a very large history out of a small CHAP. I.] FIRST SETTLEMENT OF NIEUW NEDERLANDTS. 35 subject — which, now-a-days, is considered one of the great triumphs of historic skill. To proceed, then, with the thread of my story. In the ever-memorable year of our Lord, 1609, on a Sa- turday morning, the five-and-twentieth day of March, old style, did that "worthy and irrecoverable discoverer (as he has justly been called). Master Henry Hudson," set sail from Holland in a stout vessel called the Half Moon, being em- ployed by the Dutch East India Company to seek a north-west passage to China. Henry (or, as the Dutch histoinans call him, Hendrick) Hudson was a seafaring man of renown, who had learned to smoke tobacco under Sir Walter Raleigh, and is said to have been the first to introduce it into Holland, which gained him much popularity in that country, and caused him to find great favour in the eyes of their High Mightinesses the Lords States General, and also of the Honourable West India Com- pany. He was a short, square, brawny old gentleman, with a double chin, a mastiff mouth, and a broad copper nose, which was supposed in those days to have acquired its fiery hue from the constant neighbourhood of his tobacco pipe. He wore a true Andrea Ferrara, tucked in a leathern belt, and a commodore's cocked hat on one side of his head. He was remarkable for always jerking up his breeches when he gave out his orders, and his voice sounded not unlike the brattling of a tin trumpet, owing to the number of hard north-westers which he had swallowed in the course of his seafaring. Such was Hendrick Hudson, of whom we have heard so much, and know so little ; and I have been thus particular in his description for the benefit of modern painters and sta- tuaries, that they may represent him as he was ; and not, according to their common custom with modern heroes, make him look like Csesar, or Marcus Aurelius, or the Apollo of Belvidere. As chief mate and favourite companion, the commodore chose master Robert Juet, of Limehouse, in England. By some his name has been spelt Chewit, and ascribed to the cir- cumstance of his having been the first man that ever chewed tobacco ; but this I believe to be a mere flippancy ; more especially as certain of his progeny are living at this day, who write their names Juet. He was an old comrade and 36 HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK H. early schoolmate of the great Hudson, with whom he had often played truant and sailed chip boats in a neighbouring pond, when they were little boys ; from whence, it is said, the commodore first derived his bias towards a seafaring life. Certain it is, that the old people about Limehouse declared Kobert Juet to be an unlucky urchin, prone to mischief, that would one day or other come to the gallows. He grew up as boys of that kind often grow up, a ram- bling, heedless varlet, tossed about in all quarters of the world, meeting with more perils and wonders than did Sinbad the Sailor, without growing a whit more wise, prudent, or ill- natured. Under every misfortune, he comforted himself with a quid of tobacco, and the truly philosophic maxim, that " it will be all the same thing a hundred years hence." He was skilled in the art of carving anchors and true lovers' knots on the bulk-heads and quarter-railings, and was considered a gi'eat wit on board ship, in consequence of his playing pranks on every body around, and now and then even making a wry face at old Hendrick, when his back was turned. To this universal genius are we indebted for many par- ticulars concerning this voyage, of which he wrote a history, at the request of the commodore, who had an unconquerable aversion to writing himself, from having received so many floggings about it when at school. To supply the deficiencies appears, however, to have dreamt to some purpose during his sway, as we find him afterwards living as a patroon on a great landed estate on the banks of the Hudson, having vir- tually forfeited all right to his ancient appellation of Kortlandt, or Lackland. It was in the year of our Lord 1629 that Mynheer Wouter Van Twiller was appointed governor of the province of Nieuw Nederlandts, under the commission and control of their High Mightinesses the Lords States General of the United Netherlands and the privileged West India Company. This renowned old gentleman arrived at New-Amsterdam in the merry month of June, the sweetest month in all the year; when Dan Apollo seems to dance up the transparent fir- mament— when the robin, the thrush, and a thousand other wanton songsters make the woods to resound with amorous ditties, and the luxurious little bobhncon revels among the clover blossoms of the meadows — all which happy coincidence persuaded the old dames of New- Amsterdam, who were skilled in the art of foretelling events, that this was to be a happy and prospei'ous administration. The renowned Wouter (or Walter) Van Twiller was de- scended from a long line of Dutch burgomasters, who had suc- cessively dozed away their lives, and grown fat upon the bench of magistracy in Rotterdam; and who had comported themselves with such singular wisdom and propriety, that they were never either heard or talked of — which, next to being universally applauded, should be the object of ambition of all magistrates and rulers. There are two opposite Avays by which some men make a figure in the world; one by talking faster than they think, and the other by holding their tongues and not thinking at all By the first many a smatterer acquires the reputation of a man of quick parts; by the other many a dunderpate, like the owl, the stupidest of birds, comes to be considered the very type of wisdom. This, by the way, is a casual remark, whicli I would not for the universe have it thought I apply to Governor Van Twiller. It is true he was a man shut up within himself, like an oyster, and rarely spoke except in monosyllables ; but then it was allowed he seldom said a foolish thing. So invincible was his gravity that he was never known to laugh, or even to smile, through the whole course of a long and prosperous life. Nay, if a joke were uttered in his presence, that set light-minded hearers in a roar, 76 I HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [BOOK 111, it was observed to throw him into a stare of perplexity. Sometimes lie would deign to inquire into the matter, and when, after much explanation, the joke was made as plain as a pike-staff, he would continue to smoke his pipe in silence, and at length, knocking out the ashes, would exclaim, " Well ! I see nothing in all that to laugh about." Witli all liis I'eflective habits, he never made up his mind on a subject. His adherents accounted for this by the aston- ishing magnitude of his ideas. He conceived every subject on so grand a scale that he had not room in his head to turn it over and examine both sides of it. Certain it is that if any matter were propounded to him on which ordinary mortals Avould rashly determine at first glance, he would put on a vague, mysterious look, shake his capacious head, smoke some time in profound silence, and at length observe that " he had his doubts about the matter;" which gained him the reputa- tion of a man slow of belief, and not easily imposed upon. Vfhat is more, it gained him a lasting name, for to this habit of the mind has been attributed his surname of Twiller, which is said to be a corruption of the original Twijfler, or, in plain English, Doubter. The person of this illustrious old gentleman was formed and proportioned, as though it had been moulded by the hands of some cunning Dutch statuary, as a model of majesty and lordly grandeur. He was exactly five feet six inches in height, and six feet five inches in circumference. His head was a perfect sphere, and of such stupendous dimensions, tliat dame Nature, with all her sex's ingenuity, would have been puzzled to construct a neck capable of supporting it ; where- fore she wisely declined the attempt, and settled it firmly on the top of his back-bone, just between the shoulders. His body was oblong and particularly capacious at bottom, which was wisely ordered by Providence, seeing that he was a man of sedentary habits, and very averse to the idle labour of walking. His legs Avere short, but sturdy in proportion to the weight they had to sustain; so that, when erect, he had not a little the appearance of a beer barrel on skids. His face, that infallible index of the mind, presented a vast expanse, unfurrowed by any of those lines and angles which disfigure the human coun- tenance witli what is termed expression. Two small grey eyes twinkled feebly in the midst, like two stars of lesser mag- nitude in a hazy firmament; and his full-fed cheeks, which CHAP. I.] GOLDEN' REIGN OF WOUTER VAN TWILLEK. 77 seemed to have tfiken toll of every thing that went into his mouth, were curiously mottled and streaked with dusky red, like a Spitzenberg apple. His habits were as regular as his person. He daily took his four stated meals, appropriating exactly an hour to each; he smoked and doubted eight hours, and he slept the remaining twelve of the four-and-twenty. Such was the renowned Wouter Van Twiller — a true philosopher, for his mind was either elevated above, or tranquilly settled below, the cares and perplexities of this world. He had lived in it for years, without feeling the least curiosity to know whether the suu revolved round it, or it round the sun; and he had watched, for at least half a century, the smoke curling from his pipe to the ceiling, without once troubling his head with any of those numerous theories, by which a philosoplier would have per- plexed his brain, in accounting for its rising above the sur- rounding atmosphere. In his council he presided with great state and solemnity He sat in a huge chair of solid oak, hewn in the celebrated forest of the Hague, fabricated by an experienced tiramermau of Amsterdam, and curiously carved about the arms and feet, into exact imitations of gigantic eagle's claws. Instead of a sceptre he swayed a long Turkish pipe, wrought with jasmin and amber, Avhich liad been presented to a stadtholder of Holland, at the conclusion of a treaty with one of the petty Barbary Powers. In this stately chair would he sit, and this xnagniiicent pipe would he smoke, shaking his right knee with a constant motion, and fixing his eye for hours together upon a little print of Amsterdam, which hung in a black frauje against tiie opposite wall of the council cliamber. In ay, it lias even been said, that when any deliberation of extra- ordinary length and intricacy was on the carpet, the renowned Wouter would shut his eyes for full two hours at a time, that he might not be disturbed by external objects — and at such times the internal commotion of his mind was evinced by certain regular guttural sounds, which his admirers declared were merely the noise of conflict, made by his contending doubts and opinions. Jt is with infinite difficulty I have been enabled to collect these biographical anecdotes of the great man under consider- ation. The facts respecting liim were so scattered and vague, and divers of them so questionable in point of authenticity, 78 HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK III. that I have had to give up the search after many, and decline the admission of still more, which would have tended to heighten the colouring of his portrait. I have heen the more anxious to delineate fully the person and habits of Wouter Van Twiller, from the consideration that he was not only the first, but also the best governor, that ever presided over this ancient and respectable province ; and so tranquil and benevolent was his reign, that I do not iind throughout the whole of it, a single instance of any offender being brought to punishment — a most indubitable sign of a merciful governor, and a case unparalleled, ex- cepting in the reign of the illustrious King Log, from whom, it is hinted, the renowned Van Twiller was a lineal descendant. The very outset of the career of this excellent magistrate was distinguished by an example of legal acumen, that gave flattering presage of a wise and equitable administration. The morning after he had been installed in office, and at the moment that he was making his breakfast from a pro- digious earthen dish, filled with milk and Indian pudding, he was interrupted by tlie appearance of Wandle Schoonhoven, a very important old burgher of New-Amsterdam, who com- plained bitterly of one Barent Bleecker, inasmuch as he re- fused to come to a settlement of accounts, seeing that there was a heavy balance in favour of the said Wandle. Governor Van Twiller, as I have already observed, was a man of few words ; he was likewise a mortal enemy to mutiply- ing writings, or being disturbed at his breakfast. Having listened attentively to the statement of Wandle Schoonhoven, giving an occasional grunt, as he shovelled a spoonful of Indian pudding into his mouth — either as a sign that he relished the dish, or comprehended the story — he called unto him his constable, and pulling out of his breeches pocket a huge jack-knife, dispatched it after the defendant as a summons, accompanied by his tobacco-box as a warrant. This summary process was as effectual in those simple days as was the seal ring of the great Haroun Alraschid among the true believers. The two parties being confronted before him, each produced a book of accounts, written in a language and character that would have puzzled any but a High Dutch commentator, or a learned decipherer of Egyptian obelisks. The sage Wouter took them one after the other, and having poised them in his hands, and attentively counted CHAP. II.] GOLDEN REIGN OF WOUTER VAN TWILLER, 79 over the number of leaves, fell straightway into a very great doubt, and smoked for half an hour without saying a word; at length, laying his finger beside his nose, and shutting his eyes for a moment, with the air of a man who has just caught a subtle idea by the tail, he slowly took his pipe from his mouth, puffed forth a column of tobacco smoke, and with marvellous gravity and solemnity pronounced — that having carefully counted over the leaves and weighed the books, it was found, that one was just as thick and as heavy as the other — therefore it was the final opinion of the court that the accounts were equally balanced — therefore Wandle should give Barent a receipt, and Barent should give Wandle a receipt, — and the constable should pay the costs. This decision being straightway made known, diffused general joy throughout New- Amsterdam, for the people im- mediately perceived, that they had a very wise and equitable magistrate to rule over them. But its happiest effect was, that not another lawsuit took place throughout the whole of his administration — and the office of constable fell into such decaj', that there was not one of those losel scouts known in tlie province for many years. I am the more particular in dwelling on this transaction, not only because I deem it one of the most sage and righteous judgments on record, and well worthy the attention of modern magistrates, but because it was a miraculous event in the history of the renowned Wouter, being the only time he was ever known to come to a decision in the whole course of his life. CHAP. II. In ti-eating of the early governors of the province, I naust caution my readers against confounding them, in point of dignity and power, with those worthy gentlemen who are whimsically denominated governors in this enlightened re- public— a set of unhappy victims of popularity, who are in fact the most dependent, hen-pecked beings in the community, doomed to bear the secret goadings and corrections of their own party, and the sneers and revilings of the whole world beside — set up, like geese at Christmas holidays, to be pelted and shot at by every whipster and vagabond in the land. On the contrary, the Dutch governors enjoyed that 80 HiSTonr of netv'-i'ork. [book hi. uncontrolled autliority, Aested in all commanders of distant colonies or territories. They were in a manner absolute despots in their little domains, lording it, if so disposed, over both law and jrospel, and accountable to none but the mother country; which, it is well known, is astonishingly deaf to all complaints against its governors, provided they discharge the main duty of their station — squeezing out a good revenue. This hint will be of importance, to prevent my readers from being seized with doubt and incredulity, whenever, in the course of this authentic history, they encounter the un- common circumstance of a governor acting with independence, and in opposition to the opinions of the multitude. To assist the doubtful Wouter in the arduous business of legislation, a board of magistrates was appointed, which pre- sided immediately over the police. This potent body con- sisted of a sellout, or bailitf, with powers between those of tlie present mayor and sheriff — five burgermeesters, who were equivalent to aldermen, and five schepens, who officiated as scrubs, sub-devils, or bottle-holders to the burgermeesters, in the same manner as do assistant aldermen to their princi- pals at the present day ; it being their duty to fill the pipes of the lordly burgermeesters, hunt the markets for delicacies for corporation dinners, and to discharge such other little offices of kindness as were occasionally required. It was, moreover, tacitly understood, though not specifically enjoined, tliat they should consider themselves as butts for the blunt wits of the burgermeesters, and should laugh most heartilj'- at all their jokes ; but this last was a duty as rarely called in action in those days as it is at present, and was shortly remitted, in consequence of the tragical death of a fat little schepen, who actually died of suffocation in an unsuccessful effort to force a laugh at one of burgermeester Van Zandt's best jokes. In return for these hum1)le services, they were permitted to say yes and no at the council-board, and to have that enviable piivilege, the run of the public kitchen — being graciously permitted to eat, and drink, and smoke, at ail those snug junketings and public gormandisings, for which the ancient magistrates were equally famous with their modern successors. The post of schepen, therefore, like that of assistant alderman, was eagerly coveted by all your burghers of a certain description, who have a Jhuge relish CHAP. I!.] GOLDEN REIGN OF WOUTER VAN TWILLER. 81 for good feeding, and an humble ambition to be great men in a small Avay — who thirst after a little brief authority, that shall render them the terror of the almshouse and the bridewell — that shall enable them to lord it over obsequious poverty, vagrant vice, outcast prostitution, and hunger-driven dishonesty — that shall give to their beck a hound-like pack of catchpolls and bumbailiflfs — tenfold greater rogues than the culprits they hunt down ! My readers will excuse this sudden warmth, which I confess is unbecoming of a grave historian ; but I have a mortal antipathy to catchpolls, bumbailiffs, and little great men. The ancient magistrates of this city corresponded with those of the present time no less in form, magnitude, and intellect, than in prerogative and privilege. The burgo- masters, like our aldermen, were generally chosen by weight — and not only the weight of the body, but likewise the weight of the head. It is a maxim practically observed in all honest, plain-thinking, regular cities, that an alderman should be fat — and the wisdom of this can be proved to a certainty. That the body is in some measure an image of the mind, or rather that the mind is moulded to the body, like melted lead to the clay in which it is cast, has been insisted on by many philosophers, who have made human nature their peculiar study — for, as a learned gentleman of our own city observes, " there is a constant relation between the moral character of all intelligent creatures, and their physical constitution — between their habits and the structure of their bodies." Thus we see that a lean, spare, diminutive body is generally accompanied by a petulant, restless, meddling mind ; either the mind wears down the body, by its con- tinual motion ; or else the body, not affording the mind sufficient house-room, keeps it continually in a state of fret- fulness, tossing and worrying about from the uneasiness of its situation. Whereas your round, sleek, fat, unwieldy periphery is ever attended by a mind like itself, tranquil, torpid, and at ease ; and we may always observe, that your well-fed, robustious burghers are in general very tenacious of their ease and comfort ; being great enemies to noise, discord, and disturbance — and surely none are more likely to study the public tranquillity than those who are so carefid of their own. Who ever hears of fat men heading a riot, or herding together in turbulent mobs ? No — no — it is your lean, hungry men G 82 HISTORY OF NEW-TOBK. [bOOK HI. who are continually worrying society, and setting the whole community by the ears. The divine Plato, whose doctrines are not sufiSciently attended to by philosophers of the present age, allows to every man three souls — one immortal and rational, seated in the brain, that it may overlook and regulate the body ; a second, consisting of the surly and irascible passions which, like belligerent powers, lie encamped around the heart ; a third, mortal and sensual, destitute of reason, gross and brutal in its propensities, and enchained in the belly, that it may not disturb the divine soul by its ravenous bowlings. Now, according to this excellent theory, what can be more clear, than that your fat alderman is most likely to have the most regular and well-conditioned mind. His head is like a huge spherical chamber, containing a prodigious mass of soft brains, whereon the rational soul lies softly and snugly couched, as on a feather-bed ; and the eyes which are the windows of the bed-chamber, are usually half-closed, that its slumberings may not be disturbed by external objects. A mind thus comfortably lodged, and protected from disturbance, is mani- festly most likely to perform its functions with regularity and ease. By dint of good feeding, moreover, the mortal and malignant soul, which is confined in the belly, and which, by its raging and roaring, puts the irritable soul in the neigh- bourhood of the heart in an intolerable passion, and thus renders men crusty and quarrelsome when hungry, is com- pletely pacified, silenced, and put to rest; whereupon a host of honest, good-fellow qualities and kind-hearted affections, which had lain perdue, slyly peeping out of the loopholes of the heart, finding this Cerberus asleep, do pluck up their spirits, turn out one and all in their holiday suits, and gambol up and down the diaphragm — disposing their possessor to laughter, good humour, and a thousand friendly offices towards his fellow mortals. As a board of magistrates, formed on this principle, think but very little, they are the less likely to differ and wrangle about lavourite opinions ; and, as they generally transact business upon a hearty dinner, they are naturally disposed to be lenient and indulgent in the administration of their duties. Charlemagne was conscious of this, and therefore ordered in his cartularies, tliat no judge should hold a court of justice except in the morning, on an empty stomach. — A pitiful rule. CHAP. U.] GOLDEN REIGN OF "VVOUTER VAN TWILLER. 83 which I can never forgive, and which I warrant bore hard upon all the poor culprits in the kingdom. The more en- lightened and humane generation of the present day have taken an opposite course, and have so managed, that the aldermen are the best fed men in the community ; feasting lustily on the fat things of the land, and gorging so heartily on oysters and turtles, that in process of time they acquire the activity of the one, and the form, the waddle, and the green fat of the other. The consequence is, as I have just said, these luxurious feastings do produce such a dulcet equa- nimity and repose of the soul, rational and irrational, that their transactions are proverbial for unvarying monotony ; and the profound laws which they enact in their dozing moments, amid the labours of digestion, are quietly suffered to remain as dead letters, and never enforced, when awake. In a word, your fair, round-bellied burgomaster, like a full- fed mastilF, dozes quietly at the house-door, always at home, and always at hand to watch over its safety ; but as to elect- ing a lean, meddling candidate to the office, as has now and then been done, I would as lief put a greyhound to watch the house, or a racehorse to draw an ox-waggon. The burgomasters then, as I have already mentioned, were wisely chosen by weight, and the schepens, or assistant alder- men, were appointed to attend upon them, and help them eat ; but the latter, in the course of time, when they had been fed and fiittened into sufficient bulk of body and drowsiness of brain, became very eligible candidates for the burgomasters' chairs, having fairly eaten themselves into office, as a mouse eats his way into a comfortable lodgment in a goodly, blue- nosed, skimmed milk, New-England cheese. Nothing could equal the profound deliberations that took place between the renowned Wouter and these his worthy compeers, unless it be the sage divans of some of our modern corporations. They would sit for hours smoking and dozing over public affiiirs, without speaking a word to interrupt that perfect stillness, so necessary to deep reflection. Under the sober sway of Wouter Van Twiller and these his worthy coadjutors, the infant settlement waxed vigorous apace, gra- dually emerging from the swamps and forests, and exhibiting that mingled appearance of town and country customary in new cities, and which at this day may be witnessed in the 84 HISTOHY OF NKW-YORK. [bOOK III. city of Washington ; that immense metropolis, which makes so glorious an appearance on paper. It was a pleasing sight in those times to behold the honest burgher, like a patriarch of yore, seated on the bench at the door of his whitewashed house, under the shade of some gigantic sycamore or overhanging willow. Here would he smoke Iiis pipe of a sultry afternoon, enjoying the soft southern breeze, and listening with silent gratulation to the clucking of his hens, the cackling of his geese, and the sonorous grunting of his swine ; that combination of farmyard melody, which may truly be said to have a silver sound, inasmuch as it con- veys a certain assurance of profitable marketing. The modern spectator, who wanders through the streets of this populous city, can scarcely form an idea of the different appearance they presented in the primitive days of the Doubter. The busy hum of multitudes, the shouts of revelry, the rumbling equipages of fashion, the rattling of accursed carts, and all the spirit-grieving sounds of brawling commerce, were unknown in the settlement of New- Amsterdam. The grass grew quietly in the highways — the bleating sheep and frolicksome calves sported about the verdant ridge, where now the Broadway loungers take their morning stroll — the cunning fox or ravenous wolf skulked in the woods, where now are to be seen the dens of Gomez and his righteous fra- ternity of money-brokers — and flocks of vociferous geese cackled about the fields, where now the great Tammany wig- wam and the patriotic tavern of Martling echo with the wrang- lings of the mob. In these good times did a true and enviable equality of rank and property prevail, equally removed from the arrogance of wealth, and the servility and heart-burnings of repining poverty — and, what in my mind is still more conducive to tranquillity and harmony among friends, a happy equality of intellect was likewise to be seen. The minds of the good burghers of New- Amsterdam seemed all to have been cast in one mould, and to be those honest, blunt minds, which, like certain manufactures, are made by the gross, and con- sidered as exceedingly good for common use. Thus it happens that your true dull minds are generally preferred for public employ, and especially promoted to city honours ; your keen intellects, like razors, being considei'ed too sharp for common service. I know that it is common to CHAP. II.] GOLDEN REIGN OF WOUTEK VAN TWILLEK. 83 rail at the unequal distribution of riches, as the great source of jealousies, broils, and heart-breakings ; whereas, for my part, I verily believe it is the sad inequality of intellect that prevails, that embroils communities more than any thing else; and I have remarked that your knowing people, who are so much wiser than any body else, are eternally keejjing society in a ferment. Happily for New- Amsterdam, nothing of the kind was known within its walls — the very words of learning, education, taste, and talents were unheard of — a bright genius was an animal unknown, and a blue stocking lady would have been regarded with as much wonder as a horned frog or a fiery dragon. No man in fact seemed to know more than his neighbour, nor any man to know more than an honest man ought to know, who has nobody's business to mind but his own ; the parson and the council clerk were the only men that could read in the community, and the sage Van Twiller always signed his name with a cross. Thrice happy and ever to be envied little burgh ! existing in all the security of harmless insignificance — unnoticed and uncnvied by the world, without ambition, without vain-glory, without riches, without learning, and all their train of carking cares ; and as of yore, in the better days of man, the deities were wont to visit him on earth and bless his rural habitations, so we are told, in the sylvan days of New- Amsterdam, the good St. Nicholas would often make his appearance in his beloved city, of a holiday afternoon, riding joUily among the tree-tops, or over the roofs of the houses, now and then draw- ing forth magnificent presents from his breeches pockets, and dropping them down the chimneys of his favourites. Where- as in these degenerate days of iron and brass he never shows us the ligiit of his countenance, nor ever visits us^, save one night in the year ; when he rattles down the chimneys of the descendants of the patriarchs, confining his presents merely to the children, in token of the degeneracy of the parents. Such are the comfortable and thriving effects of a fat government. The province of the New-Netherlands, destitute of wealth, possessed a sweet tranquillity that wealth could never purchase. There were neither public commotions, nor private quarrels; neither parties, nor sects, nor schisms; nei- ther persecutions, nor trials, nor punishments; nor were there counsellors, attorneys, catchpolls, or hangmen. Every maa attended to what little business he was lucky enough to have. 86 HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK in. or neglected it if* he pleased, without asking the opinion of his neighbour. In those days nobody meddled with concerns above his comprehension, nor thrust his nose into other people's affairs, nor neglected to correct his own conduct, and reform his own character, in his zeal to pull to pieces the characters of others ; but in a word, every respectable citizen eat when he was not hungry, drank when he was not thirsty, and went regularly to bed when the sun set and the fowls went to roost, whether he were sleepy or not ; all which tended so remarkably to the population of the settlement, that I am told every dutiful wife throughout New- Amsterdam made a point of enriching her husband with at least one child a year, and very often a brace — this superabundance of good things clearly constituting the true luxury of life, according to the favourite Dutch maxim, that " more than enough con- stitutes a feast." Every thing, therefore, went on exactly as it should do, and in the usual words employed by historians to express the welfare of a country, "the profoundest tran- quillity and repose reigned throughout the province." CHAP. III. Manifold are the tastes and dispositions of the enlightened literati, who turn over the pages of history. Some there be whose hearts are brimful of the yeast of courage, and whose bosoms do work, and swell, and foam with untried valour, like a barrel of new cider, or a train-baud captain fresh from under the hands of his tailor. This doughty class of readers can be satisfied with nothing but bloody battles, and horrible encoun- ters ; they must be continually storming forts, sacking cities, springing mines, marching up to the muzzles of cannon, charg- ing bayonet through every page, and revelling in gunpowder and carnage. Others, who are of a less martial, but equally ardent imagination, and who, withal, are a little given to the marvellous, will dwell with wondrous satisfaction on descrip- tions of prodigies, unheard-of events, hair-breadth escapes, hardy adventures, and all those astonishing narrations which just amble along the boundary line of possibility. A third class, who, not to speak slightly of them, are of a lighter turn, and skim over the records of past times, as they do over the edifying pages of a novel, merely for relaxation and innocent CHAP. III.J GOLDEN REIGN OF WOUTEK VAN TWILLER. 87 amusement, do singularly delight in treasons, executions, Sabine rapes, Tarquin outrages, conflngrations, murders, and all the other catalogue of hideous crimes, which, like cayenne in cookery, do give a pungency and flavour to the dull detail of history; while a fourth class, of more philosophic habits, do diligently pore over the musty chronicles of time, to inves- tigate the operations of the human kind, and watch the gradual changes in men and manners, effected by the progress of know- ledge, the vicissitudes of events, or the influence of situation. If the three first classes find but little wherewithal to solace themselves in the tranquil reign of Wouter Van Twiller, I entreat them to exert their patience for a while, and bear with the tedious picture of happiness, prosperity, and peace, which my duty as a faithful historian obliges me to draw ; and I 2:)romise them that as soon as I can possibly alight upon any thing horrible, uncommon, or impossible, it shall go hard but I will make it afford them entertainment. This being pre- mised, I turn with great complacency to the fourth class of my readers, who are men, or, if possible, women after my own heart ; grave, philosophical, and investigating ; fond of ana- lysing characters, of taking a start from first causes, and so hunting a nation down, through all the mazes of innovation and improvement. Such will naturally be anxious to witness the first development of the newly hatched colony, and the primitive manners and customs prevalent among its inhabit- ants, during the halcyon reign of Van Twiller, or the Doubter. I will not grieve their patience, however, by describing minutely the increase and improvement of New- Amsterdam. Their own imaginations will doubtless present to them the good burghers, like so many painstaking and persevering beavers, slowly and surely pursuing their labours — they will behold the prosperous transformation from the rude log hut to the stately Dutch mansion, with brick front, glazed win- dows, and tiled roof ; from the tangled thicket to the luxuriant cabbage garden ; and from the skulking Indian to the ponder- ous burgomaster. In a word, they will picture to themselves the steady, silent, and undeviating march of prosperity, inci- dent to a city destitute of pride or ambition, cherished by a fat government, and whose citizens do nothing in a hurry. The sage council, as has been mentioned in a preceding chapter, not being able to determine u])on any plan for the building of their city, the cows, in a laudable fit of patriotism. 88 IIISTORV OK NEW- YORK. [bOOK III took it uncle" tlieir peculiar cliarge, and as the}'' went to and from pasture, established patlis through tlie bushes, on each side of which the good folks built their houses ; which is one cause of the rambling and picturesque turns and lab3'rinths, which distinguish certain streets of New-York at thisverydaj. The houses of the higher class were generally constructed of wood, excepting the gable end,Avhich was of small black and yellow Dutch bricks, and always faced on the street, as our ancestors, like tlieir descendants, were very much given to out- ward show, and were noted for putting the best leg foremost. The house was always furnished with abundance of large doors and small windows on every floor, the date of its erection was curiously designated by iron figures on the front, and on the top of the roof was perched a fierce little weathercock, to let the family into the important secret Avliich way the wind blew\ These, like the weathercocks on the tops of our steeples, pointed so many different ways, that every man could have a wind to his mind ; — the most stanch and loyal citizens, however, always went according to the weathercock on the top of the governor's house, which was certainly the most correct, as he had a trusty servant employed every morning to climb up and set it to the right quarter. In those good days of simplicity and sunshine, a passion for cleanliness was the leading principle in domestic economy, and the universal test of an able housewife — a character which formed the utmost ambition of our unenlightened grandmothers. The front door was never opened except on marriages, funerals, new year's days, the festival of St. Nicho- las, or some such great occasion. It was ornamented with a gorgeous brass knocker, curiously wrought, sometimes in tlie device of a dog, and sometimes of a lion's head, and was daily burnished with such religious zeal, that it was ofttimes worn out by the very precautions taken for its preservation. The whole house was constantly in a state of inundation, under the discipline of mops and brooms and scrubbing brushes ; and the good housewives of those days were a kind of amphi- bious animal, delighting exceedingly to be dabbling in water — insomuch that an historian of the day gravely tells us, that many of his townswomea grew to have webbed fingers like unto a duck ; and some of them, he had little doubt, could the matter be examined into, would be found to have the tails of mermaids ; but this I look upon to be a mere sport of fancy, or, what is worse, a wilful misrepresentation. CHAP, in.] GOLDEN REIGN OF AVOUTEK VAN T WILLER. 89 The grand parlour was the sanctum sanctorum, where the passion for cleaning was indulged without controul. In this sacred apartment no one was permitted to enter, excepting the mistress and her confidential maid, who visited it once a-week, for the purpose of giving it a thorough cleaning, and putting things to rights ; always taking the precaution of leaving their shoes at the door, and entering devoutly on tlieir stocking feet. After scrubbing tlie floor, sprinkling it with fine white sand, which was curiously stroked into angles, and curves, and rhomboids with a broom ; after washing the windows, rubbing and polishing the furniture, and putting a new bunch of evergreens in the fireplace — the window shut- ters were again closed to keep out the flies, and the room carefully locked up until the revolution of time brought round the weekly cleaning day. As to the family, they always entered in at the gate, and most generally lived in the kitchen. To have seen a nume- rous household assembled round the fire, one would have imagined that he was transported back to those happy days of primeval simplicity, which float before our imaginations like golden visions. The fireplaces were of a truly patriarclial magnitude, where the whole family, old and young, master and servant, black and white, nay, even the very cat and dog, enjoyed a community of privilege, and had each a right to a corner. Here the old burgher would sit in perfect silence, puffing his pipe, looking in the fire with half shut eyes, and thinking of nothing for hours together ; the goede vrouw, on the opposite side, would employ herself diligently in spinning yarn, or knitting stockings. The young folks would crowd around the hearth, listening with breatldess attention to some old crone of a negro, who was the oracle of the family, and who, ])erched like a raven in a corner of the chimney, would croak forth for a long winter afternoon a string of incredible ,-tories about New England witches, grisly ghosts, horses without heads, and hair-bi'eadth escapes and bloody encoun- ters among the Indians. In tliose happy days a well regulated family always rose witli the dawn, dined at eleven, and went to bed at sunset. Dinner was invariably a private meal, and the fat old burghers showed incontestable signs of disapprobation and uneasiness at Ijeing surprised by a visit from a neighbour on such occa- sions. But though our worthy ancestors were thus singularly 90 HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK in. averse to giving dinners, yet they kept up the social bands of intimacy by occasional banquettings, called tea-parties. These fashionable parties were generally confined to the higher classes, or noblesse ; that is to say, such as kept their own cows, and drove their own waggons. The company com- monly assembled at three o'clock, and went away about six, unless it was in winter time, when the fashionable hours were a little earlier, that the ladies might get home before dark. The tea-table was crowned with a huge earthen dish, well stored with slices of fat pork, fried brown, cut up into morsels, and swimming in gravy. The company being seated round the genial board, and each furnished with a fork, evinced their dexterity in launching at the fattest pieces in this mighty dish — in much the same manner as sailors harpoon porpoises at sea, or our Indians spear salmon in the lakes. Sometimes the table was graced with immense apple-pies, or saucers full of preserved peaches and pears ; but it was always sure to boast an enormous dish of balls of sweetened dough, fried in hog's fat, and called doughnuts, or olykoeks — a delicious kind of cake, at present scarce known in this city, except in genuine Dutch families. The tea was served out of a majestic delf teapot, orna- mented with paintings of fat little Dutch shepherds and shep- herdesses, tending pigs, with boats sailing in the air, and houses built in the clouds, and sundry other ingenious Dutch fantasies. The beaux distinguished themselves by their adroitness in replenishing this pot from a huge copper tea- kettle, which would have made the pigmy macaronies of these degenerate days sweat merely to look at it. To sweeten the beverage, a lump of sugar was laid beside each cup, and the company alternately nibbled and sipped with great de- corum ; until an improvement was introduced by a shrewd and economic old lady, which w^as to suspend a large lump directly over the tea-table by a string from the ceiling, so that it could be swung from mouth to mouth — an ingenious ex- pedient, which is still kept up by some families in Albany, but which prevails without exception in Communipaw, Bergen, riatbush, and all our uncontaminated Dutch villages. At these primitive tea-parties the utmost propriety and dignity of deportment prevailed. No flirting nor coquetting — no gambling of old ladies, nor hoyden chattering and romp- ing of young ones — no self-satisfied struttings of wealthy CHAP. rV.J GOLDEN KEIGN OF WOUTER VAN TWILLER. 91 gentlemen, with their brains in tlieir pockets — nor amusing conceits, and monkey divertissements of smart young gentle- men, with no brains at all. On the contrary, the young ladies seated themselves demurely in their rush-bottomed chairs, and knit their own woollen stockings ; nor ever opened their lips excepting to say yah Mynheer, or yah ya Vrouw, to any question that was asked them ; behaving, in all things, like decent, well-educated damsels. As to the gentlemen, each of them tranquilly smoked his pipe, and seemed lost in contem- plation of the blue and white tiles with which the fireplaces were decorated ; wherein sundry passages of Scripture were piously portrayed — Tobit and his dog figured to great ad- vantage, Hamau swung conspicuously on his gibbet, and Jonah appeared most manfully bouncing out of the whale, like Harlequin through a barrel of fire. The parties broke up without noise and without confusion. They were carried home by their own carriages, that is to say, by the veiiicles nature had provided them, excepting such of the wealthy as could afford to keep a waggon. The gen- tlemen gallantly attended their fair ones to their respective abodes, and took leave of them with a hearty smack at the door ; which, as it was an established piece of etiquette, done in perfect simplicity and honesty of heart, occasioned no scandal at that time, nor should it at the present. If our great-grandfathers appi'oved of the custom, it would argue a great want of reverence in their descendants to say a word against it. CHAP. IV. In this dulcet period of my history, when the beauteous island of Manna-hata presented a scene, the very counterpart of those glowing pictures drawn of the golden reign of Saturn, there was, as I have before observed, a happy ignorance, an honest simplicity prevalent among its inhabitants, which, were I even able to depict, would be but little understood by the degenerate age for which I am doomed to write. Even the female sex, those arch innovators upon the tranquillity, the honesty, and grey-beard customs of society, seemed for a while to conduct themselves with incredible sobriety and comeliness. Their hair, untortured by the abominations of art, was scrupulously pomatomed back from their foreheads with a 92 HISTORY OF XEW-YOKK. [bOOK III. candle, and covered with a little cap of quilted calico, which fitted exactly to their heads. Tiieir petticoats of linsey-wool- sey were striped with a variety of gorgeous dyes — though I must confess these gallant garments were rather short, scarce reaching below the knee ; but then they made up in the number, which generally equalled that of the gentleman's small clothes ; and, what is still more praiseworthy, they were all of their own manufacture — of wliieh circumstance, as may well be supposed, they were not a little vain. These were the honest days, in Avhich every woman staid at home, read the Bible, and wore pockets — ay, and that too of a goodly size, fashioned with patchwork into many curious devices, and ostentatiously worn on the outside. These, in fact, were convenient receptacles, where all good housewives carefully stored away such things as they wished to have at hand, by which means they often came to be incredibly crammed ; and I remember thei'e was a story current, when I was a boy, that the lady of Wouter Van Twiller once had occasion to empty her right pocket in search of a wooden ladle, when the contents filled a couple of corn baskets, and the utensil was discovered lying among some rubbish in one corner ; but we must not give too much faith to all these stories, the anecdotes of those remote jieriods being very subject to exaggeration. Besides these notable pockets, they likewise wore scissors and pincushions suspended from their girdles by red ribands, or among the more opulent and showy classes, by brass, and even silver chains, indubitable tokens of thrifty housewives and industrious spinsters. I cannot say much in vindication of the shortness of the petticoats ; it doubtless was introduced for the purpose of giving the stockings a chance to be seen, which were generally of blue worsted with magnificent red clocks ; or perhaps to display a well-turned ankle, and a neat, though serviceable foot, set off by a high-heeled leathern shoe, wuth a large and splendid silver buckle. Thus we find that the gentle sex in all ages have shown the same disposition to infringe a little uj^on the law^s of decorum, in order to betray a lurking beauty, or gratify an innocent love of finery. From the sketch here given, it will be seen that our good grandmothers differed considerably in their ideas of a fine figure from their scantily dressed descendants of the present day. A fine lady, in those times, waddled under more clothes, CHAP. IV.] GOLDEN KEIGN OF WOUTER VAN TAVILLER. 93 even on a fair summer's day, llian would have clad the whole bevy of a modern ball-room. Nor were they the less admired by the gentlemen in consequence thei'eof. On the contrary, the greatness of a lover's passion seemed to increase in pro- portion to the magnitude of its object ; and a voluminous damsel, arrayed in a dozen of petticoats, was declared by a Low Dutch sonneteer of the province to be radiant as a sun- flower, and luxuriant as a full-blown cabbage. Certain it is, that in those days the heart of a lover could not contain more than one lady at a time, whereas the heart of a modern gallant has often room enough to accommodate half a dozen. The reason of which I conclude to be, that either the hearts of the gentlemen have grown larger, or the persons of the ladies smaller ; this, however, is a question for physiologists to determine. But there was a secret charm in these petticoats, which, no doubt entered into the consideration of the prudent gallants. The wardrobe of a lady was in those days her only fortune ; and she who had a good stock of petticoats and stockings, was as absolutely an heiress as is a Kamschatka damsel with a store of bear-skins, or a Lapland belle with a plenty of rein- deer. The ladies, therefore, were very anxious to display these powerful attractions to the greatest advantage ; and the best rooms in the house, instead of being adorned with cari- catures of dame Nature, in water-colours and needle-work, were always hung round with abundance of homespun gar- ments, the manufacture and the property of the females ; a piece of laudable ostentation that still prevails among the heiresses of our Dutch villages. The gentlemen, in fiict, who figured in the circles of the gay world in these ancient times, corresponded, in most par- ticulars, with the beauteous damsels whose smiles they were ambitious to deserve. True it is, their merits would make but a very inconsiderable impression upon the heart of a modern fair ; they neither drove their curricles nor sported their tandems, for as yet those gaudy vehicles were not even dreamt of; neither did they distinguish themselves by their brilliancy at the table, and their consequent rencontres with watchmen, for our forefathers were of too pacific a disposition to need those guardians of the night, every soul throughout the town being sound asleep before nine o'clock. Neither did they establish their claims to gentility at the expense of their 94 HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [BOOK HI. tailors, for as yet those offenders against the pockets of so- ciety, and the tranquillity of all aspiring young gentlemen, were unknown in New-Amsterdam ; every good housewife made the clothes of her husband and family, and even the goede vrouw of Van Twiller himself thought it no dispa- ragement to cut out her husband's linsey-woolsey galligaskins. Not but what there were some two or three youngsters who manifested the fii'St dawning of what is called fire and spirit, who held all labour in contempt, skulked about docks and market-places, loitered in the sunshine, squandered what little money they could procure at hustle-cap and chuck-farthing ; swore, boxed, fought cocks, and raced their neighbour's horses ; in short, who promised to be the wonder, the talk, and abomination of the town, had not their stylish career been unfortunately cut short by an affair of honour with a whip- ping-post. Far other, however, was the truly fashionable gentleman of those days ; his dress, which served for both morning and evening, street and drawing-room, was a linsey-woolsey coat, made, perhaps, by the fair hands of the mistress of his affections, and gallantly bedecked with abundance of large brass buttons — half a score of breeches heightened the pro- portions of liis figure — his shoes were decorated by enormous copper buckles — alow-crowned, broad-brimmed hat over- shadowed his burly visage, and his hair dangled down bis back in a prodigious queue of eelskin. Thus equipped, he would manfully sally forth with pipe in mouth to besiege some fair damsel's obdurate heart — not such a pipe, good reader, as that which Acis did sweetly tune iii praise of his Galatea, but one of true delf manufacture, and furnished with a charge of fragrant tobacco. With this would he resolutely set himself down before the fortress, and rarely failed, in the process of time, to smoke the fair enemy into a surrender upon honoui-able terms. Such was the happy reign of Wouter Van Twiller, cele- brated in many a long forgotten song as the real golden age, the rest being nothing but counterfeit copper-washed coin. In that delightful period, a sweet and holy calm reigned over the whole province. The burgomaster smoked his pipe in peace ; the substantial solace of his domestic cares, after her daily toils wei'e done, sat soberly at the door, with her arms crossed over her apron of snowy white, without bein^ insulted CHAP, v.] GOLDEN KEIGN OF WOUTER VAN TWILLEE. 95 by ribald street-walkers or vagabond boys — those unlucky urchins, who do so infest our streets, displaying under the roses of youth the thorns and briars of iniquity. Then it was that the lover with ten breeches, and the damsel with petti- coats of half a score, indulged in all the innocent endearments of virtuous love without fear and Avithout reproach ; for what had that virtue to fear, which was defended by a shield of good linsey-woolseys, equal at least to the seven bull-hides of the invincible Ajax? Ah ! blissful, and never to be forgotten age ! when every thing was better than it has ever been since, or ever will be again — when Buttermilk Channel was quite dry at low water — when the shad in the Hudson were all salmon, and when the moon shone with a pure and resplendent whiteness, instead of that melancholy yellow light which is the consequence of her sickening at the abominations she every night witnesses in this degenerate city ! Happy would it have been for New-Amsterdam could it always have existed in this state of blissful ignorance and lowly simplicity ; but, alas ! the days of childhood are too sweet to last. Cities, like men, grow out of them in time, and are doomed alike to grow into the bustle, the cares, and miseries of the world. Let no man congratulate himself, when he beholds the child of his bosom, or the city of his birth, in- creasing in magnitude and importance; let the history of his own life teach him the dangers of the one, and this excellent little history of Manna-hata convince him of the calamities of the other. CHAP. V. It has already been mentioned that, in the early times of Oloffe the Dreamer, a frontier post, or trading-house, called Fort Aurania, had been established on the upper waters of the Hudson, precisely on the site of the present venerable city of Albany, which was at that time considered at the very end of the habitable world. It was, indeed, a remote possession, with which, for a long time. New- Amsterdam held but little intercourse. Now and then the " Company's Yacht," as it was called, was sent to the Fort witli supplies, and to bring away the peltries which had been purchased of the Indian>". It was like an expedition to the Indias, or the North Pole, and always 96 HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK IU. made great talk in the settlement. Sometimes an adventurous burgher would accompany the expedition, to the great un- easiness of his friends ; but, on his return, had so many stories to tell of storms and tempests on the Tappan Zee ; of hob- goblins in the Highlands and at the Devil's Dans Kammer ; and of all the other wonders and perils with which the river abounded in those early days, that he deterred the less adven- turous inhabitants from following his example. Matters were in this state, when, one day, as "Walter the Doubter and his burgermeesters were smoking and pondering over the affairs of the province, they were roused by the report of a cannon. Sallying forth, they beheld a strange vessel at anchor in the bay; it was unquestionably of Dutch build, broad bottomed and high pooped, and bore the flag of their High Mightinesses at the mast-head. After a while a l)oat put off for land, and a stranger stepped on shore, a lofty, lordly kind of man, tall and dry, with a meagre face, furnished with huge moustachios. He was clad in Flemish doublet and hose, and an insufferably tall hat, with a cocktail feather. Such was the patroon Killian Van Ren- sellaer, who had come out from Holland to found a colony or patroonship on a great tract of wild land, granted to him by their High ^Mightinesses the Lords States General, in the upper regions of the Hudson. Killian Van Rensellaer was a nine days' wonder in Xew- Amsterdam, for he carried a high head, looked down upon the portly, short-legged burgomasters, and owned no allegiance to the governor himself; boasting that he held his pati-oon- ship directly from the Lords States General. He tarried but a short time in New-Amsterdam, merely to beat u]) recruits for his colony. Few, however, ventured to enlist for those remote and savage regions ; and when they embarked, their friends took leave of them as if they should never see them more ; and stood gazing with tearful eye as the stout, ronnd-sterned little vessel ploughed and splashed its way up the Hudson, with great noise and little progi-ess, taking nearly a day to get out of sight of the city. And now, from time to time, floated down tidings to the Manhattoes of the growing importance of this new colony. Every account represented Killian Van Rensellaer as rising in importance and becoming a mighty patroon in the land. He had received more recruits from Hollaud. His patroon- CHAP. VI.] GOLDEN UEIGN OF WOUTER VAN TWILLER. 97 ship of Rensellaervvick lay immediately below Fort Aurania, and extended for several miles on each side of the Hudson, beside embracing the mountainous region of the Helderberg. Over all this he claimed to hold separate jurisdiction inde- pendent of the colonial authorities at New-Amsterdam. All these assumptions of authority were duly reported to Governor Van Twiller and his council, by dispatches from Fort Aurania ; at each new report the governor and his counsellors looked at each other, raised their eyebrows, gave an extra puff or two of smoke, and then relapsed into their usual tranquillity. At length tidings came that the patroon of Rensellaerwick had extended his usurpations along the river, beyond the limits granted him by their High Mightinesses; and that he had even seized upon a rocky island in the Hudson, commonly known by the name of Beern or Bear's Island ; where he was erecting a fortress, to be called by the lordly name of Rensellaersteen. Wouter Van Twiller Avas roused by this intelligence. After consulting with his burgomasters, he dispatched a letter to the patroon of Rensellaerwick, demanding by what right he had seized upon this island, which lay beyond the bounds of his patroonship. The answer of Killian Van Rensellaer was in his own lordly style, ^^ By wapcn recht!" that is to say, by the right of arms, or in common parlance, by club- law. This answer plunged the worthy Wouter in one of the deepest doubts he had in the whole course of his adminis- tration ; in the meantime, while Wouter doubted, the lordly Killian went on to finish his fortress of Rensellaersteen, about which I foresee I shall have something to recoi-d in a future chapter of this most eventful history. CHAP. VI. In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four, on a fine afternoon in the glowing month of Septembei-, I took my customary walk upon the battery, which is at once the pride and bulwark of this ancient and impregnable city of New- York. The ground on which I trod was hallowed by recollections of the past, and as I slowly wandered through the long alley of poplars, which, like so many birch brooms standing on end, diffused a melancholy and lugubrious shade, my imagination u 98 HISTORY OF NEW-YORK. [bOOK in. drew a contrast between the surrounding scenery, and what it was in the classic days of our forefathers. Where the go- vernment house by name, but the custom house by occupation, proudly reared its brick walls and wooden pillars, there whilom stood the low, but substantial, red-tiled mansion of the re- nowned Wouter Van Twiller. Around it the mighty bul- warks of P^ort Amsterdam frowned defiance to every absent foe ; but, like many a whiskered warrior and gallant militia captain, confined their martial deeds to frowns alone. The mud breastworks had long been levelled with the earth, and their site converted into the green lawns and leafy alleys of the battery, where the gay apprentice sported his Sunday coat, and the laborious mechanic, relieved from the dirt and drudgery of the week, poured his weekly tale of love into the half-averted ear of the sentimental chambermaid. The ca- pacious bay still presented the same expansive sheet of water, studded with islands, sprinkled with fishing boats, and bounded by shores of picturesque beauty. But the dark forests which once clothed those shores had been violated by the savage hand of cultivation, and their tangled mazes, and impene- trable thickets, had degenerated into teeming orchards and waving fields of grain. Even Governor's Island, once a smiling garden, appertaining to the sovereigns of the province, was now covered with fortifications, inclosing a tremendous block-house ; so that this once peaceful island resembled a fierce little warrior in a big cocked hat, breathing gunpowder and defiance to the world ! For some time did I indulge in a pensive train of thought, contrasting in sober sadness the present day with the hallowed years behind the mountains, lamenting the melancholy pro- gress of improvement, and praising the zeal with which our worthy burghers endeavour to preserve the wrecks of vene- rable customs, prejudices, and errors, from the overwhelm- ing tide of modern innovation ; when, by degrees, my ideas took a different turn, and I insensibly awakened to an enjoy- ment of the beauties around me. It was one of those rich autumnal days, which heaven par- ticulax'ly bestows upon the beauteous island of Manna-hata and its vicinity ; not a floating cloud obscured the azure fir- mament ; the sun rolling in glorious splendour through his ethereal course, seemed to expand his honest Dutch coun- tenance into an unusual expression of benevolence, as he CHAP. VI.] GOLDEN REIGN OF WOUTER VAN TWTLLER. 99 smiled his evening salutation upon a city which he delights to visit with his most bounteous beams ; the very winds seemed to hold in their breaths in mute attention, lest they should ruffle the tranquillity of the hour ; and the waveless bosom of the bay presented a polished mirror, in which nature beheld herself and smiled. The standard of our city, reserved like a choice handkerchief for days of gala, hung motionless on the flag-staff, which forms the handle of a gigantic churn ; and even the tremulous leaves of the poplar and the aspen ceased to vibrate to the breath of heaven. Every thing seemed to acquiesce in the profound repose of nature. The formidable eighteen-pounders slept in the em- brazures of the wooden batteries, seemingly gathering fresh strength to fight the battles of their country, on the next fourth of July ; the solitary drum on Governor's Island forgot to call the garrison to their shovels ; the evening gun had not yet sounded its signal for all the regular well- meaning poultry throughout the country to go to roost ; and the fleet of canoes at anchor between Gibbet Island and Communipaw slumbered on their rakes, and suffered the in- nocent oysters to lie for a while unmolested in the soft mud of their native banks. My own feelings sympathised with the contagious tranquillity, and 1 should infallibly have dozed upon one of those fragments of benches, which our be- nevolent magistrates have provided for the benefit of conva- lescent loungers, had not the extraordinary inconvenience of the couch set all repose at defiance. In the midst of this slumber of the soul, my attention was attracted to a black speck, peering above the western horizon, just in the rear of Bergen steeple ; gradually it augments and overhangs the would-be cities of Jersey, Harsimus, and Hoboken, which, like three jockeys, are starting on the course of existence, and jostling each other at the commencement of the race. Now it skirts the long shore of ancient Pavonia, spreading its wide shadows from the high settlements of Weehawk quite to the lazaretto and quarantine, erected by the sagacity of our police for the embarrassment of commerce; now it climbs the serene vault of heaven, cloud rolling over cloud, shrouding the orb of day, darkening the vast ex- panse, and bearing thunder, and hail, and tempest, in its bosom. The earth seems agitated at the confusion of the heavens — the late waveless mirror is lashed into furious H 2 100 HISTORY OF NEW-TORK. [bOOK m. waves, that roll in hollow murmurs to the shore — the oyster boats that erst sported in the placid vicinity of Gibbet Island, now hurry affrighted to the land — the poplar writhes, and twists, and whistles in the blast — torrents of drenching rain and sounding hail deluge the battery walks — the gates are thronged by apprentices, servant-maids, and little French- men, with pocket-handkerchiefs over their hats, scampering from the storm — the late beauteous prospect presents one scene of anarchy and wild uproar, as though old Chaos had resumed his' reign, and was hurling back into one vast tur- moil, the conflicting elements of nature. Whether I fled from the fury of the storm, or remained boldly at my post, as our gallant train-band captains, who march their soldiers through the rain without flinching, are points which I leave to the conjecture of the reader. It is possible he may be a little perplexed also to know the reason why I introduced this tremendous tempest to disturb the serenity of my work. On this latter point I will gratuitously instruct his ignorance. The panorama view of the battery was given merely to gratify the reader with a correct de- scription of that celebrated place, and the parts adjacent; secondly, the storm was played off partly to give a little bustle and life to this tranquil part of my work, and to keep my drowsy readers from falling asleep, and partly to serve as an overture to the tempestuous times which are about to assail the pacific province of Nieuw Nederlandts, and which overhang the slumbrous administration of the renowned Wouter Van Twiller. It is thus the experienced playwright puts all the fiddles, the French-horns, the kettle-drums, and trumpets of his orchestra in requisition, to usher in one of those horrible and brimstone uproars called Melodrames ; and it is thus he discharges his thunder, his lightning, his rosin, and saltpetre, preparatory to the rising of a ghost, or the mur- dering of a hero. We will now proceed with our history. Whatever may be advanced by philosophers to the con- trary, I am of opinion that, as to nations, the old maxim, that " honesty is the best policy," is a sheer and ruinous mistake. It might have answered well enough in the honest times tvhen it was made ; but, in these degenerate days, if a nation pretends to rely merely upon the justice of its dealings, it wiU fare something like the honest man who fell among thieves, and found his honesty a poor protection against bad CHAP. Vn.] GOLDKN REIGN OF WOUTER VAN TWILLER. 101 company. Such, at least, was the case with the guileless government of the New-Netherlands ; which, like a worthy, unsuspicious old burgher, quietly settled itself down in the cityof New- Amsterdam as into a snug elbow chair, and ffll into a comfortable nap, while, in the meantime, its cunning neigh- bours stepped in and picked its pockets. In a word, we may ascribe the commencement of all the woes of this great pro- vince, and its magnificent metropolis, to the tranquil security, or, to speak more accurately, to the unfortunate honesty of its government. But as I dislike to begin an important part of my history towards the end of a chapter ; and as my readers, like myself, must doubtless be exceedingly fatigued with the long walk we have taken, and the tempest we have sustained, I hold it meet we shut up the book, smoke a pipe, and having thus refreshed our spirits, take a fair start in a new chapter. CHAP. VII. That my readers may the more fully comprehend the extent of the calamity, at this veiy moment impending over the honest, unsuspecting province of Nieuw Nederlandts and its dubious governor, it is necessary that I should give some account of a horde of strange barbarians bordering upon the eastern frontier. Now so it came to pass, that many years previous to the time of which we are treating, the sage cabinet of England Lad adopted a certain national creed, a kind of public walk of faith, or rather a religious turnpike, in which every loyal subject was directed to travel to Zion, taking care to pay the toll-gatherers by the Avay. Albeit a certain shrewd race of men, being very much given to indulge their own opinions on all manner of subjects (a propensity exceedingly otFensive to your free governments of Eui-ope), did most presumptuously dare to think for them- selves in matters of religion, exercising what they considered a natural and unextinguishable right — the liberty of conscience. As, however, they possessed that ingenuous habit of mind, which always thinks aloud — which rides cock-a-hoop on the tongue, and is for ever galloping into other people's ears, it naturally followed that their liberty of conscience likewise implied liberty of speech, which being freely indulged, soon H 3 102 HISTORY OF NEW-YORK. [BOOK HI. put the country in a hubbub, and aroused the pious indig- nation of the vigilant fathers of the Church. The usual methods were adopted to reclaim them, which in those days were considered efficacious in bringing back stray sheep to the fold ; that is to say, they were coaxed, they were admonished, they were menaced, they were buiFeted — line upon line, precept upon precept, lash upon lash, here a little and there a great deal, were exhausted without mercy, and without success ; until the worthy pastors of the Church, wearied out by their unparalleled stubbornness, were driven in the excess of their tender mercy to adopt the Scripture text, and literally to " heap live embers on their heads." Nothing, however, could subdue that independence of the tongue which has ever distinguished this singular race, so that, rather than subject that heroic member to further tyranny, they one and all embarked for the wilderness of America, to enjoy, unmolested, the inestimable right of talk- ing. And, in fact, no sooner did they land upon the shore of this free-spoken country, than they all lifted up their voices, and made such a clamour of tongues, that we are told they frightened every bird and beast out of the neighbourhood, and struck such mute terror into certain fish, that they have been called dumh-fish ever since. This may appear marvellous, but it is nevertheless true ; in proof of which I would observe, that the dumb-fish has ever since become an object of superstitious reverence, and forms the Saturday's dinner of every true Yankee. The simple aborigines of the land for a while contemplated these strange folk in utter astonishment, but discovering that they wielded harmless, though noisy weapons, and were a lively, ingenious, good-humoured race of men, they became very friendly and sociable, and gave them the name of Yano- kies, which in the Mais-Tchusaeg (or Massachusett) lan- guage signifies silent men — a waggish appellation, since shortened into the familiar epithet of Yankees, which they retain unto the present day. True it is, and my fidelity as a historian will not allow me to pass over the fact, that having served a regular appren- ticeship in the school of persecution, these ingenious people soon showed that they had become masters of the art. The great majority were of one particular mode of thinking in matters of religion ; but, to their great surprise and indigna- CHAP. VU.j GOLDEN KEIGN OF A70UTER VAN TWILLER. 103 tion, they found that divers Papists, Quakers, and Anabaptists were springing up among them, and all claiming to use the liberty of speech. This was at once pronounced a daring abuse of the liberty of conscience, which they now insisted was nothing more than the liberty to think as one pleased in matters of religion, provided one thought right ; for other- wise it would be giving a latitude to damnable heresies. Isow as they, the majority, were convinced that they alone thought right, it consequently followed that whoever thought different from them thought wrong ; and whoever thought wrong, and obstinately persisted in not being convinced and converted, was a flagrant violator of the inestimable liberty of conscience, and a corrupt and infectious member of the body politic, and deserved to be lopped off and cast into the fire. The consequence of all which was a fiery persecution of divers sects, and especially of Quakers. Now I'll warrant there are hosts of my readers ready at once to lift up their hands and eyes, with that virtuous in- dignation with which we contemplate the faults and errors of our neighbours, and to exclaim at the preposterous idea of convincing the mind by tormenting the body, and establish- ing the doctrine of charity and forbearance by intolerant per- secution. But, in simple truth, what are we doing at this very day, and in this very enlightened nation, but acting upon the very same principle in our political controversies ? Plave we not. within but a few years, released ourselves from the shackles of a government which cruelly denied us the privilege of governing ourselves, and using in full latitude that invaluable member, the tongue ? and are we not at this very moment striving our best to tyrannise over the opinions, tie up the tongues, and ruin the fortunes of one another? What ai'e our great political societies, but mere political in- quisitions— our pot-house committees, but little tribunals of denunciation — our newspapers, but mere whipping-posts and pillories, where unfortunate individuals are pelted with rotten eggs — and our council of appointment, but a grand auto-da-fe, where culprits are annually sacrificed foi- their political heresies? Where then is the difference in principle between our mea- sures and those you are so ready to condemn among the people I am treating of ? There is none ; the difference is merely circumstantial. Thus we denounce, instead of banishing — we lihcl, instead of scourging — we turn out of office, instead n 4 104 HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK IH. of hanging — and where they burnt an offender in proper person, we either tar and feather, or burn him in effigy — this political persecution being, somehow or other, the grand palladium of our liberties, and an incontrovertible proof that this is a free country I But notwithstanding the fervent zeal with which this holy war was prosecuted against the whole race of unbelievers, we do not find that the population of this new colony was in anywise hindered thereby ; on the contrary, they multiplied to a degree which would be incredible to any man unacquainted with the marvellous fecundity of this growing country. This amazing increase may, indeed, be partly ascribed to a singular custom prevalent among them, commonly known by the name of hiindling — a superstitious rite observed by the young people of both sexes, with which they usually ter- minated their festivities, and which was kept up with reli- gious strictness by the more bigoted part of the community. This ceremony was likewise, in those primitive times, con- sidered as an indispensable preliminary to matrimony, their courtships commencing where ours usually finish; by which means they acquired that intimate acquaintance with each others' good qualities before marriage, which has been pro- nounced by philosophers the sure basis of a happy union. Thus early did this cunning and ingenious people display a shrewdness of making a bargain which has ever since dis- tinguished them, and a strict adherence to the good old vulgar maxim about "buying a pig in a poke." To this sagacious custom, therefore, do I chiefly attribute the unparalleled increase of the Yanokie or Yankee race ; for it is a certain fact, well authenticated by court records and parish registers, that wherever the practice of bundling prevailed, there was an amazing number of sturdy brats an- nually born unto the state, without the license of the law, or the benefit of clergy. Neither did the irregularity of their birth operate in the least to their disparagement. On the contrary, they grew up a long-sided, raw-boned, hardy race of whoreson whalers, wood-cutters, fishermen, and pedlars, and strapping corn-fed wenches, who, by their united efforts, tended marvellously towards peopling those notable tracts of country called Nantucket, Piscataway, and Cape Cod. CHAP. Vni.] GOLDEN KEIGN OF WOUTER VAN TAVILLER. 105 CHAP. VIII. In the last chapter I have given a fiiithful and unprejudiced account of the origin of that singular race of people, inhabiting the country eastward of the Nieuw-Nederlandts, but I have yet to mention certain peculiar habits whicli rendei'ed themt exceedingly annoying to our ever-honoured Dutch ancestors. The most prominent of tliese was a certain rambling pro- pensity, with which, like the sons of Ishmael, they seem to have been gifted by heaven, and which continually goads them on to shift their residence from place to place, so that a Yan- kee farmer is in a constant state of migration, tarrying oc- casionally here and there, clearing lands for other people to enjoy, building houses for others to inliabit, and in a manner may be considered the wandering Arab of America. His first thought, on coming to the years of manhood, is to settle himself in the world — whicli means nothing more nor less than to begin his rambles. To this end he takes unto 3iimself for a wife some buxom country heiress, passing rich in red ribands, glass beads, and mock tortoise-shell combs, with a white gown and morocco shoes for Sunday, and deeply skilled in the mystery of making apple sweatmeats, long sauce, and pumpkin pie. Having thus provided himself, like a pedlar, with a heavy knapsack, wherewith to regale his shoulders through the journey of life, he literally sets out on the peregrination. His whole family, household furniture, and farming utensils are hoisted into a covered cart ; his own and his Avife's ward- robe packed up in a firkin ; which done, he shoulders his axe, takes staff in hand, whistles " Yankee doodle," and trudges olf to the woods, as confident of the protection of Providence, and relying as cheerfully upon his own resources, as did ever a patriarch of yore, when he journeyed into a strange country of the Gentiles. Having buried himself in the wilderness, he builds himself a log hut, clears away a corn field and po- tato patch, and Providence smiling upon his labours, is soon surrounded by a snug farm and some half a score of flaxen- headed urchins, who, by their size, seem to have sprung all at once out of the earth, like a crop of toadstools. But it is not the nature of this most indefatigable of specu- lators to rest contented with any state of sublunary enjoy- 106 HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK m. ment ; improvement is his darling passion, and having thus improved his lands, the next care is to provide a mansion worthy the residence of a landholder. A huge palace of pine boards immediately springs up in the midst of the wilderness, large enough for a parish church, and furnished with win- dows of all dimensions, but so ricketty and flimsy withal, that every blast gives it a fit of the ague. By the time the outside of this mighty air castle is com- pleted, either the funds or the zeal of our adventurer are ex- hausted, so that he barely manages to half finish one room within, where the whole family burrow together, while the rest of the house is devoted to the curing of pumpkins, or storing of carrots and potatoes, and is decorated with fanci- ful festoons of dried apples and peaches. The outside, re- maining unpainted, grows venerably black with time ; the family wardrobe is laid under contribution for old hats, pet- ticoats, and breeches, to stuff into the broken windows, while the four winds of heaven keep up a whistling and howling about this aerial palace, and play as many unruly gambols as they did of yore in the cave of old -^olus. The humble log hut, which whilome nestled this improving family snugly within its narrow but comfortable walls, stands hard by, in ignominious contrast, degraded into a cow-house or pig-sty; and the whole scene reminds one forcibly of a fable, which I am surprised has never been recorded, of an aspiring snail, who abandoned his humble habitation, which he had long filled with great respectability, to crawl into the empty shell of a lobster, where he would no doubt have re- sided with great style and splendour, the envy and the hate of all the painstaking snails in the neighbourhood, had he not perished with cold in one corner of his stupendous mansion. Being thus completely settled, and, to use his own words, "to rights," one would imagine that he would begin to enjoy the comforts of his situation, to read newspapers, talk poli- tics, neglect his own business, and attend to the affairs of the nation like a useful and patriotic citizen ; but now it is that his Avayward disposition begins again to operate. He soon grows tired of a spot where there is no longer any room for improvement — sells his farm, air castle, petticoat win- dows and all, reloads his cart, shoulders his axe, puts himself at the head of his family, and wanders away in search of new lands — again to fell trees — again to clear cornfields — again to build a shingle palace, and again to sell off and wander. CHAP. Vm.J GOLDEN REIGN OF -WOUTER VAN TWILLER. 107 Such were the people of Connecticut, who bordered upon the eastern frontier ofNieuw-Nederlandts, and my readers may easily imagine what uncomfortable neighbours this light- hearted but restless tribe must have been to our tranquil progenitors. If they cannot, I would ask them if they have ever known one of our regular, well-organised Dutch families, whom it hath pleased heaven to afflict with the neighbour- hood of a French boarding-house ? The honest old burgher cannot take his afternoon's pipe on the bench before his door but he is persecuted with the scraping of fiddles, the chatter- ing of women, and the squalling of children ; he cannot sleep at night for the horrible melodies of some amateur, who chooses to serenade the moon, and display his terrible pro- ficiency in execution on the clarionet, hautboy, or some other soft -toned instrument ; nor can he leave the street door open, but his house is defiled by the unsavoury visits of a troop of pup dogs, who even sometimes carry their loathsome ravages into the sanctum sanctorum, the parlour! If my readers have ever witnessed the sufferings of such a family, so situated, they may form some idea how our worthy ancestors were distressed by their mercurial neighboui's of Connecticut. Gangs of these marauders, we are told, penetrated into the New-Netherland settlements, and threw whole villages into consternation by their unparalleled volubility, and their in- tolerable inquisitiveness — two evil habits hitherto unknown in those parts, or only known to be abhorred ; for our an- cestors were noted as being men of truly Spartan taciturnity, and who neither knew nor cared aught about any body's con- cerns but their own. Many enormities were committed on the highways^ where several unoffending burghers were brought to a stand, and tortured Avith questions and guesses, which outrages occasioned as much vexation and heart-burn- ing as does the modern right of search on the high seas. Great jealousy did they likewise stir up by their inter- meddling and successes among the divine sex, for being a race of brisk, likely, pleasant-tongued varlets, they soon se- duced the light affections of the simple damsels from their ponderous Dutch gallants. Among other hideous customs, they attempted to introduce among them \\\?i\ oi bundling, which the Dutch lasses of the Nederlandts, with that eager passion for novelty and foreign fashions natural to their sex, 108 HISTOKT OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK IH. seemed very well inclined to follow, but that their mothers, being more experienced in the world, and better acquainted with men and things, strenuously discountenanced all such outlandish innovations. But what chiefly operated to embroil our ancestors with these strange folk, was an unwarrantable liberty which they occasionally took of entering in hordes into the territories of the New-Netherlands, and settling themselves down, without leave or license, to improve the land in the manner I have before noticed. This unceremonious mode of taking pos- session of neio land was technically termed squatting, and hence is derived the appellation of squatters; a name odious in the ears of all great landholders, and which is given to those enterprising woi'thies who seize upon land first, and take their chance to make good their title to it afterwards. All these grievances, and many others which were con- stantly accumulating, tended to form that dark and portentous cloud Avhich, as I observed in a former chapter, was slowly gathering over the tranquil province of New-Netherlands. The pacific cabinet of Van Twiller, however, as will be per- ceived in the sequel, bore them all with a magnanimity that redounds to their immortal credit, becoming by passive en- durance inured to this increasing mass of wrongs ; like that mighty man of old, who by dint of carrying about a calf from the time it was born, continued to carry it without difficulty when it had grown to be an ox. CHAP. IX. By this time my readers must fully perceive what an arduous task I have undertaken — exploring a little kind of Hercu- laneumof history, which had lain nearly for ages buried under the rubbish of years, and almost totally forgotten ; raking up the limbs and fragments of disjointed facts, and endea- vouring to put them scrupulously together, so as to restore them to their original form and connection ; now lugging forth the character of an almost forgotten hero, like a muti- lated statue ; now deciphering a half defaced inscription, and now lighting upon a mouldering manuscript, which, after painful study, scarce repays the trouble of perusal. CHAP. IX.] GOLDEN KEIGN OF WOUTER VAN TWILLER. 109 In such case how much has the reader to depend upon the honour and probity of his autlior, lest, like a cunning anti- quarian, he either impose upon him some spurious fabrication of his own, for a precious relic from antiquity ; or else dress up the dismembered fragment with such false trappings, that it is scarcely possible to distinguish the truth from the fiction with which it is enveloped. This is a grievance which I have more than once had to lament, in the course of my wearisome researches among the works of my fellow his- torians, who have strangely disguised and distorted the facts respecting this country, and particularly respecting the great province of New-Netherlands, as will be perceived by any who will take the trouble to compare their romantic eifu- sions, tricked out in the meretricious gauds of fable, with this authentic history. I have had more vexations of the kind to encounter, in those parts of my history which treat of the transactions on the eastern border than in any other, in consequence of the troops of historians who have infested those quarters, and have shown the honest people of Nieuw-Nederlandts no mercy in their works. Among the rest, Mr. Benjamin Trumbull arrogantly declares that " the Dutch were always mere in- truders." Now to this I shall make no other reply than to jjroceed in the steady narration of my history, which will contain not only proofs that the Dutch had clear title and possession in the fair valleys of the Connecticut, and that they were wrongfully dispossessed thereof, but, likewise, that they have been scandalously maltreated ever since by the misrepresentations of the crafty historians of New-England. And in this I shall be guided by a spirit of truth and impar- tiality, and a regard to immortal fame ; for I would not wittingly dishonour my work by a single falsehood, misre- presentation, or prejudice, though it should gain our fore- fathers the whole country of New-England. I have already noticed, in a former chapter of my history, that the territories of the Nieuw-Nederlandts extended on the east quite to theVai"sche,or Fresh, or Connecticut river. Here, at an early period, had been established a frontier post on the bank of the river, and called Fort Goed Hoop, not far from the site of the present fair city of Hartford. It was placed under the command of Jacobus Van Curlet, or Curlis, as some historians will have it, a doughty soldier, of that sto- 110 HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK UI. machful class famous for eating ail they kill. He was long in the body and short in the limb, as though a tall man's body had been mounted on a little man's legs. He made up for this turnspit construction by striding to such an extent, that you would have sworn he had on the seven-leagued boots of Jack the Giant-Killer ; and so high did he tread on parade, that his soldiers were sometimes alarmed lest he should trample himself under foot. But notwithstanding the erection of this fort, and the ap- pointment of this ugly little man of war as commander, the Yankees continued the interlopings hinted at in my last chapter, and at length had the audacity to squat themselves down within the jurisdiction of Fort Goed Hoop. The long-bodied Van Curlet protested with great spirit against these unwarrantable encroachments, couching his protest in Low Dutch by way of inspiring more terror, and forthwith dispatched a copy of the protest to the governor at New-Amsterdam, together with a long and bitter account of the aggressions of the enemy. This done, he ordered his men, one and all, to be of good cheer, shut the gate of the fort, smoked three pipes, went to bed, and awaited the result with a resolute and intrepid tranquillity, that greatly ani- mated his adherents, and, no doubt, struck sore dismay and aifright into the hearts of the enemy. Now it came to pass that, about this time, the renowned Wouter Van Twiller, full of years and honours, and council dinners, had reached that period of life and faculty which, according to the great Gulliver, entitles a man to admission into the ancient order of Struldbruggs. He employed his time in smoking his Turkish pipe amid an assemblage of sages equally enlightened, and nearly as venerable, as him- self, and who, for their silence, their gravity, their wisdom, and their cautious averseness to coming to any conclusion in business, are only to be equalled by certain profound corpo- rations which I have known in my time. Upon reading the protest of the gallant Jacobus Van Curlet, therefore. His Excellency fell straightway into one of the deepest doubts that ever he was known to encounter ; his capacious head gradually drooped on his chest, he closed his eyes, and in- clined his ear to one side, as if listening with great attention to the discussion that was going on in his belly, and which all who knew him declared to be the huge court-house or CHAP. IX.] GOLDEN REIGN OF WOUTER VAN TWILLKR. Ill council-chamber of his thouglits, forming to his head what the house of representatives does to the senate. An inarti- culate sound, very much resembling a snore, occasionally escaped him ; but the nature of this internal cogitation was never known, as he never opened his lips on the subject to man, woman, or child. In the meantime, the protest of Van Curlet laid quietly on the table, where it served to light the pipes of the venerable sages assembled in council ; and, in the great smoke which they raised, the gallant Jacobus, his protest, and his mighty fort Goed Hoop, were soon as com- pletely beclouded and forgotten, as is a question of emergency swallowed up in the speeches and resolutions of a modern session of congress. There are certain emergencies when your profound legis- lators and sage deliberative councils are mightily in the way of a nation, and when an ounce of hair-brained decision is worth a pound of sage doubt and cautious discussion. Such, at least, was the case at present ; for while the renowned Wouter Van Twiller was daily battling with his doubts, and his resolution growing weaker and weaker in the contest, the enemy pushed farther and farther into his territories, and assumed a most formidable appearance in the neighbourhood of Fort Goed Hoop. Here they founded the mighty town of Pyquag, or, as it has since been called, Weathersfield, — a place which, if we may credit the assertions of that worthy historian, John Josselyn, gent., " hath been infamous by reason of the -witches therein." And so daring did these men of Pyquag become, that they extended those plantations of onions, for which their town is illustrious, under the very noses of the garrison of Fort Goed Hoop, insomuch that the honest Dutchmen could not look toward that quarter without tears in their eyes. This crying injustice was regarded with proper indignation by the gallant Jacobus Van Curlet. He absolutely trembled with the violence of his choler and the exacerbations of his valour, which were the more turbulent in their workings from the length of the body in which they were agitated. He forthwith proceeded to strengthen his redoubts, heighten his breastworks, deepen his fosse, and fortify his position with a double row of abbatis ; after which he dispatched a fresh courier with accounts of his perilous situation. The courier chosen to bear the dispatches was a fat, oily 112 HISTORY OF NEW-YORK. [bOOK HI. little man, as being less liable to be ■worn out or to lose leather on the journey; and, to insure his speed, he was mounted on the fleetest waggon horse in the garrison, re- markable for length of limb, largeness of bone, and hardness of trot ; and so tall, that the little messenger was obliged to climb on his back by means of his tail and crupper. Such extraordinary speed did he make, that he arrived at Fort Amsterdam in a little less than a month, though the distance was full two hundred pipes, or about one hundred and twenty miles. With an appearance of great hurry and business, and smoking a short travelling-pipe, he proceeded on a long swing trot through the muddy lanes of the metropolis, demolishing whole batches of dirt pies which the little Dutch children were making in the road, and for which kind of pastry the children of this city have ever been famous. On arriving at the governor's house, he climbed down from his steed, roused the grey-headed door-keeper, old Skaats, who, like his lineal descendant and faithful representative, the venerable crier of our court, Avas nodding at his post, rattled at the door of the council chamber, and startled the members as they were dozing over a plan for establishing a public market. At that very moment a gentle grunt, or rather a deep- drawn snore, was heard from the chair of the governor ; a whiff of smoke was at the same instant observed to escape from his lips, and a light cloud to ascend from the bowl of his pipe. The council, of course, supposed him engaged in deep sleep for the good of the community, and, according to custom in all such cases established, every man bawled out silence ! when, of a sudden, the door flew open, and the little courier straddled into the apartment, cased to the middle in a pair of Hessian boots, which he had got into for the sake of expedition. In his right hand he held forth the ominous dispatches, and with his left he grasped firmly the waistband of his galligaskins, which had unfortunately given way in the exertion of descending from his horse. He stumped reso- lutely up to the governor, and, with more hurry than perspi- cuity, delivered his message. But, fortunately, his ill tidings came too late to ruffle the tranquillity of this most tranquil of rulers. His venerable Excellency had just breathed and .smoked his last ; his lungs and his pipe having been ex- hausted together, and his peaceful soul having escaped in the BOOK. IV.] WILLIAM THK TESTY. 113 last whiff that curled from his tobacco-pipe. In a word, the renowned Walter the Doubter, who had so often slumbered with his contemporaries, now slept with his fathers, and Wilhelmus Kieft governed in his stead. BOOK IV. CONTAINING THE CHRONICLES OF THE REIGN OP WILLIAM THE TESTY. CHAPTER I. When the lofty Thucydides is about to enter upon his de- scription of the plague that desolated Athens, one of his modern commentators assures the reader that the history is now going to be exceedingly solemn, serious, and pathetic ; and hints, with that air of chuckling gratulation with which a good dame draws forth a choice morsel from a cupboard to regale a favourite, that this plague will give his history a most agreeable variety. In like manner did my heart leap within me when I came to the dolorous dilemma of Fort Good Hope, which I at once perceived to be the forerunner of a series of great events and entertaining disasters. Such are the true subjects for the historic pen. For what is history, in fact, but a kind of Newgate Calendar — a register of the crimes and miseries that man has inflicted on his fellow man ? It is a huge libel on human nature, to which we industriously add page after page, volume after volume, as if we were building up a monument to the honour, rather than the infamy, of our species. If we turn over the pages of these chronicles that man has written of himself, what are the characters dignified by the appellation of great, and held up to the admiration of posterity ? Tyrants, robbers, conquerors, renowned only for the magnitude of their misdeeds and the stupendous wrongs and miseries they have inflicted on mankind — warriors, who have hired themselves to the trade of blood, not from motives of virtuous patriotism, or to protect the injured and defence- less, but merely to gain the vaunted glory of being adroit and successful in massacring tiicir fellow-beings ! What are 114 HISTORY OF NEW-YORK. [bOOK IT. the great events that constitute a glorious era ? The fall of empires, the desolation of happy countries, splendid cities smoking in their ruins, the proudest works of art tumbled in the dust, the shrieks and groans of whole nations ascending unto heaven ! It is thus the historians may be said to thrive on the mise- ries of mankind, like birds of prey which hover over the field of battle to fatten on the mighty dead. It was observed by a great projector of inland lock navigation, that rivers, lakes, and oceans were only formed to feed canals. In like manner I am tempted to believe that plots, conspiracies, wars, victo- ries, and massacres, are ordained by Providence only as food for the historian. It is a source of great delight to the philosopher, in study- ing the wonderful economy of nature, to trace the mutual dependencies of things — how they are created reciprocally for each other, and how the most noxious and apparently unnecessary animal has its uses. Thus those swarms of flies which are so often execrated as useless vermin, are created for the sustenance of spiders ; and spiders, on the other hand, are evidently made to devour flies. So those heroes who have been such scourges to the world were bounteously provided as themes for the poet and historian, while the poet and the historian were destined to record the achievements of heroes ! These and many similar reflections naturally arose in my mind, as I took up my pen to commence the reign of Wil- liam Kieft : for now the stream of our history, which hitherto has rolled in a tranquil current, is about to depart for ever from its peaceful haunts, and brawl through many a turbu- lent and rugged scene. As some sleek ox, sunk in the rich repose of a clover-field, dozing and chewing the cud, will bear repeated blows before it raises itself; so the province of Nieuw-Nederlandts, hav- ing waxed fat under the drowsy reign of the Doubter, needed cuffs and kicks to rouse it into action. The reader will now witness the manner in which a peaceful community advances towards a state of war ; which is apt to be like the approach of a horse to a drum, with much prancing and little progress, and too often with the wrong end foremost. Wilhelmus Kieft, who, in 1634, ascended the gubernato- rial chair (to bori'ow a favourite though clumsy appellation of modern phraseologists), was of a lofty descent, Ms father CHAP. I.] WILLIAM THE TESTY. 115 being inspector of wind-mills in the ancient town of Saardani ; and our hero, we are told, when a boy, made very curious investigations into the nature and operation of these ma- chines, which was one reason why he afterwards came to be so ingenious a governor. His name, according to the most authentic etymologists, was a corruption of Kyver; that is to say, a wrangler or scolder ; and expressed the charac- teristic of his family, which, for nearly two centuries, had kept the windy town of Saardam in hot water, and produced more tartars and brimstones than any ten families in the place ; and so truly did he inherit this family peculiarity, that he had not been a year in the government of the pro- vince, before he was universally denominated William the Testy. His appearance answered to his name. He was a brisk, wiry, waspish little old gentleman ; such a one as may now and then be seen stumping about our city in a broad- skirted coat with huge buttons, a cocked hat stuck on the back of his head, and a cane as high as his chin. His face was broad, but his features were sharp ; his cheeks were scorched into a dusky red, by two fieiy little grey eyes ; his nose turned up, and the corners of his mouth turned down, pretty much like the muzzle of an irritable pug-dog. I have heard it observed by a profound adept in human physiology, that if a woman waxes fat with the progress of years, her tenure of life is somewhat precarious, but if haply she withers as she grows old, she lives for ever. Such pro- mised to be the case with William the Testy, who grew tough in proportion as he dried. Pie had withered, in fact, not through the process of years, but through the tropical fervour of his soul, which burnt like a vehement rush-light in his bosom, inciting him to incessant broils and bickerings. Ancient traditions speak much of his learning, and of the gallant inroads he had made into the dead languages, in which he had made captive a host of Greek nouns and Latin verbs; and brought off rich booty in ancient saws and apophthegms, which he was wont to parade in his public ha- rangues, as a triumphant general of yore, his spolia opima. Of metaphysics he knew enough to confound all hearers and himself into the bargain. In logic, he knew the whole family of syllogisms and dilemmas, and was so proud of his skill that he never suffered even a self-evident fact to pass unargued. It was observed, however, that he seldom got into I 2 116 HISTORY OF NEW-YORK. [bOOK IV. an argument without getting into a perplexity, and then into a passion with his adversary for not being convinced gratis. He had, moreover, skirmished smartly on the frontiers of several of the sciences, was fond of experimental philosophy, and prided himself upon inventions of all kinds. His abode, which he had fixed at a bowery, or country-seat, at a short distance fi'om the city, just at what is now called Dutch Street, soon abounded with proofs of his ingenuity : patent smoke-jacks that required a horse to work them ; Dutch ovens that roasted meat without fire ; carts that went beiore the horses ; weather-cocks that turned against the wind ; and otlier wrong-headed contrivances that astonished and confounded all beholders. The house, too, was beset with paralytic cats and dogs, the subjects of his experimental phi- losophy ; and the yelling and yelping of the latter unhappy victims of science, while aiding in the pursuit of knowledge, soon gained for the place the name of " Dog's Misery," by which it continues to be known even at the present day. It is in knowledge as in swimming, he who flounders and splashes on the surface, makes more noise and attracts more attention than tlie pearl-diver who quietly dives in quest of treasures to the bottom. The vast acquirements of the new governor were the theme of marvel among the simple burghers of New Amsterdam ; he figured about the place as learned a man as a Bonze at Pekin, who has mastered one- half of the Chinese alphabet : and Avas unanimously pro- nounced a " universal genius ! " I have known in my time many a genius of this stamp ; but, to speak my mind freely, I never knew one who, for the ordinary purposes of life, Avas worth his weight in straw. In this respect, a little sound judgment and plain common sense is wortli all the sparkling genius that ever wrote poetry or invented theories. Let us see how the universal acquirements of William the Testy aided him in the affairs of government. CHAP. 11. No sooner had this bustling little potentate been blown by a whiff of fortune into the seat of government, than he called his council together to make them a speech on the state of affairs. CHAP. II.] WILLIAM THE TESTT. 117 Caius Graechus, it is said, when he harangued the Roman populace, modulated his tone by an oratorical flute or pitch- pipe; Wilhelmus Kieft, not having such an instrument at hand, availed himself of that musical organ or trump wliicli nature has implanted in the midst of a man's face ; in other ■words, he preluded his address bj a sonorous blast of the nose; a preliminary flourish much in vogue among public orators. He then commenced by expressing his humble sense of his utter unworthiness of the high post to which he had been appointed, which made some of the simple burghers wonder why he undertook it, not knowing that it is a point of eti- quette with a public orator never to enter upon ofl^ice without declaring himself unworthy to cross the threshold. He then proceeded in a manner highly classic and erudite to speak of government generally, and of the governments of ancient Greece in particular ; together with the wars of Rome and Carthage, and the rise and fall of sundry outlandish empires which the worthy burghers had never read nor heard of. Having thus, after the manner of your learned orators, treated of things in general, he came, by a natural roundabout trans- ition, to the matter in hand, namely, the daring aggressions of the Yankees. As my readers are well aware of the advantage a potentate has of handling his enemies as he pleases in his speeches and bulletins, where he has the talk all on his own side, they may i*est assured that William the Testy did not let such an op- portunity escape of giving the Yankees what is called " a taste of his quality." In speaking of their inroads into the territories of their High Mightinesses, he compared them to the Gauls, who desolated Rome ; the Goths and Vandals, who overran the fairest plains of Europe ; but when he came to speak of the unparalleled audacity with which they of Wea- thersfield had advanced their patches up to the very walls of Fort Goed Hoop, and threatened to smother the garrison in onions, tears of rage started into his eyes, as though he nosed the very offence in question. Having thus wrouglit up his talc to a climax, he assumed a most belligerent look, and assured the council that he had devised an instrument, potent in its effects, and which he trusted would soon drive the Yankees from the land. So saying, he thrust his hand into one of the deep pockets of I 3 118 HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK IV. his broad-skirted coat and drew forth, not an infernal ma- chine, but an instrument in writing, which he laid with great emphasis upon the table. The burghers gazed at it for a time in silent awe, as a wary housewife does at a gun, fearful it may go off half- cocked. The document in question had a sinister look, it is true ; it was crabbed in text, and from a broad red ribbon dangled the great seal of the province, about the size of a buckwheat pancake. Still, after all, it was but an instrument in writing. Herein, however, existed the wonder of the in- vention. The document in question was a Proclajiation, ordering the Yankees to depart instantly from the territories of their High Mightinesses, under pain of suffering all the forfeitures and punishments in such case made and pro- vided. It was on the moral effect of this formidable instru- ment that Wilhelraus Kieft calculated ; pledging his valour as a governor that, once fulminated against the Yankees, it would, in less than two months, drive every mother's son of them across the borders. The council broke up in perfect wonder, and nothing was talked of for some time among the old men and women of New-Amsterdam but the vast genius of the governor, and his new and cheap mode of fighting by proclamation. As to Wilhelmus Kieft, having dispatched his proclamation to the frontiers, he put on his cocked hat and corduroy small- clothes, and, mounting a tall raw-boned charger, trotted out to his rural retreat of Dog's Misery. Here, like the good Numa, he reposed from the toils of state, taking lessons in government, not from the nymph Egeria, but from the honoured wife of his bosom, who was one of that class of females sent upon the earth a little after the Flood, as a punishment for the sins of mankind, and commonly known by the appel- lation of knowing women. In fact, my duty as an historian obliges me to make known a circumstance which was a great secret at the time, and, consequently, was not a subject of scandal at more than half the tea-tables in New-Amsterdam, but which, like many other great secrets, has leaked out in the lapse of years ; and this was, that Wilhelmus the Testy, though one of the most potent little men that ever breathed, yet submitted at home to a species of government, neither laid down in Aristotle nor Plato ; in short, it partook of the nature of a pure, unmixed tyranny, and is familiarly denonai- CHAP. in. J WILLIAM THE TESTX. 119 nated petticoat government. An absolute sway, which, although exceedingly common in these modern days, was very rare among the ancients, if we may judge from the rout made about the domestic economy of honest Socrates, which is the only ancient case on record. The great Kieft, however, warded off all the sneers and sarcasms of his particular fi-iends, who are ever ready to joke with a man on sore points of the kind, by alleging that it was a government of his own election, to which he submitted through choice ; adding, at the same time, a profound maxim which he had found in an ancient author, that " he who would aspire to govern should first learn to obey." CHAP. III. Never was a more comprehensive, a more expeditious, or, what is still better, a more economical measure devised, than this of defeating the Yankees by proclamation — an expe- dient, likewise, so gentle and humane, there were ten chances to one in favour of its succeeding ; but then there was one chance to ten that it would not succeed — as the ill-natured Fates would have it, that single chance carried the day ! The proclamation was perfect in all its parts, well constructed, well written, well sealed, and well published : all that was wanting to insure its effect was, that the Yankees should stand in awe of it ; but, provoking to relate, they treated it with the most absolute contempt, applied it to an unseemly purpose, and thus did the first warlike proclamation come to a shameful end — a fate which I am credibly informed has befallen but too many of its successors. So far from abandoning the country, those varlets con- tinued their encroachments, squatting along the green banks of the Varsche river, and founding Hartford, Stamford, New Haven, and other border towns. I have already shown how the onion patches of Pyquag were an eyesore to Jacobus Van Curlet and his garrison ; but now these moss-troopers increased in their atrocities, kidnapping hogs, impounding horses, and sometimes grievously rib-roasting their owners. Our worthy forefathers could scarcely stir abroad without danger of being outjockeyed in horseflesh, or taken in in bar- gaining ; while, in their absence, some daring Yankee pedlar I 4 120 HISTORY OF NEW-YORK. [bOOK IT. would penetrate to their household, and nearly ruin the good housewives with tin-ware and wooden bowls.* I am well aware of the perils which environ me in this part of my history. While raking, with curious hand but pious heart, among the mouldering remains of former days, anxious to draw therefrom the honey of wisdom, I may fare somewhat like that valiant worthy, Samson, who, in med- dling with the carcass of a dead lion, drew a swarm of bees about his ears. Thus, while narrating the many misdeeds of the Yanokie or Yankee race, it is ten chances to one but I offend the morbid sensibilities of certain of their unreason- able descendants, who may fly out and raise such a buzzing about this unlucky head of mine, that I shall need the tough hide of an Achilles, or an Orlando Furioso, to protect me from their stings. Should such be the case, I should deeply and sincerely lament — not my misfortune in giving offence — but the wrong-headed perverseness of an ill-natured generation, in taking offence at any thing I say. That their ancestors did use my ancestors ill is true, and I am very sorry for it. I would, with all my heart, the fact were otherwise ; but as I am recording the sacred events of history, I'd not bate one nail's breadth of the honest truth, though I were sure the whole edition of my work would be bought up and burnt by the common hangman of Connecticut. And in sootli, now that these testy gentlemen have drawn me out, I will make bold to go farther, and observe that this is one of the grand * The following; cases in point appear in Hazard's " Collection of State Papers :" — "In tlic meantime, they of Hartford have not onelj^ usurped and taken in the lands of Connecticott, although unrighteously and against the lawes of nations, but have hindered our nation in sowing theirc own purchased broken-up lands, but have also sowed them with come in the night, wliich the Nederlandcrs had broken up and intended to sowe ; and have beaten the servants of the high and mighty the honored companie, which were laboring upon theire masters' lands, from theirc lands, with sticks and plow staves in hostile manner laming, and, among the rest, struck Ever Duckings [Evert Duyckink] a hole in his head with a stick, so that the bloode ran downe veiy strongly downe upon his body." " Those of Hartford sold a hogg, that belonged to the honored companie, under pretence that it had eaten of theire grounde grass, when they had not any foot of inheritance. They proffered the hogg for 5s. if the com- missioners would have given 5s. for damage ; which the commissioners denied, because noe man's own hogg (as men used to say) can trespass upon his owne master's grounde." CHAP, ra.] WILLIAM THIC TESTY. 121 purposes for which we impartial historians are sent into the world — to redress wrongs, and render justice on the heads of the guilty. So that, though a powerful nation may wrong its neighbours with temporary impunity, yet sooner or later an historian springs up, who wreaks ample chastisement on it in return. Thus these moss-troopers of the east little thought, I'll warrant it, while they were harassing the inoffensive pro- vince of Nieuw-Nederlandts, and driving its unhappy gover- nor to his wits' end, that an historian would ever arise, and give them their own, with interest. Since, then, I am but performing my bounden duty as an historian, in avenging the wrongs of our revered ancestors, I shall make no furtlier apology ; and, indeed, when it is considered that I have all these ancient borderers of the east in my power, and at the mercy of my pen, I trust that it will be admitted I conduct myself with gi-eat humanity and moderation. It was long before William the Testy could be persuaded that his much vaunted war measure was ineffectual ; on the contrary, he flew in a passion whenever it was doubted, swearing that though slow in operating, yet when it once began to work, it would soon purge the land of these in- vaders. When convinced, at length, of the truth, like a shrewd physician, he attributed the failure to the quantity, not the quality of the medicine, and resolved to double the dose. He fulminated, therefore, a second proclamation more vehement than the firsts forbidding all intercourse with these Yankee intruders ; ordering the Dutch burghers on the fron- tiers to buy none of their pacing horses, measly pork, apple sweetmeats, Weathersfield onions, or wooden bowls, and to fur- nish them with no supplies of gin, gingerbread, or sour-krout. Another interval elapsed, during which the last proclama- tion was as little regarded as the first, and the non-intercourse was especially set at naught by the young folks of both sexes, if we may judge by the active bundling which took place along the borders. At length one day the inhabitants of New- Amsterdam were aroused by a furious barking of dogs, great and small, and beheld, to their surprise, tlie wJiole garrison of Fort Good Hope straggling into town all tattei'ed and wayworn, with Jacobus Van Curlet at their head, bringing the melancholy in- telligence of tlie capture of Fort Good Hope by the Yankees. 122 HISTORY OF NEW TORK. [bOOK IV. The fate of this important fortress is an impressive warn- ing to all military commanders. It was neither carried by storm nor famine ; nor was it undermined, nor bombarded, nor set on fire by red-hot shot ; but was taken by a stratagem no less singular than effectual, and which can never fail of suc- cess, whenever an opportunity occurs of putting it in practice. It seems that the Yankees had received, intelligence that the garrison of Jacobus Van Curlet had been reduced nearly one-eighth by the death of two of his most corpulent soldiers, who had overeaten themselves on fat salmon caught in the Varsche river. A secret expedition was immediately set on foot to surpi'ise the fortress. The crafty enemy knowing the habits of the garrison to sleep soundly after they had eaten their dinners and smoked their pipes, stole upon them at the noontide of a sultry summer's day, and surprised them in the midst of their slumbers. In an instant the flag of their High Mightinesses was low- ered, and the Yankee standard elevated in its stead, being a dried codfish, by way of a spread eagle. A strong garrison was appointed of long-sided, hard-fisted Yankees, with "Wea- thersfield onions for cockades and feathers. As to Jacobus Van Curlet and his men, they were seized by the nape of the neck, conducted to the gate, and one by one dismissed with a kick in the crupper, as Charles XII. dismissed the heavy- bottomed Russians at the battle of Narva ; Jacobus Van Curlet receiving two kicks in consideration of his official dignity. CHAP. IV. Language cannot express the awful ire of William the Testy on hearing of the catastrophe at Fort Goed Hoop. For three good hours his rage was too great for words, or rather the words were too great for him (being a very small man), and he was nearly choked by the misshapen, nine-cornered Dutch oaths and epithets which crowded at once into his gullet. At length his words found vent, and for three days he kept up a constant discharge, anathematising the Yankees, man, wo- man, and child, for a set of dieven, schobbejacken, deuge- nieten, twistzoekeren, blaes-kaken, loosen-schalken, kakken- bedden, and a thousand other names, of which, unfortunately for posterity, history does not make mention. Finally, he CHAP. IV.] WILLIAM THE TESTY. 123 swore that he would have nothing more to do with such a squat- ting, bundling, guessing, questioning, swapping, pumpkin- eating, molasses-daubing, shingle-splitting, cider-watering, horse-jockeying, notion-peddling crew — that they might stay at Fort Goed Hoop and rot, before he would dirty his hands by attempting to drive them away ; in proof of which he ordered the new-raised troops to be marched forthwith into winter quarters, although it was not as yet quite midsummer. Great despondency now fell upon the city of New- Amsterdam. It was feared that the conquerors of Fort Goed Hoop, flushed with victory and apple-brandy, might march on to the capital, take it by storm, and annex the wliole province to Connecticut. The name of Yankee became as terrible among the Nieuw- Nederlanders as was that of Gaul among the ancient Romans ; insomuch that the good wives of the Manhattoes used it as a bugbear wherewith to frighten their unruly children. Every body clamoured around the governor, imploring him to put the city in a complete posture of defence, and he listened to their clamours. Nobody could accuse William the Testy of being idle in time of danger, or at any other time. He was never idle, but then he was often busy to very little purpose. When a youngling he had been impressed with the words of Solomon, " Go to tha ant, thou sluggard,* ob- serve her ways and be wise," in conformity to which he had ever been of a restless, ant-like turn ; hurrying hither and thither, nobody knew why or wherefore, busying himself about small matters with an air of great importance and anxiety, and toiling at a grain of mustard-seed in the full conviction that he was moving a mountain. In the present instance, he called in all his inventive powers to his aid, and was continually pondering over plans, making diagrams, and worrying about with a troop of workmen and projectors at his heels. At length, after a world of consultation and con- trivance, his plans of defence ended in rearing a great flag- staff in the centre of the fort, and perching a wind-mill on each bastion. These warlike preparations in some measure allayed the public alarm, especially after an additional means of securing the safety of the city had been suggested by the governor's lady. It has already been hinted in this most authentic history, that in the domestic establishment of William the Testy " the grey mare was the better horse ; " in other 124 HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK IT, words, that his wife " ruled the roast," and, in governing the governor, governed the province, which might thus be said to be under petticoat government. Now it came to pass, that about this time there lived in the Manhattoes a jolly, robustious trumpeter, named Anthony Van Corlear, famous for his long wind ; and who, as the story goes, could twang so potently upon his instrument, that the effect upon all within hearing was like that ascribed to the Scotch bagpipe when it sings right lustily i' the nose. This sounder of brass was moreover a lusty bachelor, with a pleasant, burly visage, a long nose, and huge whiskers. He had his little bowery, or retreat in the country, where he led a roystering life, giving dances to the wives and daughters of the burghers of the Manhattoes, insomuch that he became a prodigious favourite with all the women, young and old. He is said to have been the first to collect that famous toll levied on the fair sex at Kissing Bridge, on the highway to Hell-gate.* To this sturdy bachelor the eyes of all the women were turned in this time of darkness and peril, as the very man to second and carry out the plans of defence of the governor. A kind of petticoat council was forthwith held at the govern- ment house, at which the governor's lady presided ; and this lady, as has been hinted, being all potent with the governor, the result of these councils was the elevation of Anthony the Trumpeter to the post of commandant of wind-mills and champion of New-Amsterdam. The city being thus fortified and garrisoned, it would have done one's heart good to see the governor snapping his fingers and fidgetting with delight, as the trumpeter strutted up and down the ramparts twanging defiance to the whole Yankee race, as does a modern editor to all the principalities and powers on the other side of the Atlantic. In the hands of Anthony Van Corlear this windy instrument appeared to him as potent as the horn of the paladin Astolpho, or even the more classic horn of Alecto ; nay, he had almost the temerity to compare it with the rams' horns celebrated in holy writ^ at the very sound of which the walls of Jericho fell down. Be ail this as it may, the apprehensions of hostilities from * The bridge here mentioned by Mr. Knickerbocker still exists ; but it is said that the toll is seldom collected now-a-days excepting on sleighing parties, by the descendants of the patriarchs, who still preserve the tradi- tions of the city. CHAP, v."] WILLIAM THE TESTY. 125 the east gradually died away. The Yankees made no further invasion ; nay, they declared they had only taken possession of Fort Goed Hoop as being erected within their territories. So far from manifesting hostility, they continued to throng to New-Amsterdam with the most innocent countenances ima- ginable, tilling the market with their notions, being as ready to trade with the Nederlanders as ever, and not a whit more prone to get to the windward of them in a bargain. The old wives of the Manhattoes who took tea with the governor's lady attributed all this affected moderation to the awe inspired by the military preparations of the governor, and the windy prowess of Anthony the Trumpeter. There were not wanting illiberal minds, however, who sneered at the governor for thinking to defend his city as he governed it, by mere wind ; but William Kieft was not to be jeered out of his wind-mills; he had seen them perched upon the rampax'ts of his native city of Saardam, and was persuaded they were connected with the great science of defence ; nay, so much piqued was he by having them made a matter of ridi- cule, that he introduced them into the arms of the city, where they remain to this day, quartered with the ancient beaver of the Manhattoes, an emblem and memento of his policy. I must not omit to mention that certain wise old burghers of the Manhattoes, skilful in expounding signs and mysteries, after events have come to pass, consider this early intrusion of the wind-mill into the escutcheon of our city, which before had been wholly occupied by the beaver, as portentous of its after fortune, when the quiet Dutchman would be elbowed aside by the enterprising Yankee, and patient industry over- topped by windy speculation. CHAP. V. Among the wrecks and fragments of exalted wisdom which have floated down the stream of time from venerable antiquity, and been picked up by those humble but industrious wights who ply along the shores of literature, we find a shrewd ordi- nance of Charondas the Locrian legislator. Anxious to pre- serve the judicial code of the state from the additions and amendments of country members and seekers of popularity, he ordained that, whoever proposed a new law should do it with 126 HISTOKT OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK IT. a halter about his neck ; whereby, in case his proposition were rejected, they just hung him up — and there the matter ended. The effect was, that for more than two hundred years there was but one trifling alteration in the judicial code ; and legal matters were so clear and simple that the whole race of lawyers starved to death for want of employment. The Loc- rians, too, being freed from allincitement to litigation, lived very lovingly together, and were so happy a people that they make scarce any tigure in history; it being only your litigious, quar- relsome, rantipole nations who make much noise in the world. I have been reminded of these historical facts in coming to treat of the internal policy of William the Testy. Well would it have been for him had he in the course of his universal ac- quirements stumbled upon the precaution of the good Charon- das ; or had he looked neai-er home at the protectorate of Oloffe the Dreamer, when the community was governed without laws. Such legislation, however, was not suited to the busy, med- dling mind of William the Testy. *0n the contrary, he con- ceived that the true wisdom of legislation consisted in the multiplicit}'- of laws. He accordingly had great punishments for great crimes, and little punishments for little offences. By degrees the whole surface of society was cut up by ditches and fences, and quickset hedges of the law, and even the se- questered paths of private life so beset by petty rules and ordinances, too numerous to be remembered, that one could scarce walk at large without the risk of letting off a spring- gun, or falling into a man-trap. In a little while the blessings of innumerable laws became apparent ; a class of men arose to expound and confound them. Petty courts were instituted to take cognisance of petty offences, pettifoggers began to abound, and the com- munity was soon set together by the ears. Let me not be thought as intending any thing derogatory to the profession of the law, or to the distinguished members of that illustrious order. Well am I aware that we have in this ancient city innumerable worthy gentlemen, the knights- errant of modern days, who go about redressing wrongs and defending the defenceless, not for the love of filthy lucre, nor the selfish cravings of renown, but merely for the pleasure of doing good. Sooner would I throw this trusty pen into the flames, and cork up my ink-bottle for ever, than infringe even for a nail's breadth upon the dignity of these truly benevolent CHAP, v.] WILLIAM THE TESTV. 127 champions of the distressed. On the contrary, I allude merely to those caitiff scouts who, in these latter days of evil, infest the skirts of the profession, as did the recreant Cornish knights of yore, the honourable order of chivalry; who, under its auspices, commit flagrant wrongs ; who thrive by quibbles, by quirks and chicanery, and like vermin increase the cor- ruption in which they are engendered. Nothing so soon awakens the malevolent passions as the facility of gratification. The courts of law would never be so crowded with petty, vexatious, and disgraceful suits, were it not for the herds of pettifoggers. These tamper with the passions of the poorer and more ignorant classes ; who, as if poverty were not a sufficient misery in itself, are ever ready to embitter it by litigation. These, like quacks in medicine, excite the malady to profit by the cure, and retard the cure to augment the fees. As the quack exhausts the constitution, the pettifogger exhausts the purse ; and as he who has once been under the hands of a quack, is for ever after prone to dabble in drugs, and poison himself with infallible prescrip- tions ; so the client of the pettifogger is ever after prone to embroil himself with his neighbours, and impoverish him- self with successful lawsuits. My readers will excuse this digression into which I have been unwarily betrayed ; but I could not avoid giving a cool and unprejudiced account of an abomination too prevalent in this excellent city, and with the effects of which I am ruefully acquainted, having been nearly ruined by a lawsuit which was decided against me; and my ruin having been completed by another, which was decided in my favour. To return to our theme. There was nothing in the whole range of moral offences against which the jurisprudence of William the Testy was more strenuously directed, than the crying sin of poverty. He pronounced it the root of all evil, and determined to cut it up root and branch, and extirpate it from the land. He had been struck, in the course of his travels in the old countries of Europe, with the wisdom of those notices posted up in country towns, that " any vagrant found begging there would be put in the stocks," and he had observed, that no beggars were to be seen in these neighbour- hoods ; having doubtless thrown off their rags and their poverty, and become rich under the terror of the law. He determined to improve upon this hint. In a little while a 128 HISTORY OF NEW-YORK. [bOOK IV. new machine of his own invention was erected hard by Dog's Misery. This was nothing more nor less than a gibbet, of a very strange, uncouth, and unmatchable construction, far more efficacious, as he boasted, than the stocks, for the punish- ment of poverty. It was for altitude not a whit inferior to that of Haman, so renowned in Bible history; but the marvel of the contrivance was, that the culprit, instead of being sus- pended by the neck according to venerable custom, was hoisted by the waistband, and kept dangling and sprawling between heaven and earth for an hour or two at a time, to the infinite entertainment and edification of the respectable citizens who usually attend exhibitions of the kind. Such was the punishment of all petty delinquents, vagrants and beggars and others detected in being guilty of poverty in a small way. As to those who had offended on a great scale, who had been guilty of flagrant misfortunes and enormous backslidings of the purse, and who stood convicted of large debts, which they were unable to pay, William Ivieft had them straightway inclosed within the stone walls of a prison, there to remain until they should I'eform and grow rich. This notable expedient, however, does not appear to have been more efficacious under William the Testy than in more mo- dern days, it being found that the longer a poor devil was kept in prison the poorer he grew. CHAP. VI. Kext to his projects for the suppression of poverty, may be classed those of William the Testy for increasing the wealth of New-Amsterdam. Solomon, of whose character for wisdom the little governor was somewhat emulous, had made gold and silver as plenty as the stones in the streets of Jerusalem. William Kieft could not pretend to vie with him as to the precious metals, but he determined, as an equivalent, to flood the streets of New- Amsterdam with Indian money. This was nothing more nor less than strings of beads wrought out of clams, periwinkles, and other shell-fish, and called seawant or wampum. These had formed a native currency among the simple savages, who were content to take them of the Dutch- men in exchange for peltries. In an unlucky moment, William the Testy, seeing this money of easy production, conceived CHAP. VI.] "^^^LLIAM the testy. 129 the project of makins; it the current coin of the province. It is true it had an intrinsic value among the Indians, wlio used it to ornament their robes and mocassins ; but, among: the honest burghers, it had no more intrinsic value than those rags which form the paper currency of modern days. This consideration, however, had no weight with William Kieft. He began by paying all the servants of the company, and all the debts of government, in strings of wampum. He sent emissaries to sweep the shores of Long Island, Avhich was the Ophir of this modern Solomon, and abounded in sliell-fish. These were transported in loads to New- Amsterdam, coined into Indian money, and launched into circulation. And now, for a time, affairs went on swimmingly ; money became as plentiful as in the modern days of paper currency, and, to use the popular phrase, " a wonderful impulse was given to public prosperity." Yankee traders poured into the province, buying every thing they could lay their hands on, and paying the worthy Dutchmen their own price — in Indian money. If the latter, however, attempted to pay the Yankees in the same coin, for their tinware and wooden bowls, the case was altered ; nothing would do but Dutch guilders, and such Jike " metallic currency." What was worse, the Yankees introduced an inferior kind of wampum, made of oyster shells, with which they deluged the province, carrying off in ex- change all the silver and gold, the Dutch herrings, and Dutch cheeses : thus early did the knowing men of the east mani- fest their skill in bargaining the New-Amsterdammers out of the oyster, and leaving them the shell.* It was a long time before William the Testy was made sensible how completely his grand project of finance was * In a manuscript record of the province, dated 1659, Libraiy of the New York Historical Society, is the following mention of Indian money : — " Scaiontif, alias wampum. Beads manufactured from the Quahang or whelk, a shell-fish formerly abounding on our coasts, but lately of more rare occun'cnce, of two colours, black and white ; the former twice the value of the latter. Six beads of the white and three of the black for an English penny. The seawant depreciates from time to time. The New England people make use of it as a means of barter, not only to carry aw.i}' the best cargoes wiiich we send thither, hut to accumulate a large quantity of beavers and other furs, by which the company is defrauded of her revenues, and the mei'chants disappointed in making returns with that speed with which they might wish to meet their engagements ; while their commissioners and the inhabitants remain ovei'stocked with seawant, a sort of currency of no value except with the New-Ncthcrland savages," &c. K 130 HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK IV. turned a,2:aii)st liim by his eastern neighbours ; nor would he probably have ever found it out, had not tidings been brought him that the Yankees had made a descent upon Long Island, and had established a kind of mint at Oyster Bay, ■where they were coining up all the oyster banks. — Now this was making a vital attack upon the province in n double sense, financial and gastronomical. Ever since the council dinner of Oloffe the Dreamer, at the founding of New- Amsterdam, at which banquet the oyster figured so conspicu- ously, this divine shell-fish has been held in a kind of supersti- tious reverence at the Manhattoes ; as witness the temples erected to its cult in every street and lane and alley. In fact, it is the standard luxury of the place, as is the terrapin at Philadelphia, the soft crab at Baltimore, or the canvas- back at Washington. The seizure of Oyster Bay, therefore, was an outrage not merely on the pockets, but the larders of the New-Amster- dammers ; the whole community was aroused, and an oyster crusade was immediately set on foot against the Yankees. Every stout trencherman hastened to the standard ; nay, some of the most corpulent burgomasters and schepens joined the expedition as a corps de reserve, only to be called into action when the sacking commenced. The conduct of the expedition was intrusted to a valiant Dutchman, who, for size and weight, might have matched with Colbrand, the Danish champion, slain by Guy of Warwick. He Avas famous throughout the px'ovince for strength of arm and skill at quarter-staff", and hence was named Stoffel Brin- kerhotf; or rather, Brinkerhoofd ; that is to stay, Stoffel the Head-breaker. This sturdy commander, who was a man of few words but vigorous deeds, led his troops I'esolutely on through Nineveh, and Babylon, and Jericho, and Patch-hog, and other Long Island towns, without encountering any difficulty of note ; though it is said that some of the burgomasters gave out at Hartl-scramble Hill and Hungry Hollow ; and that others lost heart, and turned back at Puss-panick. With the rest he made good his march until he arrived in the.neigbbour- hood of Oyster Bay. Here he wa? encountered by a host of Yankee warriors, headed l)y Preserved Fish, and Habakkuk Nutter, and Re- turn Strong, and Zerubbabel Fisk, and Determined Cock I at the sound of whose names Stoffel Brinkerhoff" verily believed CHAP. VII.] WILLIAM THE TESTY. 131 the vhole parliament of Praise-God Barebones had been let loose upon him. He soon found, however, that they were merely the "select men" of the settlement, armed with no weapon but the tongue, and disposed only to meet him on the field of argument. Stoffel had but one mode of arguing — tliat was, with the cudgel ; but he used it with such effect that-iie routed his antagonists, broke up the settlement, and Avould have di-iven the inhabitants into the sea, if they had not managed to escape across the Sound to the mainland by the Devil's stepping-stones, which remain to this day monu- ments of this great Dutch victory over the Yankees. Stoffel Brinkerhoff made great spoil of oysters and clams, coined and uncoined, and then set out on his return to tlie Manhattoes. A grand triumph, after the manner of the ancients, Avas prepared for him by William the Testy. He entered New- Amsterdam as a conqueror, mounted on a iSTai'- raganset pacer. Five dried codfish on poles, standards taken from the enemy, were borne before him ; and an immense store of oysters and clams, Weathersfield onions, and Yankee "notions" formed the spolia oj)ima; while several coiners of oyster shells were led captive to grace the hero's triumph. The procession was accompanied by a full band of boys and negroes, performing on the popular instruments of rattle- bones and clam-shells, while Anthony Van Corlear sounded his trumpet from the ramparts. A great banquet was served up in the stadthouse from the clams and oysters taken from the enemy, while the governor sent the shells privately to the mint, and had them coined into Indian money, with which he paid his troops. It is moreover said that the governor, calling to mind the practice among the ancients to honour t!ieir victorious generals with public statues, passed a magnanimous decree, hj Avhich every tavern-keeper was permitted to paint the head of Stoffel Brinkerhoff upon his sign ! CHAP. VII. It has been remarked by the observant writer of the Stuyve- aant manuscript, that under the administration of William Kieft the disposition of the inhabitants of New- Amsterdam experienced an essential change, so that they became x^sy 132 HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK IT. meddlesome and factious. Tlie unfortunate propensity of the little governor to experiment and innovation, and the fre- quent exacerbations of his temper, kept his council in a con- tinual worry ; and the council being to the people at large what yeast or leaven is to a batch, they threw the whole com- munity in a ferment ; and the people at large being to the city what the mind is to the body, the unhappy commotions they underwent operated most disastrously upon New- Am- sterdam ; insomuch that, in certain of their paroxysms of consternation and perplexity, they begat several of the most crooked, distorted, and abominable streets, lanes, and alleys, with which this metropolis is disfigured. The fact was, that about this time the community, like Ba- laam's ass, began to grow more enlightened than its rider, and to show a disposition for what is called "self-government." This restive propensity was first evinced in certain popular meetings, in which the burghers of New- Amsterdam met to talk and smoke over the complicated affairs of the province, gradually obfuscating themselves with politics and tobacco- smoke. Hither resorted those idlers and squires of low de- gree, who hang loose on society and are blown about by every Avind of doctrine. Cobblers abandoned their stalls to give lessons on political economy ; blacksmiths suffered their fires to go out, while they stirred up the fires of faction ; and even tailors, though said to be the ninth parts of humanity, neglected their oAvn measures to criticise the measures of government. Strange ! that the science of government, which seems to be so generally iniderstood, should invariably be denied to the only one called upon to exercise it. Not one of the poli- ticians in question, but, take his word for it, could have ad- ministered affairs ten times better than William the Testy. Under the instructions of these political oracles, the good people of New-Amsterdam soon became exceedingly enlight- ened ; and, as a matter of course, exceedingly discontented. They gradually found out the fearful error in which they had indulged, of thinking themselves the happiest people in creation ; and were convinced that, all circumstances to the contrary notwithstanding, they were a very unhappy, deluded, and consequently ruined people ! We are naturally prone to discontent, and avaricious after imaginary causes of lamentation. Like lubberly monks, we belabour our own shoulders, and take a vast satisfaction in the CHAP. Aail.] WILLIAM THE TESTY. 133 music of our own groans. Nor is this said by wny of para- dox ; daily experience shows the truth of these observations. It is ahiiost impossible to elevate the spirits of a man groaning xmder ideal calamities ; but nothing is easier than to render him wretched, though on the pinnacle of felicity : as it would be an Herculean task to hoist a man to the top of a steeple, though the merest cliild could topple him off" thence. I must not omit to mention, that these popular meetings ■were generally held at some noted tavern ; these public edi- fices possessing what in modern times are tliought the true fountains of political inspiration. The ancient Germans d.e- liberated upon a matter when drunk, and reconsidered it when sober. Mob politicians in modern times dislike to have two minds upon a subject, so they both deliberate and act when drunk ; by this means a world of delay is spared ; and as it is universally allowed that a man Avhen drunk sees double, it follows conclusively that he sees twice as well as his sober neighbours. CHAP. VIII. WiLiiELiics KiEFT, as has already been observed, was a great legislator on a small scale, and had a microscopic eye in public affairs. He had been greatly annoyed by the factious meetings of the good people of New-Amstei'dam, but oljserving that on these occasions the pipe was ever in their moutli, he began to think that the pipe was at the bottom of the affair, and that there was some mysterious affinity betw^een politics and tobacco smoke. Determined to strike at the root of the evil, he began forthwith to rail at tobacco, as a noxious, nauseous weed, filthy in all its uses ; and as to smoking, he denounced it as a heavy tax upon the public pocket, a vast consumer of time, a great cncourager of idleness, and a deadly bane to the prosperity and morals of the people. Fin:dly he issued an edict, prohi- biting the smoking of tobacco throughout the New-Nether- lands. Ill-fated Kieft ! Had he lived in the present age and attempted to check the unbounded license of tiie press, he could not have struck more sorely upon the sensibilities of the million. The pipe, in fact, was the great organ of reflection and deliberation of the New-Netherlander. It was his con- stant companion and solace — was he gay, he smoked ; was he sad, he smoked ; his pipe wa-^ never out of his mouth ; it was K o 134 HISTORY OF XEW-rOKK. [liOOK IV, a part of his physiognomy ; Avithout it liis best friends would not know him. Take away his pipe ? You might as well take away his nose! The immediate effect of the edict of William the Testy was a popular commotion. A vast multitude, armed with pipes and tobacco-boxes, and an immense supply of ammunition, sat themselves down before the governor's house, and fell to smoking with tremendous violence. The testy William issued forth, like a wrathful spider, demanding the reason of this lawless fumigation. The sturdy rioters replied by lolling back in their seats, and puffing away with redoubled fury, raising such a murky cloud that the governor was fain to take refuge in the interior of his castle. A long negociation ensued through the medium of Antony tlie Trumpeter. The governor was at first wrathful and un- yielding, but was gradually smoked into terms. He concluded by permitting the smoking of tobacco, but he abolished the fixir long pipes used in the days of Wouter Van Twiller, de- noting ease, tranquillity, and sobriety of deportment ; these he condemned as incompatible with the dispatch of business ; in place whereof he substituted little captious short pipes, two inches in length, which, he observed, could be stuck in one corner of the mouth, or twisted in the hatband, and would never be in the way. Thus ended this alarming insurrection, which was long known by the name of the Pipe Plot, and which, it has been somewhat quaintly observed, did end, like most plots and seditions, in mere smoke. But mark, 0 reader ! the deplorable evils which did after- wards result. The smoke of these villanous little pipes, con- tinually ascending in a cloud about the nose, penetrated into and befogged the cerebellum ; dried up all the kindly mois- ture of the brain, and rendered the people who used them as vapourish and testy as the governor himself. Nay, what is worse, from being goodly, burly, sleek-conditioned men, they became, like our Dutch yeomanry who smoke short pipes, a lantern jawed, smoke-dried, leathern-hided race. Nor was this all. From this fatal schism in tobacco pipes Ave may date the rise of parties in the Nieuw-Nederlandts. The rich and self-important burghers who had made their fortunes, and could afford to be lazy, adhered to the ancient fashion, and formed a kind of aristocracy known as the Long Pipes ; while the lower order, adopting the reform of William CHAP. Vni.] -WILLIAM THE TESTY. 1 3o Ivieft as more convenient in their handicraft employments, were branded with the plebeian name of Short Pipes. A third party sprang up, headed by the descendants of Eobert Chewit, the companion of the great Hudson. These discarded pipes altogether, and took to chewing tobacco ; hence they were called Quids ; an appellation since given to those political mongrels, which sometimes spring up between two great parties, as a mule is produced between a horse and an ass. And here I Avonld note the great benefit of party dis- tinctions in saving the people at large the trouble of thinking. Hesiod divides mankind into three classes, those who think for themselves, those who think as others think, and those ■who do not think at all. The second class comprises tlie great mass of society ; for most people require a set creed and a file-leader. Hence the origin of party, which means a large body of people, some few of whom think, and all the rest talk. The former take the lead and discipline the latter, prescribing what they must say, what they must approve, what they must hoot at, whom they must support, but, above all, whom they must hate ; for no one can be a right good partisan, who is not a thorough-going hater. The enlightened inhabitants of the Manhattoes, therefore, being divided into parties, were enabled to hate each other with great accuracy. And now the great business of politics went bravely on, the Long Pipes and Short Pipes assen^bling in separate beer-houses, and smoking at each other with im- placable vehemence, to the great support of the state, and profit of the tavern-keepers. Some, indeed, went so far as to bespatter their adversaries with those odoriferous little words which smell so stz'ong in the Dutch language ; believing, like true politicians, that they served their party and glorified themselves in proportion as they bewrayed their neighbours. But, however they might differ among tiiemselves, all parties agreed in abusing the governor, seeing that he was not a governor of their choice, but appointed by others to rule over them. Unhappy William Kicft ! exclaims the sage writer of the Stuyvesant manuscript, doomed to contend with enemies too knowing to be entrapped, and to reign over a people too wise to be governed. All his foreign expeditions were battled and set at naught by the all-pervading Yankees ; all his home K 4 136 HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK IV. measures were canvassed and condemned by '• numerous and respectable meetings " of pot-house politicians. In the multitude of counsellors, we are told, there is safety; but the multitude of counsellors was a continual source of jier- plexity to William Kieft. AYith a temperament as hot as an old radish, and a mind subject to perpetual whirlwinds aud tornadoes, he never failed to get into a passion with every one who undertook to advise him. I have observed, however, that your passionate little men, like small boats with large sails, are easily upset or blown out of their course ; so was it Avith William the Testy, who was prone to be carried away by the last piece of advice blown into his ear. The conse- quence was, that though a projector of the iirst class, yet, by continually changing his projects, he gave none a fair trial ; and by endeavouring to do everything, he, in sober truth, did nothing. In the meantime the sovereign people having got into the saddle, showed themselves, as usual, unmerciful riders ; spur- ring on the little governor with harangues and petitions, and thwarting him with memorials and reproaches, in much the same way as holiday apprentices manage an unlucky devil of a hack-horse ; so that \Yilhelmus Kieft was kept at a worry or a gallop throughout the whule of his administration. CHAP. IX. iv we could but get a peep at the tally of Dame Fortune, where like a vigilant landlady she chalks up the debtor and creditor accounts of thoughtless mortals, we should lind that every good is checked olf by an evil; and that however we may apparently revel scot-free for a season, the time will come when Ave must ruefully pay olf the reckoning. Fortune, in fact, is a pestilent shrew, and, withal, an inexorable creditor ; and though for a time she may be all smiles and courtesies, and indulge us in long credits, yet sooner or later she brings up- her arrears with a vengeance, and washes out her scores witb our tears. '• Since," says good old Boetius, " no man can retain her at his pleasure, what are her favours but sure prognostications of approaching trouble and calamity?" This is the fundamental maxim of that sage school of phi- losophers, the Croakers, wiio esteem it true wisdom to doubt CHAP. IX.] AVILLIAM THE TESTY. 137 and despond when other men rejoice, well knowing that hap- piness is at best but transient ; that the higher one is elevated on the see-saw balance of fortune, the lower must be his sub- sequent depression ; that he who is on the uppermost round of a ladder has most to suffer from a fall, while he who is at the bottom runs very little risk of breaking his neck by tum- bling to the top. Philosophical readers of this stamp must have doubtless in- dulged in dismal forebodings all through the tranquil reign of Walter the Doubter, and considered it what Dutch seamen call a weather-breeder. They will not be surprised, therefore, that the foul weather which gathered during his days, should now be rattling from all quarters on the head of William the Testy. The origin of some of these troubles may be traced quite back to the discoveries and annexations of Hans Reinier Oothout, the explorer, and Wynant Ten Breeches, the land- measurer, made in the twilight days of Olotfe the Dreamer, by which the territories of the Nieuw-Nederlandts were car- ried far to the south, to Delaware river and pai'ts beyond. The consequence was many disputes and brawls with the Indians, which now and then reached the drowsy ears of Walter the Doubter and his council, like the muttering of distant thunder from behind the mountains, without, how- ever, disturbing their repose. It was not till the time of William the Testy that the thunderbolt reached the Man- hattoes. While the little governor was diligently protecting his eastern boundaries from the Yankees, word was brought him of the irruption of a vagrant colony of Swedes in the south, who had landed on the banks of the Delaware, and dis- played the banner of that redoubtable virago Queen Christina, and taken possession of the country in her name. These had been guided in their expedition by one Peter Minuits or ]\iinnewits, a renegade Dutchman, formerly in the service of their High Mightinesses ; but who now declared himself go- vernor of all the surrounding country, to which was given the liame of the province of Nkw Sweden. It is an old saying, that '• a little pot is soon hot," which was the case with William the Testy. Being a little man he was soon in a passion, and once in a passion he soon boiled over. Summoning his council on the receipt of this news, he belaboured the Swedes in the longest speech that had been heard in the colony since the wordy warfare of Ten Breeches 138 HISTORY OF NEW-YOUK. [bOOK TV. and Tough Breeches. Having thus taken off the fire-edge of his valour, he resorted to his favourite measure of procla- mation, and dispatched a document of the kind, ordering the renegade JNIinnewits and his gang of Swedish vagabonds to leave the country immediately, under pain of the vengeance of their High Mightinesses the Lords States General, and of the potentates of the Manhattoes. This strong measure was not a whit more effectual than its predecessors which had been thundered against the Yankees, and AVilliam Kieft was preparing to follow it up with some- thing still more formidable, when lie received intelligence of other invaders on his southern frontier, who had taken pos- session of the banks of the Schuylkill, and built a fort there. They were represented as a gigantic, gunpowder race of men, exceedingly expert at boxing, biting, gouging, and other branches of the rough-and-tumble mode of warfare, which they had learned from their prototypes and cousins-german, the Virginians, to whom they have ever borne considerable resemblance. Like them, too, they were great roisters, much given to revel on hoe-cake and bacon, mint-julep and apple- toddy ; whence their newly i'ormed colony had already ac- quired the name of Merryland, which, with a slight modifi- cation, it retains to the present day. In fact, the Merrylanders and their cousins, the Virginians, were represented to William Kieft as olfsets from the same original stock as his bitter enemies the Yanokie, or Yankee, tribes of the east ; having both come over to this country for the liberty of conscience, or, in other words, to live as they pleased ; the Yankees taking to praying and money-making, and converting Quakers, and the Southerners to horse-racing and cock-fighting and breeding negroes. Against these new invaders Wilhelmus Kieft immediately dispatched a naval armament of two sloops and thirty men, under Jan Jansen Alpendam, Avho was armed to the very teeth with one of the little governor's most powerful speeches, written in vigorous Low Dutch. Admiral Alpendam ari-ived Avithout accident in the Schuyl- kill, and came upon the enemy just as they were engaged in a gi'eat "barbecue," a kind of festivity or carouse much practised in Merrjdand. Opening upon them with the speech of Wil- liam the Testy, he denounced them as a pack of lazy, canting, julep-tipling, cock-fighting, hoi'se-racing, slave-driving, ta- CHAP. X.] WILLIAJM THE TESTY. 139 vei'n-haunting, Sabbath-breaking, mulatto-breeding upstarts ; and concluded by ordering them to evacuate the country im- mediately ; to which they laconically replied, in plain English, " They'd see him d d first ! " Now this was a reply on which neither Jan Janseu Al- pendam nor Wilhelmus Kiel't had made any calculation. Find- ing himself, therefore, totally unprepared to answer so ter- rible a rebuff with suitable hostility, the admiral concluded his wisest course would be to return home and report pro- gress. He accordingly steered his course back to New- Am- sterdam, where he arrived safe, having accomplished this hazardous enterprise at small expense of treasure, and no loss of life. His saving policy gained him the universal ap- pellation of the Saviour of his Country, and his services were suitably rewarded by a shingle monument, erected by sub- scription on the top of Flattenbarrack Hill, where it immor- talised his name for three whole years, when it fell to pieces and was burnt for firewood. \ CHAP. X. About this time, the testy little governor of the New-Ne* therlands appears to have had his iiands full, and, with one annoyance and the other, to have been kept continually on the bounce. He was on the very point of following up tlie ex- pedition of Jan Jansen Alpendara by some belligerent mea- sures against the marauders of JMerryland, when his attention was suddenly called away by beUigerent troubles springing up in another quarter, the seeds of which had been sown in the tranquil days of Walter the Doubter. Tlie reader will recollect the deep doubt into which that most pacific governor was thrown, on Killian Van Rensellaer's taking possession of Bearn Island by wapen recht. While the governor doubted and did nothing, the lordly Killian went on to complete his sturdy little castellum of Rensellaersteen, and to garrison it with a number of his tenants from the Helderberg, a mountain region famous for tlie hardest heads and hardest fists in the province. Nicholas Koorn, a faithful squire of the patroon, accustomed to strut at his heels, wear his cast-off clothes, and imitate his lofty bearing, was esta- blished in tliis post as wacht-meestcr. His duty it was to 140 HISTORY OF XEW-YORK. [bOOK IV. keep an eye on the river, and oblige every vessel that passed, unless on the service of their High IMiglitinesses, to strike its flag, lower its peak, and pay toll to theLordof Rensellaersteiin. This assumption of sovereign authority within the territo- I'ies of the Lords States General, however it might have been tolerated by Walter the Doubtei', had been sharply contested by William the Testy, on coming into office, and many written remonstrances had been addressed by him to Kiilian Van Reusellaer, to which the latter never deigned a reply. Thus by degrees a sore place, or, in Hibernian parlance, a raw, liad been established in the irritable soul of the little governor, insomuch that he winced at the very name of Rensellaersteen. Now it came to pass that, on a fine sunny day, the com- pany's yacht, the Half-Moon, having been on one of its stated visits 10 Fort Aurania, was quietly tiding it down the Hud- son ; the commander, Govert Lockerman, a veteran Dutch skipper of few w^ords but great bottom, was seated on the liigh poop, quietly smoking his pipe, under the shadow of the pi'oud flag of Orange, when, on arriving abreast of Beam Island, he was saluted by a stentorian voice from the shore, " Lower thy flag, and be d d to thee ! " Govert Lockerman, "without taking his pipe out of his mouth, turned up his eye from under his broad-briimned hat to see who hailed him thus discourteously. There, on the ramparts of the fort, stood Nicholas Koorn, armed to the teeth, flourishing a brass-hilted swoi'd, while a steeple-crowned hat and cock's tail-feather, formerly worn by Kiilian Van Ren- sellaer himself, gave an inexpressible loftiness to his demeanour. Govert Lockerman eyed the warrior from top to toe, but was not to be dismayed. Taking the pipe slowly out of his mouth, " To whom should I lower my flag ?" demanded he. '• To the high and mighty Kiilian Van Rensellaer, the lord of Rensellaersteen ! " was the reply. " I lower it to none but the Prince of Orange and my masters, the Lords States General." So saying, he resumed liis pipe and smoked with an air of dogged determination. Bang! went a gun from the fortress; the bailout both sail and rigging. Govert Lockerman said nothing, but smoked the more doggedly. Bang! went another gun ; the shot whistling close astern. " Fire, and be d d," cried Govert Lockerman, crara- ming a new charge of tobacco into his pipe, and smoking with still increasinir vehemence. cifAp. XI.] ^^^LLIA^r the testt. 141 Bangc! Avcnt a tliird gun. The shot passed over Ins head, tearing a hole in the " princely flag of Orange." This was the hardest trial of all for the pride and patience, of Govert Lockerraan ; he maintained a stubborn though swelling silence, but his smothered rage might be perceived by the short vehement puffs of smoke emitted from his pipe, by which he might be tracked for miles, as he slowly floated out of shot and out of sight of Beam Island. In fact, he never gave vent to his passion until he got fairly among the Highlands of the Hudson, when he let fly whole volleys of Dutch oaths, which are said to linger to this very day among the echoes of the Dunderberg, and to give particular effect to the thunder-storms in that neighbourhood. It was the sudden apparition of Govert Lockerman at Dog's Misery, bearing in his hand the tattered flag of Orange, that arrested the attention of William the Testy, just as he was devising a new expedition against the marauders of Mer- ryland. I will not pretend to describe the passion of the little man when he heard of the outrage of Rensellaersteiin. Suffice it to say, in the first transports of his fury, he turned Dog's Misery topsy-turvy, kicked every cur out of doors, and threw the cats out of the window ; after which, his spleen being in some measure relieved, he went into a council of war wMth Govert Lockerman, the skipper, assisted by An- tony Van Corlear, the trumpeter. CHAP. XI. The eyes of all New-Amsterdam were now turned to see what would be the end of tliis direful feud between William the Testy and the patroon of llensellaerwick ; and some, ob- serving the consultations of the governor with the skipper and the trumpeter^ predicted warlike measures by sea and land. The wrath of William Kieft, however, though quick to rise, was quick to evaporate. He was a perfect brush-heap in a blaze, snapping and crackling for a time, and then ending in smoke. Likemanyotlier valiant potentates, his first thoughts were all for war, his sober second thoughts for diplomacy. Accordingly Govert Lockerman was once more dispatched up the river in the company's yacht, the Goed Hoop, bearing Antony the Trumpeter as ambassador, to treat with the bet- 142 HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [ BOOK IV. ligerent powei's of Rensellaersteen. In the fulness of time the yacht arrived before Beam Ishind, and Antony the Trum- peter, mounting the poop, sounded a parley to the fortress. In a little while tlie steeple-crowned hat of Nicholas Koorn, the wacht-meester, rose above the battlements, followed by his iron visage, and ultimately his whole person, armed, as before, to the very teeth ; while one by one a whole row of Helderbergers reared their round burly heads above the wall, and beside each pumpkin-head peered the end of a rusty musket. Nothing daunted by this formidable array, Antony Van Corlear drew forth and read with audible voice a mis- sive from William the Testy, protesting against the usurpa- tion of Beam Island, and ordering the garrison to quit the premises, bag and baggage, on pain of the vengeance of the potentate of the Manhattoes. In reply, the wacht-meester applied the thumb of his right hand to the end of his nose, and the thumb of the left hand to the little finger of the right, and spj'eading each hand like a fan, made an aerial flourish with his fingers. Antony Van Corlear was sorely perplexed to understand this sign, which seemed to him something mysterious and masonic. Not liking to betray his ignorance, he again read with a loud voice the missive of William the Testy, and again Nicholas Koorn applied the thumb of his right hand to the end of his nose, and the thumb of his left hand to the little finger of the right, and repeated this kind of nasal Aveather-cock. Antony Van Cor- lear now persuaded himself that this Avas some short-hand sign or symbol, current in diplomacy, which, though unin- telligible to a new diplomat like himself, would speak volumes to tlie experienced intellect of William the Testy ; consider- ing his embassy therefore at an end, he sounded his trumpet with great complacency, and set sail on his return down the river, every now and then practising this mysterious sign of the wacht-meester, to keep it accurately in mind. Arrived at New-Amsterdam, he made a faithful report of his embassy to the governor, accompanied by a manual ex- hibition of the response of Nicholas Koorn, The governor was equally perplexed with his ambassador. He was deeply versed in the mysteries of freemasonry, but they threw no light on the matter. He knew every variety of wnnd-mill and weather-cock, but was not a whit the wiser as to the aerial sign in question. He had even dabbled in Egyptian hiero- CHAP. XI.] AVILLIAM THE TESTY. 143 jjlypliics, and the mystic symbols of the obelisks, but none fui-nished a key to the reply of Nicholas Koorn. He called a meeting of his council, Antony Van Corlear stood forth in the midst, and putting the thumb of his right liand to his nose, and the thumb of his left hand to the finger of the right, he gave a faithful fac-simile of the portentous sign. Having a nose of unusual dimensions, it was as if the reply had been put in capitals, but all in vain ; the wortliy burgomasters were equally perplexed Avith the governor. Each one put his thumb to the end of his nose, spread his fingers like a fan, imitated the motion of Antony Van Corlear, and then smoked on in dubious silence. Several times was Antony obliged to stand forth like a fugleman and repeat the sign, and each time a circle of nasal vi^eather-cocks might be seen in the council chamber. Perjilexed in the extreme, William the Testy sent for all the soothsayers and fortunetellers and wise men of the Man- hattoes, but none could interpret the mysterious reply of Nicholas Koorn. The council broke up in sore perplexity. The matter got abroad, Antony Van Corlear was stopped at every corner to repeat the signal to a knot of anxious news- mongers, each of whom departed with his thumb to his nose and his fingers in the air, to carry the story home to his family. For several days all business was neglected in New-Amster- dam ; nothing was talked of but the diplomatic mission of Antony the Trumpeter, nothing was to be seen but knots of politicians, with their thumbs to their noses. In the mean- time the fierce feud between William the Testy and Killian Van Rensellaer, which at first had menaced deadly warfare, gradually cooled off, like many other war questions, in the prolonged delays of diplomacy. Still, to this early aflfair of Renscllaersteen may be traced the remote origin of those windy wars in modern days which rage in the bowels of the Ilelderberg, and have well nigh shaken the great patroonship of the Van Rensellaers to its foundation ; for we are told that the bully-boys of the Helder- berg, who served under Nicholas Koorn, the wacht-meester, carried back to their mountains the hieroglyphic sign which had so sorely puzzled Antony Van Corlear and the sages of the Manhattoes ; so that, to the present day, the thumb to the nose and the fingers intlie air is apt to be the reply of the Helder- bergers whenever called upon for any long arrears of rent. 144 HISTORY OF NEW-YORK. [bOOK IV. CHAP. XII. It was asserted by tlie wise men of ancient times, who had a nearer opportunity of ascertaining the fact, that at the gate of Jupiter's palace lay two huge tuns, one filled with blessings, the other with misfortunes ; and it would verily seem as if the latter had been completely overturned, and lel't to deluge the unlucky province of Nieuw-Nederlandts : for about this time, while harassed and annoyed from the south and the north, in- cessant forays were made by the border chivalry of Connec- ticut upon the pig-styes and hen-roosts of the Nederlanders. Every day or two some broad-bottomed express-rider, covered with mud and mire, would come floundering into the gate of Kew- Amsterdam, freighted with some new tale of aggi'ession from the frontier ; whereupon Antony Van Corlear, seizing his trumpet, the only substitute for a newspaper in those pri- mitive days, would sound the tidings from the ramparts with such doleful notes and disastrous cadence, as to throw half the old women in the city into hysterics ; all which tended greatly to increase his popularity, there being nothing for which the public are more grateful than being frequently treated to a panic, — a secret well known to modern editors. But, oh, ye powers! into what a paroxysm of passion did each new outrage of the Yankees throw the choleric little governor ! Letter after letter, protest after protest, bad Latin, worse English, and hideous low Dutch, were incessantly ful- minated upon them, and the four-and-twenty letters of the alphabet, which formed his standing army, were worn out by constant campaigning. All, however, was ineffectual; even the recent victory at Oyster Bny, which had shed such a gleam of sunshine between the clouds of his foul-weather reign, was soon followed by a more fearful gathering up of those clouds and indications of more portentous tempest ; for the Yankee tribe on the banks of the Connecticut, finding on this raemor able occasion their incompetency to cope in fair figlit with the sturdy chivalry of the Manhattoes, had called to tlieir aid all the ten tribes of their brethren who inhabit the east country, which from them has derived the name of Yankee land. This call was promptly responded to. The consequence was a great confederacy of the tribes of Massachusetts, Connecticut, New- Plymouth and New-Haven, under the title of the " United Colonies of New England;" the pretended object of which CHAP, xn.] williajM the tksty. 145 was mutual defence ajjainst the savnges, but the real object the subjugation of the Nieuw-Nederlandts. For, to let the reader into one of the greatest secrets of history, the Nieuw-Nederlandts had long been regarded by the Avhole Yankee race as the modern land of promise, and tliem- selves as the chosen and peculiar people destined, one day or other, by hook or by crook, to get possession of it. In truth, tliej are a wonderful and all-prevalent people ; of that class who only require an incli to gain an ell, or a halter to gain a horse. From the time they first gained a foothold on Plymouth Rock, they began to migrate, progressing and progressing from place to place, and land to land, making a little here and a little there, and controverting the old proverb, that a rolling stone gathers no moss. Hence they have facetiously received the nickname of The Pilgubis ; that is to say, a people who are always seeking a better country than their own. The tidings of this great Yankee league struck William Ivieft with dismay, and for once in his life he forgot to bounce on receiving a disagreeable piece of intelligence. In fact, on turning over in his mind all that he had read at the Hague about leagues and combinations, he found that this was a coun- terpart of the Ampliictyonic league, by which the states of Greece attained such power and supremacy; and the very idea made his heart quake for the safety of his empire at the INIanhattoes. The affairs of the confederacy were manaijed by an annual council of delegates held at Boston, which Kieft denominated the Delphos of this truly classic league. The veiy first meet- ing gave evidence of hostility to the New-Nederlanders, who were charged, in their dealings with the Indians, with carrying on a traffic in "guns, powther, and shott — a ti-ade damnable and injurious to the colonists." It is true the Connecticut traders were fain to dablde a little in this damnable traffic ; but then they always dealt in Avliat were termed Yankee guns, ingeniously calculated to burst in the pagan hands which used them. The rise of this potent confederacy was a death-blow to tiie glory of William the Testy, for from that day forward he never ]i(;ld up his head, but appeared quite crest-fallen. It is true, as the grand council augmented in power, and the league, rolling onward, gathered about the red hills of New-IIaven, threatening to overwhelm the Nieuw-Ncderlandts, he con- L 146 IIISXOUY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK IV. tinued occasionally to fulminate proclamations and protests, as a shrewd sea-captain firc^s his guns into a ■\vater-spout ; but, alas ! they had no more effect than so many blank cartridges. Thus end the authenticated chronicles of the reign of William the Testy ; for henceforth, in the troubles, perplex- ities, and confusion of the times, he seems to have been totally overlooked, and to have slipped for ever through the fingers of scrupulous history. It is a matter of deep concern that such obscurity should hang over his latter days ; for he was in truth a mighty and great little man, and worthy of being utterly renowned, seeing that he was the first potentate that introduced into this land the art of fighting by proclamation, and defending a country by trumpeters and windmills. It is true, that certain of the early provincial poets, of whom there were great numbers in the Nieuw-Nederlandts, taking advantage of his mysterious exit, have fabled that, like Ro- mulus, he was translated to the skies, and forms a very fiery little star, somewhere on the left claw of the crab; while others, equally fanciful, declare that he had experienced a fate similar to that of the good King Arthur, who, we are assured by ancient bai'ds, was carried away to the delicious abodes of fairy land, where he still exists in pristine worth and vigour, and will one day or another return to restore the gallantry, the honour, and the immaculate probity, which prevailed in the glorious days of the Round Table.* All these, however, are but pleasing fantasies, the cobweb visions of those dreaming varlets, the poets, to which I would not have my judicious reader attach any credibility. Neither am I disposed to credit an ancient and rather apocryphal historian, who asserts that the ingenious Wilhelmus was an- nihilated by the blowing down of one of his windmills ; nor a writer of later times, who affirms that he fell a victim to an experiment in natural history, having the misfortune to break his neck from a garret window of the stadthouse in attempting * " The old Welsh hards hclieved that King Arthur was not dead, but can-ied awaie by the fairies into some pleasant place, where he sholdc remaine tor a time, and then returne againe and reigne in as great autho- rity as ever." — HoU'mshed. " The Britons suppose that he shall come yet and conquere all Britaigue; for certes, this is the pi-ophicye of Merlyn — ' He say'd that his detli shall be doubtcous ; and said soth. for men thereof yet have doubte and shuUen for evermore, for men ivyt not whether that he lyveth or is dede.'" — De Leeio. Chron. CHAP. Xn.] WILLIA3I THE TESTY. 147 to catch swallows by sprinkling salt upon tlieii' tails. Still less do I put my faith in the tradition that he perished at sea in conveying home to Holland a treasure of golden ore, dis- covered somewhere among the haunted regions of the Catskill mountains.* The most probable account declai'es, that what with the * Diedricli Knickerbocker, in his scrupulous seai'ch .after truth, is some- times too fastidious in I'egard to facts wliicli border a little on the marvel- lous. The story of the golden ore rests on something better than mere tradition. The venerable Adrian Van der Donck, doctor of laws, in his description of the New-Netherlands, asserts it from his own observation as an eye-witness. He was present, he says, in 1645, at a treaty between Governor Kieft and the Mohawk Indians, in which one of the latter, in painting himself for the ceremony, used a pigment, the weight and shining- appearance of which excited the curiosity of the governor and Mynheer Van der Donck. They obtained a lump and gave it to be proved by a skilful doctor of medicine, Johannes de la Montague, one of the council- lors of the New-Netherlands. It '^vas put into a crucible, and yielded two pieces of gold worth about three guilders. All this, continues Adrian Van der Donck, was kept secret. As soon as peace was made with the Mohawks, an officer and a few men were sent to the mountain (in the region of the Kaatskill), under the guidance of an Indian, to search for the precious mineral. They brought back a bucketful of ore, which, being submitted to the crucible, proved as producti\'e as the first. William Kieft now thought the discovery certain. He sent a confidential person, Ai-ent Corsen, with a bagful of the mineral to New-Haven, to take pas- sage in an English ship for England, thence to proceed to Holland. The vessel sailed at Christmas, but never reached her port. All on board perished. In the year 1647, Wilhelmus ffieft himself embarked on board the Princess, taking with him specimens of the supposed mineral. The ship was never heard of more ! Some have supposed that the mineral in question was not gold, but pyrites ; but we have the assertion of Adrian Van der Donck, an eye- witness, and the experiment of Johannes de la Montague, a learned doctor of medicine, on the golden side of the question. Cornelius Van Tienhooven, also, at that time secretary of the New-Netherlands, declared, in Holland, tliat he had tested several S23ccimens of the mineral, which proved satisfactoiy.' It would appear, however, that these golden treasures of the Kaatskill always brought ill luck ; as is evidenced in tlie fate of Ai'cnt Corsen and Wilhelmus Kieft, and the wreck of the ships in which they attempted to convey the treasure across the ocean. The golden mines have never since been cxplorenl, but remain among the mysteries of the Kaatskill mountains, and under the protection of the goblins which haunt them. ' See Van der Donck's Description of the Ncw-Nctherlands. Collect. New- York Hist. Societv, vol. i. p. 161. L 2 148 HISTORY OF NEW-TOEK. "" [bOOK V, constant troubles on his frontiers — the incessant schemings and projects going on in his own pericranium — the memorials, petitions, remonstrances, and sage pieces of advice of respect- able meetings of the sovereign people, and the refractory disposition of his councillors, who were sure to differ from hint on eveiy point, and uniformly to be in the wrong — his mind was kept in a furnace heat, until he became as completely burnt out as a Dutch family pipe, which has passed through three generations of hard smokers. In this manner did he inidergo a kind of animal combustion, consuming away like Ji farthing rushlight, so that when grim Death finally snufP'd him out, there was scarcely left enough of him to bury I BOOK V. CONTAINING THE FIRST PAKT OF THE REIGN OF PETliR STUYVESANT, AND HIS TROUBLES WITH THE AMPHYCTIONIC COUNCIL. CHAPTER I. To a profound philosopher like myself, who am apt to see clear through a subject, where the penetration of ordinary people extends but halfway, there is no fact more simple and manifest than that the death of a great man is a matter of very little importance. Much as we may think of ourselves, and much as we may excite the empty plaudits of the million, it is certain that the greatest among us do actually fill but art exceeding small space in the world; audit is equally certain, that even that small space is quickly supplied when we leave it vacant. " Of what consequence is it," said Pliny, " that individuals appear, or make their exit ? the world is a theatre whose scenes and actors are continually changing."" Kever did philosopher speak more correctly, and I only Avonder that so wise a remai'k could have existed so many ages, and mankind not have laid it more to heart. Sage follows on in the footsteps of sage ; one hero just steps out of liis triumphal car, to make way for the hero who comes after him ; and of the proudest monarch it is merely said that, " he slept with his fathers, and his successor reigned in his stead."" CHAP. I.] PETER STUYVESAXT. 149 Tlie world, to tell the private truth, cares but little for their loss, and, if left to itself, would soon forget to grieve ; and though a nation has often been figuratively drowned in tears on the death of a great man, yet it is ten to one if an indi- vidual tear has been shed on the occasion, excepting from the forlorn pen of some hungry author. It is the historian, the biographer, and the poet, who have the whole burden of tjrief to sustain ; Avho, kind souls! like undertakers in Eng- land, act tlie part of chief mourners ; who inflate a nation with sighs it never heaved, and deluge it with tears it never di-eamt of shedding. Thus, wdiile the patriotic author is weeping and howling in prose, in blank verse, and in rhyme, and collecting th'e drops of public sorrow into his volume, as into a lachrymal vase, it is more than probable his fellow- citizens are eating and drinking, fiddling and dancing, as iitterlj^ ignorant of the bitter lamentations made in their name us are those men of straw, John Doe and Richard Roe, of the plaintiffs for whom they are generously pleased to be- come sureties. The most glorious hero that ever desolated nations might have mouldered into oblivion among the rubbish of his own monument, did not some historian take him into favour, and benevolently transmit his name to posterity; and much as the valiant William Kieft worried, and bustled, and tur- moiled, while he had the destinies of a whole colony in his liand, I question seriously whether he will not be obliged to this authentic history for all his future celebrity. His exit occasioned no convulsion in the city of New- Amsterdam nor its vicinity ; tlie earth trembled not, neither did any stars shoot from their spheres ; the heavens were not shrouded in black, as poets would fain persuade us they have been, on the death of a hero ; the rocks (hard-hearted varlets!) melted not into tears, nor did the trees hang their heads in silent sorrow ; and as to the sun, he lay a-bed the next night just as long, and showed as jolly a face when he rose, us he ever did, on the same day of the month in any year, either before or since. The good people of New- Amsterdam, one and all, declared that he had been a very busy, active, bustling little governor ; that he was " the father of his country;" that he was " the noblest work of God;" that "ho was a man, take him for all in all, they ne'er should look upon his like again;" together with sundry other civil and L 3 150 HISTORY OF NEW-YOUK. [bOOK V. affectionate speeches, regularly said on the deatli of all great men ; after wliich they smoked their pipes, thought no more about him, and Peter Stuyvesant succeeded to his station. Peter Stuyvesant was the last, and, like the renowned Wouter Van Twiller, the best of our ancient Dutch gover- nors. "Wouter having surpassed all who preceded him, and Pieter, or Piet, as he was sociably called by the old Dutch burghers, who were ever prone to familiarise names, having never been equalled by any successor. He was, in fact, the very man fitted by Nature to retrieve the desperate fortunes of her beloved province, had not the Fates, those most potent and unrelenting of all ancient spinsters, destined them to inextricable confusion. To say merely that he was a hero, would be doing him great injustice; he was, in truth, a combination of heroes; lor he was of a sturdy, rawboned make, like Ajax Telaraon, with a pair of round shoulders that Hercules would have given his hide for (meaning his lion's hide), when he under- took to ease old Atlas of his load. He was, moreover, as Plutarch describes Coriolanus, not only terrible for the force of his arm, but likewise for his voice, which sounded as though it came out of a barrel ; and, like the self-same war- rior, he possessed a sovereign contempt for the sovereign people, and an ii-on aspect, which was enough of itself to make the very bowels of his adversaries quake with terror and dismay. All this martial excellency of appearance w^as inexpressibly heightened by an accidental advantage, with which I am surprised that neither Homer nor Virgil have graced any of their heroes. This was nothing less than a wooden leg, which was the only prize he had gained in bravely fighting the battles of his country, but of which he was so proud, that he was often heard to declare he valued it more than all his other limbs put together ; indeed, so highly did he esteem it, that he had it gallantly enchased and relieved with silver devices, which caused it to be related in divers histories and legends that he Avore a silver leg.* Like that choleric warrior Achilles., he was somewhat sub- ject to extempoi-e bursts of passion, which were rather un- pleasant to his favourites and attendants, whose perceptions he was apt to quicken after the manner of his illustrious * Sec the. histories of Masters Josseljni and Blome. CHAP. I.] PETER STUYVESANT. 151 imitator, Peter the Great, by anointing their shoulders with his walking staff. Though I cannot find that he had read Plato, or Aristotle, or Hobbes, or Bacon, or Algernon Sydney, or Tom Paine, yet did he sometimes manifest a shrewdness and sagacity in his measures, that one would hardly expect from a man who did not know Greek, and had never studied the ancients. True it is, and I confess it with sorrow, that he had an un- reasonable aversion to experiments, and was fond of govern- ing his province after the simplest manner; but then he contrived to keep it in better order than did the erudite Kieft, though he had all the philosophers, ancient and modern, to assist and perplex him. I must likewise own that he made but very few laws, but then again he took care that those few were rigidly and impartially enforced; and I do not know but justice, on the whole, was as well administered as if there had been volumes of sage acts and statutes yearly made, and daily neglected and forgotten. He was, in fact, the very reverse of his predecessors, being neither tranquil and inert, like Walter the Doubter, nor rest- less and fidgetting, like William the Testy ; but a man, or rather a governor, of such uncommon activity and decision of mind, that he never sought nor accepted the advice of others, depending bravely upon his single head, as would a hero of yore upon his single arm, to carry him through all difficulties and dangers. To tell the simple truth, he Avanted nothing more to complete him as a statesman than to think always right, for no one can say but that he always acted as he thought. Pie was never a man to flinch when he found himself in a scrape, but to dash forward through thick and thin, trust- ing, by hook or by crook, to make all things straight in the end. In a word, he possessed in an eminent degree that great quality in a statesman, called perseverance by the polite, but nick- named obstinacy by the vulgar. A wonderful salve for ofBcial blunders ; since he who perseveres in error without flinching, gets the credit of boldness and consistency, while lie who wavers, in seeking to do what is right, gets stigmatised kas a trimmer. This much is certain ; and it is a maxim well worthy the attention of all legislators great and small, who stand shaking in the wind, irresolute which way to steer, that a ruler who follows his own will pleases himself, while he iwho seeks to satisfy the wishes and whims of others runs t 152 IIISTORV or NEW-TOHK. [uOOK V. great risk of pleasing iiobodj. There is notliincr, too, like putting down one's foot resolutely when in doubt, and letting things take their course. The clock that stands still points right twice in the lour and twenty hours, while others niay keep going continually, and be continually going wrong. Nor did this magnanimous quality escape the discernment of the good people of Kieuw-Kederlandts ; on the contrary, so much were they struck with the independent Avill and vigorous resolution displayed on all occasions by their new- governor, that they universally called him Hard-Koppig Piet, or Peter the Headstrong, a great compliment to the strength of his understanding. If, from all that I have said, thou dost not gather, worthy reader, that Peter Stuyvesant was a tough, sturdy, valiant, weather-beaten, mettlesome, obstinate, leathern-sided, lion- hearted, generous-spirited old governor, either I have written to but little purpose, or thou art very dull at drawing con- clusions. This most excellent governor commenced his administra- tion on the 29th of May, 1647 ; a remarkably stormy day, distinguished in all the almanacks of the time w^iich have come down to us by the name of JJ'indi/ Friday. Ashe was very jealous of his personal and official dignity, he was in- augurated into office with great ceremony; the goodly oaken chair of the renowned Wouter Van Twiller, being carefully preserved for such occasions, in like manner as the chair and stone were reverentially preserved at Schone, in Scotland, for the coronation of the Caledonian monarchs. I must not omit to mention, that the tempestuous state of the elements, together with its being that unlucky day of the week termed " hanging day," did not fail to excite much grave speculation and divers very reasonable apprehensions among the more ancient and enlightened inhabitants ; and several of the sager sex, who were reputed to be not a little skilled in the mysteries of astrology and fortune-telling, did declare outright that they were omens of a disastrous ad- ministration ; an event that came to be lamentably verified, and which proves, beyond dispute, the wisdom of attending to those preternatural intimations furnished by dreams and visions, the flying of birds, falling of stones, and cackling of geese, on which tiie sages and rulers of ancient times placed such reliance ; or to those shootings of stars, eclipses of the CIIAIMI.] PETER STUYVESANT. lo3 moon, hov/liiiii? of do;;-*, and flarinfrs of candles, carefully noted and interpreted by the oracular sibyls of our day ; who, in my humble opinion, are the legitimate inheritors and preserv- ers of the ancient science of divination. This much is cer- tain, that Governor Stuyvesant succeeded to the chair of state at a turbulent period, when foes thronged and threatened from without; when anarcliy and stifiF-necked opposition reigned rampant Avithin ; Avhen the authority of their High Mightinesses the Lords States General, though supported by economy, and defended by speeches, protests, and proclama- tions, yet tottered to its very centi-e; and when the great city of New-Amsterdam, though fortified by fiag-staffs, trum- peters, and wind-mills, seemed, like some fair lady of easy vir- tue, to lie open to attack, and ready to yield to the fi.rst invader. CHAP. 11. Tjie very first movements of the great Peter, on taking the reins of government, displayed his magnanimity, though they occasioned not a little marvel and uneasiness among the people of the Manhattoes. Finding himself constantly inter- rufited by the opposition, and annoyed by the advice of his privy council, the members of which had acquired the un- reasonable habit of thinking and speaking for themselves during tlie preceding reign, he determined at once to put a stop to such grievous abominations. Scarcely, therefore, had lie entered upon his authority, than he turned out of office all the meddlesome spirits of the factious cabinet of William the Testy ; in place of Avhom he chose unto himself councillors i'rom those fat, somniferous, respectable burghers, who had nourished and slumbered under the easy reign of Walter tlie Doubter. All these he caused to be furnished with abundance of fair long pipes, and to be regaled with frequent corpora- tion dinners, admonishing them to smoke, and eat, and sleep for the good of the nation, while he took the burden of go- vernment upon his own shoulders, — an arrangement to which they all gave hearty acquiescence. Nor did lie stop here, but made a hideous rout among the inventions and expedients of his learned predecessor — root- ing up his patent gallows, where caitilF vagabonds were sus- pended by the waistband; demolishing his flag-staffs and ] 54 HISTORY OF NEW-YORK. [bOOK V. wind-mills, which, like mi<;hty giants, guarded the ramparts of New- Amsterdam; pitching to the Duyvel whole batteries of Quaker guns; and, in a word, turning topsy-turvy the whole philosophic; economic, and wind-mill system of the immortal sage of Saardam. The honest' folk of Xew- Amsterdam began to quake now for the fate of their matchless champion, Antony the Ti-um- peter, who had acquired prodigious favour in the eyes of the women, by means of his whiskers and his trumpet. Him did Peter the Headstrong cause to be brought into his presence, and eyeing him for a moment from head to foot, with a coun- tenance that would have appalled anything else than a sounder of brass — " Pr'ythee, who and what art thou ? " said he. " Sire," replied the other, in no wise dismayed, '• for my name, it is Antony Van Corlear — for my parentage, I am the son of my mother — for my profession, I am champion and garri- son of this great city of New-Amsterdam." " I doubt me much," said Peter Stuyvesant, " that thou art some scurvy costard-monger knave : how didst thou acquire this para- mount honour and dignity?" "Marry, sir," replied the otlier, ''like many a great man before me, sxm^Xy by sounding my mo7i trumpet" "Ay, is it so?" quoth the governor; " why, then, let us have a relish of thy art." Whereupon the good Antony put his instrument to his lips, and sounded a charge with such a tremendous outset, such a delectable qua- ver, and such a triumphant cadence, that it was enougli to make one's heart leap out of one's mouth only to be within a mile of it. Like as a war-worn charger, grazing in peaceful plains, starts at a strain of martial music, pricks up his ears, and snorts, and paws, and kindles at the noise, so did the heroic Peter joy to hear the clangour of the trumpet ; for of him might truly be said, what was recorded of the renowned St. George of England, " there was nothing in all the world that more rejoiced his heart than to hear the pleasant sound of war, and see the soldiers brandish forth their steeled wea- pons." Casting his eye more kindly, therefore, upon the sturdy Van Corlear, and finding him to be a jovial varlet, shrewd in his discourse, yet of great discretion and immea- surable wind, he straightway conceived a vast kindness for liim, and discharging liim from the troublesome duty of gar- risoning, defending, and alai'ming the city, ever after retained him about his person, as his chief favourite, confidential en- voy, and trusty squire. Instead of disturbing the city with CHAP, n.] PETER STUYVESANT. 155 disastrous notes, he was instructed to play so as to delight the governor while at his repasts, as did the minstrels of yore in the days of glorious chivalry; and on all public occa- sions to rejoice the ears of the people with warlike melody, thereby keeping alive a noble and martial spirit. But the measure of the valiant Peter which produced the greatest agitation in the community, was his laying his hand upon the currency. He had old-fashioned notions in favour of gold and silver, which he considered the true standards of wealth and mediums of commerce, and one of his first edicts was, that all duties to government should be paid in those precious metals, and that seawant, or wampum, should no longer be a legal tender. Here was a blow at public prosperity ! All those who spe- culated on the rise and fall of this fluctuating currency, found their calling at an end : those, too, who had hoarded Indian money by barrels full, found their capital shrunk in amount ; but, above all, the Yankee traders, who were accustomed to flood the market with newly-coined oyster-shells, and to ab- stract Dutch merchandise in exchange, were loud-mouthed in decrying jthis "tampering with the currency." It was clipping the wings of commerce ; it was checking the develop- ment of public prosperity ; trade would be at an end ; goods would moulder on the shelves ; grain would rot in the gra- naries ; grass would grow in the market-place. In a word, no one who has not heard the outcries and bowlings of a modern Tarshish, at any check upon " paper money," can have any idea of the clamour against Peter the Headstrong, for checking the circulation of oyster-shells. In fact, trade did shrink into narrower channels ; but then the stream was deep as it was broad ; the honest Dutch- men sold less goods ; but then they got the worth of them, either in silver and gold, or in codfish, tin-ware, apple-brandy, Weathersfield onions, wooden bowls, and other articles of Yankee barter. The ingenious people of the east, however, indemnified themselves in another way for having to abandon the coinage of oyster-shells, for about this time we are told that wooden nutmegs made their first appearance in New- Am- sterdam, to the great annoyance of the Dutch housewives. NOTE. From a manuscript record of tlie province (Lib. N.-Y. Hist. Soc.).- — " Wc Iiavc been unable to render your inbabitants wiser, and prevent tbeir being further imposed upon, tban to dcelare, absolutely and pcremp- 156 HISTOKY OF NEW-TOHK. [bOOK V. CHAP. III. Kow it came to pass, that while Peter Stuyvesant Avas busy regulating the internal affairs of his domain, the great Yankee league, which had caused such tribulation to William the. Testy, continued to increase in extent and power. The grand Amphictyonic council of the league was held atTSos- ton, where it spun a web whicli threatened to link witliin it all the mighty principalities and powers of the east. The object proposed by this formidable combination was mutual protection and defence against their savage neighbours ; but all the world knows the real aim was to form a grand crusade against the Nieuw-Nederlandts and to get possession ofjhf city of the Manhattoes — as devout an object of enterprise and ambition to the Yankees as was ever the capture of Jerusalem to ancient crusaders. In the very year following the inauguration of Governor Stuyvesant, a grand deputation departed from the city of Providence (famous for its dusty streets and beauteous avo- men) in behalf of the plantation of Rhode Island, praying to be admitted into the league. The folloAving minute of this deputation appears in the ancient recoi'ds of the council.* "Mr. Will. Cottington and Captain Partridg of Rhoode Island presented this insewing request to the commissioners in wrighting — " Our request and motion is in behalfe of Ehoode Hand, that wee the Ilanders of Rhoode-Iland may be rescauied into toiih', that henceforward scawant shall be bullion — not lonprcr admissible in trade, without any value, as it is indeed. So that every one may be upon his cuard to baiter no longer away his wares and merchandises for tliesc bubbles ; at least not to accept them at a higher rate, or in a largei' quantity, than as they may want them in their trade with the savages. " In this way your English [Yankee] neighbours shall no longer be enabled to draw the best wares and merchandises from our country for nothing ; the beavers and furs not excepted. This has, indeed, long since been insufferable ; although it ought chiefly to be imputed to the impru- dent pcnuriousness of our own merchants and inhabitants, who, it is to be hoped, shall, tlirough the abolition of this seawant, become wiser and more prudent. " 27th January, 16G2. " Scawant falls into disrepute ; duties to be paid in silver coin." • Haz. Coll. Stat. Pap. CHAP. lU.] PETER STUYVESANT. Iu7 combination with all the united colonyes of New England in a iirme and perpetual league of friendship and amity of ofence and defence, mutuall advice and succor upon all just occasions for our mutuall safety and wellfaire, etc. "Will. Cottington, " Alicxsander Partridg." There was certainly something in the very physiognomy of this document that might well inspire apprehension. The )iarae of Alexander, however mis-spelt, has been warlike iu every age, and though its fierceness is in some measure sof- tened by being coupled with the gentle cognomen of Part- ridge, still, like the colour of scarlet, it bears an exceeding great resemblance to the sound of a trumpet. From the style of the letter, moreover, and the soldier-like ignorance of ortho- grapliy displayed by the noble captain Alicxsander Partridg, in spelling his own name, we may picture to ourselves this jnighty man of Rhodes, strong in arms, potent in the field, and as gi'eat a scholar as though he had been educated among tliat learned people of Thrace, who, Aristotle assures us, could not count beyond the number four. I'he result of this great Yankee league was augmented audacity on the part of the moss-troopers of Connecticut, pushing their encroachments farther and farther into the ter- 3'itories of their High Mightinesses, so that even the inhabit- ants of New-Amsterdam began to draw short breath, and to Jind themselves exceedingly cramped for elbow-room. Peter Stuyvesant Avas not a man to submit quietly to such intrusions ; his first impulse was to march at once to the frontier, and kick tliese squatting Yankees out of the country; but, bethinking himself in time that he was now a governor and legislator, the policy of the statesman for once cooled tlie fire of the old soldier, and he determined to try his hand at iiegociation. A correspondence accordingly ensued between him and the grand council of the league, and it was agreed that commissioners from either side slioukl meet at Hartford, to settle boundaries, adjust grievances, and establish a "per- petual and happy peace." The commissioners on the part of the Manhattoes were chosen, according to immemorial usage of that venerable me- tropolis, from among the "wisest and weightiest " men of the community; that is to say, men with the oldest heads and 158 HISTORY OF NEW-YORK. [bOOK V. heaviest pockets. Among these sages the veteran navigator, Hans Reinier Oothout, who had made such extensive dis- coveries during the time of Oloffe the Dreamer, was looked up to as an oracle in all matters of the kind; and he was ready to produce the very spy-glass with -which he first spied the moutli of the Connecticut river from his masthead, and all the world knows that the discovery of the mouth of a river gives prior right to all the lands drained by its waters. It was with feelings of pride and exultation that the good people of the Manhattoes saw two of the richest and most ponderous burghers departing on this embassy ; men whose word on 'Change was oracular, and in whose presence no poor man ventui'ed to appear without taking off his hat : wiien it was seen, too, that the veteran Reinier Oothout accompanied them with his spy-glass under his arm, all the old men and old women predicted that men of such weight, with such evi- dence, would leave the Yankees no alternative but to pack up their tin kettles and wooden w^ares ; put wife and children in a cart, and abandon all the lands of their High Mightinesses, on which they had squatted. In truth, the commissioners sent to Hartford by the league, seemed in no wise calculated to compete with men of such capacity. They were too lean Yankee lawyers, litigious-look- ing varlets, and evidently men of no substance, since they had no rotundity in the belt, and there was no jingling of money in their pockets ; it is true they had longer heads than the Dutchmen ; but if the heads of the latter were flat at top, they were broad at bottom, and what was wanting in height of forehead, Avas made up by a double chin. The negotiation turned as usual upon the good old corner- stone of original discovery ; according to the principle that he •who first sees a new country, has an unquestionable right to it. This being admitted, the veteran Oothout, at a concerted signal, stepped forth in the assembly with the identical tar- pauling spy-glass in his hand, w^ith which he bad discovered the mouth of the Connecticut, while the worthy Dutch com- missioners lolled back in their chairs, secretly chuckling at the idea of having for once got the weathergage of the) Yan- kees ; but what was their dismay when the latter produced a Nantucket whaler with a spy-glass, twice as long, with which he discovered the whole coast, quite down to the Manhattoes; and so crooked that he had spied with it up the whole course of CHAP. lU.] PETER STUYVESANT. 159 the Connecticut river. This principle pushed home, there- fore, the Yankees had a right to the whole country bordering on the Sound ; nay, the city of New-Amsterdam was a mere Dutch^squatting-place on their territories. I forbear to dwell upon tlie confusion of the worthy Dutch commissioners at finding their main pillar of proof thus knocked from under them ; neither will I pretend to describe the consternation of the wise men at the Manhattoes when they learnt how their commissioner had been out-trumped by the Yankees, and how the latter pretended to claim to the very gates of New- Amsterdam. Long was the negociation protracted, and long was the jiublic mind kept in a state of anxiety. There are two modes of settling boundary questions, when the claims of the oppo- site parties are irreconcilable. One is by an appeal to arms, in which case the weakest party is apt to lose its right, and get a broken head into the bargain ; the other mode is by com- promise, or mutual concession ; that is to say, one party cedes half of its claims, and the other party half of its rights ; he who grasps most gets most, and the whole is pronounced an equitable division, " perfectly honourable to both parties." The latter mode was adopted in the present instance. The Yankees gave up claims to vast tracts of the Nieuw-Neder- landts which they had never seen, and all right to the island of Manna-hata and the city of New-Amsterdam, to which they had no right at all ; while the Dutch, in return, agreed that the Yankees should retain possession of the frontier places where they had squatted, and of both sides of the Connecticut river. When the news of this treaty arrived at New-Amsterdam, the whole city was in an uproar of exultation. The old women rejoiced that there was to be no war, the old men that tiieir cabbage-gardens were safe from invasion ; while the political sages pronounced the treaty a great triumph over the Y'ankees, considering how much they had claimed, and hoAv little they had been " fobbed off with." And now my worthy reader is, doubtless, like the great and good Peter, congratulating himself with the idea that his feelings will no longer be harassed by afflicting details of stolen horses, broken heads, impounded hogs, and all the other catalogue of heai*t-rending cruelties that disgraced these border wars. But if he should indulge in such expectations, 160 HISTORY OF XEW-TORK. [bOOK V. it is a proof that he is but little versed in the paradoxical ways of cabinets ; to convince him of which I solicit his serious attention to my next chapter, wherein I will show that Peter Stuyvesant has already committed a great eiTor in politics ; and, by effecting a peace, has materially hazarded the tranquillity of the province. CHAP. IV. It was the opinion of that poetical philosopher, LucretiuSj that war was the original state of man, whom he described as being, primitively, a savage beast of prey, engaged in a constant state of hostility with his own species, and that this ferocious spirit was tamed and ameliorated by society. The same opinion has been advocated by Hobbes*; nor have there been wanting many other philosophers to admit and defend it. For my part, though prodigiously fond of these valuable speculations, so complimentary to human nature, yet, in this instance, I am inclined to take the proposition by halves ; believing with Horace f? that though war may have been originally the favoui'ite amusement and industrious employ- ment of our progenitors, yet, like many other excellent habits, so far from being ameliorated, it has been cultivated and con- firmed by refinement and civilisation, and increases in exact proportion as we approach towards that state of perfection, which is the ne plus vitrei of modern philosophy. The first conflict between man and man was the mere ex- ertion of physical force, unaided by auxiliary weapons — his arm was his buckler, his fist was his mace, and a broken head the catastrophe of his encounters. The battle of unassisted strength was succeeded by the more rugged one of stones and clubs, and war assumed a sanguinary aspect. As man ad- vanced in refinement, as his faculties expanded, and as his sensibilities became more exquisite, he grew rapidly more ingenious and experienced in the art of murdering his fellow- * Hobbcs's Leviathan, part i. ch. 13. f Ciiin prorcpserunt prirais animalia terris, Mutum et turpe pecus, glandcin atquc cubilia propter, IJnguibus et pugnis, dein fiistibus, atqae ita poiTo l^iignabant armis, qute post lUbricaverat usus. Hon. Sat. lib. i. s. 3. CHAP. IV.] PETEK STUYVESANT. 161 beings. He invented a thousand devices to defend and to assault — the helmet, the cuirass, and tlie buckler, the sword, the dart, and the javelin, prepared him to elude the wound as ■well as to launch the blow. Still urging on, in the career of philanthropic invention, he enlarges and heightens his powers of defence and injury. The ai'ies, the scorpio, the balista, and the catapulta give a horror and sublimity to war, and magnify its glory, by increasing its desolation. Still insa- tiable, tliough armed with machinery that seemed to reach the limits of destructive invention, and to yield a power of injury commensurate even with the desires of revenge — still deeper researches must be made in the diabolical arcana. With furious zeal he dives into the bowels of the earth ; he toils midst poisonous minerals and deadly salts — the sublime discovery of gunpowder blazes upon the world ; and finally, the dreadful art of fighting by proclamation seems to endow the demon of war with ubiquity and omnipotence ! This, indeed, is grand ! — this, indeed, marks the powers of mind, and bespeaks that divine endowment of reason, which distinguishes us from the animals, our inferiors. The un- enlightened brutes content themselves with the native force which Providence has assigned them. The angry bull butts with his horns, as did his progenitors before him ; the lion, the leopard, and the tiger, seek only with their talons and their fangs to gratify their sanguinary fury ; and even the subtle serpent darts the same venom, and uses the same wiles, as did his sire before the flood. Man alone, blessed with the inventive mind, goes on from discovery to discovery ; en- larges and multiplies his powers of destruction ; arrogates the ti-emendous weapons of Deity itself, and tasks creation to assist him in murdering his brother Avorm ! In proportion as the art of war has increased in improve- ment has the art of preserving peace advanced in equal ratio ; and as we have discovered, in this age of wonders and in- ventions, that proclamation is the most formidable engine in war, so have we discovered the no less ingenious mode of maintaining peace by perpetual negotiations. A treaty, or, to speak more correctly, a negotiation, there- fore, according to the acceptation of experienced statesmen, learned in these matters, is no longer an attempt to accom- modate differences, to ascertain rights, and to establish an equitable exchange of kind offices ; but a contest of skill n 162 HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK Vi between tAvo powers which shall overreach and take in the other. It is a cunning endeavour to obtain by peaceful manoeuvre and the chicanery of cabinets, those advantages which a nation would otlierwise have wrested by force of arms ; in the same manner as a conscientious highwayman reforms and becomes a quiet and praisevrorthy citizen, con- tenting himself with cheating his neighbour out of that property he Avould formerly have seized with open violence. In fact, the only time when two nations can be said to be in a state of perfect amity is when a negotiation is open, and a treaty pending. Then, when there are no stipulations entered into, no bonds to restrain the will, no specific limits to awaken the captious jealousy of right implanted in our nature ; wlien each party has some advantage to hope and expect from the other, then it is that the two nations are wonderfully gracious and friendly ; their ministers professing the highest mutual regard, exchanging billets-doux, making fine speeches, and indulging in all those little diplomatic flirtations, coquetries, and fondlings, that do so marvellously tickle the good humour of the respective nations. Thus it may paradoxically be said, that there is never so good an understanding between two nations as when there is a little misunderstanding — and that so long as they are on no terms at all they are on the best terms in the world ! I do not by any means pretend to claim the merit of having made the above discovery. It has, in fact, long been secretly acted upon by certain enlightened cabinets, and is, together with tlivers other notable theories, privately copied out of the commonplace book of an illustrious gentleman, who has been member of congress, and enjoyed the unlimited confidence of heads of departments. To this principle may be asci'ibed the Avonderful ingenuity shown of late years in protracting and interrupting negotiations. Hence the cunning measure of appointing as ambassador some political pettifogger skilled in delays, sgphisms, and misapprehensions, and dexterous in the art of bafiling argument ; or some blundering statesman, "vvhose errors and misconstructions may be a plea for refusing to ratify his engagements. And hence, too, that most notable expedient, so popular with our government, of sending out a brace of ambassadors, between whom, having each an indi- vidual will to consult, character to establish, and interest to promote, j'ou may as well look for unanimity and concord as between two lovers with one mistress, two dogs with one CHAP. IV.] PETER STUYVESANT, 163 bone, 01- two naked rogues with one paii* of breeches. This disagreement, tlierefoi'e, is continually breeding delays and impediments, in consequence of which the negotiation goes on swimmingly, inasmuch as there is no prospect of its ever coming to a close. Nothing is lost by these delays and ob- stacles but time ; and in a negotiation, according to the theory I have exposed, all time lost is in reality so much time gained : with what delightful pai'adoxes does modern political economy abound ! Now all that I have here advanced is so notoriously true, that I almost blush to take up the time of my readers with treating of matters wliich must many a time liave stared them in the face. But the proposition to which I would most earnestly call their attention is this, that though a negotiation be the most liarmonising of all national transactions, yet a treaty of peace is a great political evil, and one of tlie most fruitful sources of war. I have rarely seen an instance of any special contract be- tween individuals that did not produce jealousies, bickerings, and often downright ruptures between them ; nor did I ever know of a treaty between two nations that did not occasion continual misunderstandings. How many Avorthy country neighbours have I known, who, after living in peace and good fellowship for years, have been thrown into a state of distrust, cavilling, and animosity, by some ill-starred agreement about fences, runs of water, and stray cattle ! And liow many welh- meaning nations, who would otlierwise have remained in the most amicable disposition towards each other, have been brought to swords' points about the infringement or miscon- struction of some treaty, which in an evil hour they had concluded, by way of making their amity more sure ! Treaties at best are but complied with so long as interest requires their fulfilment; consequently they are virtually binding on the weaker party only, or, in plain truth, they are not binding at all. No nation Avill wantonly go to war with another if it has nothing to gain thereby, and therefore needs no treaty to restrain it from violence ; and if it have any thing to gain, I much question, from what I have witnessed of the righteous conduct of nations, whether any treaty could be made so strong that it could not thrust the sword through: nay, I would hold ten to one, the treaty itself would be the very source to which resort would be had to find a pretext for hostilities. m 2 164 HISTORY OF KEAV-YORK. ' [bOOK V. Thus, therefore, I conclude — that though it is the best of all policies for a nation to keep up a constant negotiation ■with its neighbours, yet it is the summit of folly for it ever to be beguiled into a ti-eaty ; for then comes on non-fulfilment and infraction, then remonstrance, then altercation, then retalia- tion, then recrimination, and finally open war. In a word, negotiation is like courtship, a time of sweet words, gallant speeches, soft looks, and endearing caresses — but the mar- riage ceremony is the signal for hostilities. If my x^ainstaking reader be not somewhat perplexed by the ratiocination of the foregoing passage, he will perceive, at a glance, that the great Peter, in concluding a treaty with his eastern neighbours, was guilty of lamentable error in policy. In fact, to this unlucky agreement may be traced a world of bickerings and heart-burnings between the parties, about fan- cied or pretended infringements of treaty stipulations ; in all Avhich the Yankees were prone to indemnify themselves by a " dig into the sides" of the New-Netherlands. But, in sooth, these border feuds, albeit they gave great annoyance to the good burghers of Manna-hata, were so pitiful in their nature, that a grave liistorian like myself, who grudges the time spent in any thing less than the revolutions of states and fall of empires, would deem them unworthy of being inscribed on his page. The reader is, therefore, to take it for granted, though I scorn to waste, in the detail, that time which my fur- rowed brow and trembling hand inform me is invaluable, that all the while the great Peter was occupied in those tremen- dous and bloody contests which I shall shortly rehearse, tliere was a continued series of little, dirty, snivelling scourings, broils, and maraudings, kept up on tlie eastern frontiers by the moss-troopers of Connecticut. But, like that mirror of chivalry, the sage and valorous Don Quixote, I leave these petty contests for some future Sancho Panza of a historian, while I reserve my prowess and my pen for achievements of higher dignity ; for at this moment I hear a direful and portentous note issuing from the bosom of the great council of the league, and resounding throughout the regions of the east, menacing the fame and fortunes of Peter Stuyvesant. I call, therefore, upon the reader to leave behind him all the paltry brawls of the Connecticut borders, and to press forward with me to the relief of our favourite hero ; who, I foresee, will be wofuUy beset by the implacable Yankees in the next chapter. CHAP, v.] PETER STUYVESANT. 165 CHAP. V. That the reader may be aware of the peril at this moment menaciug Peter Stuyvesant and his capital, I must remind him of the old charge advanced in the council of the league in the time of AVilliam the Testy, that the Nederlanders were carry- ing on a trade "damnable and injurious to the colonists," in furnishing the savages with " guns, powther, and shott." This, as I then suggested, was a crafty device of the Yankee confede- racy to have a snug cause of war in petto, in case any favour- able opportunity should present of attempting the conquest of the New-Nederlands, the great object of Yankee ambition. Accordingly we now find, when eveiy other ground of complaint had apparently been removed by treaty, this ne- farious charge revived witli tenfold virulence, and hurled like a thunderbolt at the very head of Peter Stuyvesant ; happily his head, like that of the great bull of the Wabash, was proof against such missiles. To be explicit, we are told that, in the year 1651, the great confederacy of the east accused the immaculate Peter, the soul of honour and heart of steel, of secretly endeavouring, by gifts and promises, to instigate the Narroheganset, Mo- haque, and Pequot Indians to surprise and massacre the Yankee settlements. '' For," as the grand council observed, '• the Indians round about for divers hundred miles cercute seeme to have drunk deepe of an intoxicating cupp, att or from the Manhattoes against the English, whoe have sought their good, both in bodily and spirituall respects."' This charge they pretended to support by the evidence of di- vers Indians, who wei'e probably moved by that spirit of truth which is said to reside in the bottle, and who swore to the fact as sturdily as though they had been so many Christian troopers. Though descended from a family which suffered much in- jury from the losel Yankees of those times, ray great-grand- father having had a yoke of oxen and his best pacer stolen, and having received a pair of black eyes and a bloody nose in one of these border wars ; and my grandfather, when a very little boy tending pigs, having been kidnapped and severely flogged by a long-sided Connecticut schoolmaster — yet I should have passed over all these wrongs witli forgiveness and oblivion — I could even have suifered them to have broken Everet Ducking's head ; to have kicked the doughty Jacobus n 3 166 BISTORT OF KEW-YORK. [bOOK V. Van Cui'let and bis ragged regiment out of doors ; to have carried every hog into captivity, and depopulated every hen- roost on the face of the earth with perfect impunity — but this wanton attack upon one of the most gallant and irre- proacliable heroes of modern times, is too mucli even for me to digest ; and has overset, with a single puff, tiie patience of the historian, and the forbearance of the Dutchman. Oh reader, it was false ! I swear to thee, it was false ! If thou hast any respect to my word, if the undeviating cha- racter for veracity, which I have endeavoured to maintain throughout this work, has its due weight with thee, thou wilt not give tby faith to this tale of slander; for I pledge my honour and my immortal fame to thee, that the gallant Peter Stuyvesant was not only innocent of this foul conspiracy, but would have suffered his rigbt arm, or even his wooden leg, to consume with slow and everlasting flames, rather than at- tempt to destroy bis enemies in any other way than open, generous warfare ; beshrew those caitiff scouts, that conspired to sully his honest name by such an imputation ! Peter Stuyvesunt, though haply he may never have heard of a knight- errant, had as true a heart of chivalry as ever beat at the round table of King Arthur. In the honest bosom of this heroic Dutchman dwelt the seven noble virtues of knight- hood, flourishing among his hardy qualities like wild flowers among rocks. He was, in truth, a hero of chivalry struck off by nature at a single heat, and though little care may have been taken to refine her workmanship, he stood forth a miracle of her skill. In all his dealings he was headstrong perhaps, but open and above board ; if there was any thing in the whole world he most loathed and despised, it was cunning and secret wile ; "straight forward" was his motto, and he would at any time rather run his hard head against a stone wall than attempt to get round it. Such was Peter Stuyvesant, and if my admiration of him has on this occasion transported my style beyond the sober gravity which becomes the philosophic recorder of historic events, I must plead as an apology, that though a little grey- headed Dutchman, arrived almost at the down-hill of life, I still retain a lingering spark of that fire which kindles in the eye of youth when contemplating the virtues of ancient wor- thies. Blessed thrice, and nine times blessed be the good St. Isicholas, if I have indeed escaped that apathy which cluUs the sympathies of age, and paralyses every glow of enthusiasm. CHAP, v.] PETEK STUVVE3ANT. 167 The first measui-e of Peter Stuyvesant, on hearing of thir; slanderous charge, would have been worthy of a man who liad studied for years in the chivalrous library of Don Quixote. Drawing liis sword and laying it acx'oss the table, to put him in proper tune, he took pen in liand and indited a proud and lofty letter to the council of the league, reproaching them with giving ear to the slanders of heathen savages against a Chris- tian, a soldier, and a cavalier ; declaring that whoever charged him with the plot in question, lied in his throat ; to prove which he oifered to meet the president of the council, or any of his compeers ; or their champion, Captain Alexander Par- tridge, that mighty man of Rhodes, in single combat; wherein he trusted to vindicate his honour by the prowess of his arm. This missive was intrusted to his trumpeter and squire, An- tony Van Corlear, that man of emergencies, with orders to tra- vel night and day, sparing neither whip nor spin-, seeing that he carried the vindication of his patron's fame in his saddle-bags. The loyal Antony accomplished his mission with great speed and considerable loss of leather. He delivered his missive with becoming ceremony, accompanying it Avith a flourish of defiance on his trumpet to the whole council, end- ing with a significant and nasal twang full in the face of Captain Partridge, who nearly jumped out of his skin in an ecstasy of astonishment. The grand council was composed of men too cool and prac- tical to be put readily in a heat, or to indulge in knight- errantry ; and above all to run a tilt with such a fiery hero as Peter the Headstrong. They knew the advantage, how- ever, to have always a snug, justifiable cause of Avar in re- serve Avith a neighbour, Avho had territories Avorth invading ; so they devised a reply to Peter Stuyvesant, calculated to keep up the "raAv" Avhich they had established. On receiving this ansAver, Antony Van Corlear remounted the Flanders mare Avhich he always rode, and trotted merrily back to the Manhattoes, solacing himself by the way accord- ing to his Avont ; twanging his trumpet like a very devil, so that the sweet valleys and banks of the Connecticut resounded Avitli the warlike melody ; bringing all the folks to tlie Avin- doAvs as he passed through Hartford and Pyquag and Mid- dletOAvn, and all the other border tOAvns ; ogling and winking at the Avonien, and making aerial Avindmills from the end of his nose at iheir husbands; and sto{)[)ing occasionally in the BI 4 168 HISTORY OF NEW-T0R7C. [bOOK V. villages to eat pumpkin-pies, dance at country frolics, and bundle with the Yanliee lasses, whom he rejoiced exceed- ingly with his soul-stirring instrument. CHAP. VI. The reply of the grand council to Peter Stuyvesant was couched in the coolest and most diplomatic language. They assured him that " liis confident denials of the barbarous plot alleged against him would weigh little against the testimony of divers sober and respectable Indians ;" that " his guilt was proved to their perfect satisfaction," so that they must still require and seek due satisfaction and security ; ending with — "so we rest, sir — Yours in ways of righteousness." I forbear to say how the lion-hearted Peter roared and ramped at finding himself more and more entangled in the meshes thus artfully drawn round him by the knowing Yankees. Impatient, however, of suffering so gross an as- persion to rest upon his honest name, he sent a second mes- senger to the council, reiterating his denial of the treachery imputed to him, and offering to submit his conduct to the scrutiny of a court of honour. His offer was readily accepted ; and now he looked forward with confidence to an august tri- bunal to be assembled at the Manhattoes, formed of high- minded cavaliers, peradventure governors and commanders of the confederate plantations, where the matter might be inves- tigated by his peers, in a manner befitting his rank and dignity. Vvliile he was awaiting the arrival of such high function- aries, behold, one sunshiny afternoon there rode into the great gate of the Manhattoes two lean, hungry-looking Yankees, mounted on Narraganset pacers, with saddle-bags under their bottoms, and green satchels under their arms, who looked marvellously like two pettifogging attorneys beating the hoof from one county court to another in quest of lawsuits ; and, in sooth, though they may have passed under ditierent names at the time, I have reason to suspect they w^ere the identical varlets Avho had negotiated the worthy Hutch commissioners out of the Connecticut river. It was a rule with these indefatigable missionaries never to let the grass grow under their feet. Scarce had they, there- fore, alighted at the inn and deposited their saddle-bags, than CHAP. Vn.] ' PETER STUYVESANT. 169 they made their way to the residence of the governor. They found him, according to custom, smoking his afternoon pipe on the " stoop," or bench at the porch of his liouse, and an- nounced themselves, at once, as commissioners sent by the grand council of the east to investigate the truth of certain charges advanced against him. The good Peter tooli his pipe from his mouth, and gazed at them for a moment in mute astonishment. By way of ex- pediting business, they were proceeding on the spot to put some preHminary questions ; asking him, peradventure, whether he pleaded guilty or not guilty, considering him some- thing in the light of a culprit at the bar ; Avhen they were brought to a pause by seeing him lay down his pipe and begin to fumble with his walking-staff. For a moment, those present would not have given half a crown for both the crowns of the commissioners ; but Peter Stuy vesant repressed his mighty wrath and stayed his hand ; he scanned the varlets fi-om head to foot, satchels and all, with a look of ineffable scorn ; then strode into the house, slammed the door after him, and com- manded that they should never again be admitted to his. pi'esence. The knowing commissioners winked to each other, and made a certificate on the spot that the governor had refused to answer their interrogatories, or to submit to their ex- amination. They then proceeded to rummage about the city for two or three days, in quest of what they called evidence, perplexing Indians and old women with their cross-question- ing until they had stuffed their satchels and saddle-bags with all kinds of apocryphal tales, rumours, and calumnies ; with these they mounted their Narraganset pacers, and travelled back to the grand council ; neither did the proud-hearted Peter trouble himself to hinder their researches nor impede their departure ; he was too mindful of their sacred character as envoys ; but I Avarrant me had they played the same tricks with WiUiam the Testy, he would have had them tucked up by the waistband, and treated to an aerial gambol on his patent gallows. CHAP. VII. The grand council of the east held a solemn meeting on the return of their envoys. As no advocate appeared in behalf 170 HISTORY OF NEW-YORK. [bOOK V. of Peter Stuyvesant, everything went against him. His liaughty refusal to submit to the questioning of the commis- sioners was construed into a consciousness of guilt. The contents of the satchels and saddle-bags were poured forth before the council, and appearcil a mountain of evidence. A pale bilious orator took the floor, and declaimed for hours and in belligerent terms. He was one of those furious zealots who blow the bellows of faction until the whole furnace of politics is red-hot with sparks and cinders. What was it to him if he should set the house on fire, so that he might boil his pot by the blaze? He was from the borders of Connecticut; his constituents lived by marauding their Dutch neighbours, and were the greatest poachers in Christendom, excepting the Scotch border nobles. His eloquence had its effect, and it was determined to set on foot an expedition against the Nieuw- Nederlands. It was necessary, however, to prepare the public mind for this measure. Accordingly the arguments of the orator were echoed from the pulpit for several succeeding Sundays, and a crusade was preached up against Peter Stuyvesant and his devoted city. This is the first we hear of the " drum ecclesiastic " beating up for recruits in worldly warfare in our country. It has since been called into frequent use. A cunning politician often lurks under the clerical robe ; things spiritual and things temporal are strangely jumbled together, like drugs on an apothecary's shelf; and instead of a peaceful sermon, the simple seeker after righteousness has often a political pamphlet thrust down his throat, labelled with a pious text from Scripture. And now nothing was talked of but an expedition against the Manhattoes. It pleased the populace, who had a vehement prejudice against the Dutch, considering them a vastly inferior race, who had sought the new world for the lucre of gain, not the liberty of conscience ; who were mere heretics and infidels, inasmuch as they refused to believe in witches and sea-ser- pents, and had faith in the virtues of horse-shoes nailed to the door ; ate pork without molasses ; held pumpkins in contempt, and were in perpetual breach of the eleventh commandment of all true Yankees, " Thou shalt have codfish dinners on Saturdays." No sooner did Peter Stuyvesant get wind of the storm tliat Has brewing in the east, than he set to work to prepare for it. ■we was not one of those economical rulers, who postpone the CHAP. VII.] TETER STUYVESA^JT. 171 expense of fortifying until the enemy is at the door. There is nothing, he woukl say, that keeps off enemies and crows more than the smell of gunpowder. He proceeded, therefore, with all diligence, to put the province and its metropolis in a posture of defence. Among the remnants which remained from the days of William the Testy, were the militia laws ; by which the in- habitants were obliged to turn out twice a year, with such military equipments as it pleased God ; and were put under the command of tailors and man-milliners, who, though on ordinaiy occasions they might have been the meekest, most pippin-hearted little men in the world, were very devils at parades, when they had cocked hats on their heads and swords by their sides. Under the instructions of these })eriodical warriors, the peaceful burghers of the Manhattoes were schooled in iron war, and became so hardy in the process of time, that they could march through sun and rain, from one end of the town to the other, without flinching ; and so in- trepid and adroit, that they could face to the right, wheel to the left, and fire without winking or blinking, Peter Stuyvesant, like all old soldiers who have seen service and smelt gunpowder, had no great respect for militia troops ; liowever, he determined to give them a trial, and ac- cordingly called for a general muster, inspection, and review. But, oh Mars and Beilona ! what a turning out was here I Hei-e came old Roelant Cuckaburt, with a short blunderbuss on his shoulder, and a long horseman's sword trailing by his side ; and Bai'ent Dirkson, with something that looked like a copper kettle turned upside down on his head, and a couple of old horse- pistols in his belt ; and Dirk Volkertson, with a long duck fowling-piece without any ramrod ; and a host more, armed higgledy-piggledy with swords, hatchets, snicker- snees, crowbars, broomsticks, and what not ; the officers dis- tinguished from the rest by having their slouched hats cocked up with pins, and surmounted with cocktail feathers. The sturdy Peter eyed this nondescript host with some such rueful aspect as a man would eye the devil, and deter- mined to give his feather-bed soldiers a seasoning. He ac- cordingly put them tlirough their manual exercise over and over again , trudged tliem backwards and forwards about the streets of NcAv-Amsterdam, until tlutir short legs ached and their fat sides sweated again, and finally encamped them in the evening on the summit of a hill without the city, to give 172 HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK V. them a taste of camp life, intending the next day to renew the toils and perils of the held. But so it came to pass that in the night there fell a great and heavy rain, and melted away the army, so that in the morning when Gaiier Phoebus shed his first beams upon the camp scarce a warrior remained, excepting Peter Stuyvesant and his trumpeter Van Corlear. This awful desolation of a whole army would have appalled a commander of less nerve ; but it served to confirm Peter's Avant of confidence in the militia system, which he thencefor- ward used to call, in joke — for he sometimes indulged in a joke — William the Testy 's broken reed. He now took into his service a goodly number of burly, broad-shouldered, broad-bottomed Dutchmen ; whom he paid in good silver and gold, and of whom he boasted that, whether they could stand lire or not, they were at least water-proof. He fortified the city, too, with pickets and pallisadoes, ex- tending across the island from river to river; and, above all, cast up mud batteries or redoubts on the point of the island, where it divided the beautiful bosom of tlie bay. These latter redoubts, in process of time, came to be plea- santly overrun by a carpet of grass and clover, and oversha- dowed by wide-spreading elms and sycamores ; among the branches of which the birds would build their nests and re- joice the ear with their melodious notes. Under these trees, too, the old burghers would smoke their afternoon pipe ; con- templating the golden sun as he sank in the west, an emblem of the tranquil end toward which they were declining. Here, too, would the young men and maidens of the town take their evening stroll, watching the silver moonbeams as they trem- bled along the calm bosom of the bay, or lit up the sail of some gliding bark, and peradventure interchanging the soft vows of honest affection ; for to evening strolls in this favoured spot were ti-aced most of the marriages in New- Amsterdam. Such was the origin of that renowned promenade, The Battery, which, though ostensibly devoted to the stern pur- poses of war, has ever been consecrated to the sweet delights of peace. Tlic scene of many a gambol in happy childhood — of many a tender assignation in riper years — of many a soothing walk in declining age — the healthful resort of the feeble invalid — the Sunday refreshment of the dusty trades- man— in fine, the ornament and delight of New-York, and the pride of the lovely island of Manna-hata. CHAP. "\TII.] PETER STUYVESANT, - 173 CHAP. VIII. Having thus provided for the temporary security of New- Amsterdam, and guarded it against any sudden surprise, the gallant Peter took a hearty pinch of snuflf", and snapping his iingers, set the great council of Amphictyons and their cham- pion, the redoubtable Alicxsander Partridg, at defiance. In tl'.e meantime the moss-troopers of Connecticut, the warriors of New Haven and Hartford, and Pyquag — otherwise called^ Weathersfield, famous for its onions and its witches — and of nil the other border towns, were in a prodigious turmoil, fur- bishing up their rusty weapons, shouting aloud for war, and anticipating easy conquests and glorious rummaging of the fat little Dutch villages. In the midst of these warlike preparations, however, they received the chilling news that the colony of Massachusetts refused to back them in this righteous war. It seems that the gallant conduct of Peter Stuyvesant, the generous warmth of his vindication, and the chivalrous spirit of his defiance, though lost upon the grand council of the league, had carried convic- tion to the general court of Massachusetts, which nobly refused to believe him guilty of the villanous plot laid at his door.* The defection of so important a colony paralysed the coun- cils of the league. Some such dissension arose among its mem- bers as prevailed of yore in the camf) of the brawling warriors of Greece, and in the end the crusade against the Manhattoes was abandoned. It is said that the moss-troopers of Connecticut were sorely disappointed ; but well for them that their belligerent crav- ings were not gratified, for, by my faith, whatever might have been the ultimate result of a conflict with all the powers of the east, in the interim the stomachful heroes of Pyquag would have been choked with their own onions, and all the border towns of Connecticut would have had such a scouring from the lion-hearted Peter and his robustious myrmidons, that I warrant me they would not have had the stomach to scpiat on the land, or invade the henroost of a Nederlander for a century to come. But it was not merely the refusal of Massachusetts to join * Hazard's State Papers. 174 HISTORY OF XEW-TOIIK, [bOOK V. in their unholy crusade that cofnfounded the councils of the league ; for about this time broke out in the New-England provinces the awful plague of witchcraft, which spread like pestilence through the laud. Such a howling abomination could not be suffered to remain long unnoticed ; it soon ex- cited the fiery indignation of those guardians of the common- wealth, who whilom had evinced such active benevolence in the conversion of Quakers and Anabaptists. The grand council of the league publicly set their faces against the crime, and bloody laws were enacted against all " solem con- versing or compacting with the divil by the way of con- juracion or the like."* Strict search too was made after witches, Avho were easily detected by devil's pinches ; by being able to weep but three tears, and those out of the left eye ; and by having a most suspicious predilection for black cats and broomsticks ! What is pai'ticularly worthy of admiration is, that this terriljle art, which has baffled the studies and re- searches of philosophers, astrologers, theurgists, and other sages, was chiefly confined to the most ignorant, decrepid, and ugly old women in the community, with scarce more brains than the broomsticks they rode upon. When once an alarm is sounded, the public, who dearly love to be in a panic, are always ready to keep it up. Eaise but the cry of yellow fever, and immediately every head-ache, indigestion, and overflowing of the bile is pronounced the ter- rible epidemic ; cry out mad dog, and every unlucky cur in the street is in jeopardy : so in the present instance, whoever was troubled with colic or lumbago was sure to be bewitched ; and woe to any unlucky old woman living in the neighbourhood. It is incredible the number of offences that were detected, " for every one of which," says the reverend Cotton Mather, in that excellent work, the History of New-England, " we have such a sufficient evidence, that no reasonable man in this whole country ever did question them; and it will be unrea- sonable to do it in any other "^ Indeed, that authentic and judicious historian, John Josce- lyn, gent., furnishes us with unquestionable facts on this subject. " There are none," observes he, " that beg in this country, but there be witches too many — bottle-bellied witches and others, that produce many strange apparitions, if * New Plymouth Record. f Mather's Hist. New Eng. b. vi. eh. 7. CHAP. VITI. J PETER STUYVESANT. 175 you will believe report, of a shallop at sea manned with women — and of a ship and great red horse standing by the main-mast; the ship being in a small cove to the eastward vanished of a sudden," etc. The number of delinquents, however, and their magical de- vices, were not more remarkable than their diabolical obsti- nacy. Though exhorted in the most solemn, persuasive, and affectionate manner, to confess themselves guilty, and be burnt for the good of religion, and the entertainment of the public, yet did they most pertinaciously persist in assert- ing their innocence. Such incredible obstinacy was in itself deserving of immediate punishment, and was sufficient pi'oof, if proof were necessary, that they Avere in league with the devil, who is perverseness itself. But their judges were just and merciful, and were determined to punisli none that were not convicted on the best of testimony ; not that they needed any evidence to satisfy their own minds, for, like true and experienced judges, their minds were perfectly made up, and they were thoroughly satisfied of the guilt of the prisoners before they proceeded to try them : but still something was necessary to convince the community at large, to quiet those prying quidnuncs who should come after them ; in short, the world must be satisfied. Oh the world ! the world ! all the world knows the world of trouble the world is eternally occa- sioning! The worthy judges, therefore, were driven to the necessity of sifting, detecting, and making evident as noon- day, matters which were at the commencement all clearly understood and firmly decided upon in their own pericra- niums ; so that it may truly be said, that the witches were burnt to gratify the populace of the day, but were tried for the satisfaction of the whole world that should come after them. Finding, therefore, that neither exhortation, sound reason, nor friendly entreaty had any avail on these hardened of- fenders, they resorted to the more urgent arguments of tor- ture ; and having thus absolutely wrung the truth from their stubborn lips, they condemned them to undergo the roasting due unto the heinous crimes they had confessed. Some even carried their perverseness so far as to expire under the tor- ture, protesting their innocence to the last ; but these were looked upon as thoroughly and absolutely possessed by the devil, and the pious bystanders only lamented that they had not lived a little longer to have perished in the flames. 176 HISTORY OF NEW-»*!3*:K. [bOOK V. In the city of Ephesus, we are told that the plague was expelled by stoning a ragged old beggar to death, whom Apollonius pointed out as being the evil spirit that caused it, and who actually showed himself to be a demon, by changing into a shagged dog. In like manner, and by measures equally sagacious, a salutary check was given to this grow- ing evil. The witches were all burnt, banished, or panic- struck, and in a little while there was not an ugly old woman to be found throughout New-England; which is doubtless one reason why all the young Avomen there are so handsome. Those honest folk who had suffered from their incantations gradually recovered, excepting such as had been afHicted with twitches and aches, which, however, assumed the less alarm- ing aspects of rheumatism, sciatics, and lumbagos ; and the good people of New-England, abandoning the study of the occult sciences, turned their attention to the more profitable hocus pocus of trade, and soon became expert in the legerde- main art of turning a penny. Still, however, a tinge of the old leaven is discernible, even unto this day, in their cha- racters ; witches occasionally start up among them in dif- ferent disguises, as physicians, civilians, and divines. The peoyde at large show a keenness, a cleverness, and a pro- fundity of wisdom, that savours strongly of witchcraft ; and it has been remarked, that whenever any stones fall from the moon, the greater part of them is sure to tumble into New-Ensland. CHAP. IX. When treating of these tempestuous times, the unknown writer of the Stuyvesant manuscript breaks out into an apo- strophe in praise of the good St. Nicholas, to whose protect- ing care he ascribes the dissensions which broke out in the council of the league, and the direful witchcraft which filled all Yankee land as with Egyptian darkness. A portentous gloom, says he, hung lowering over the fair valleys of the east : the pleasant banks of the Connecticut no longer echoed to the sounds of rustic gaiety ; grisly phan- toms glided about each wnld brook and silent glen ; fearful apparitions were seen in the air ; strange voices were heard in solitary places ; and the border-towns were so occupied in detecting and punishing losel witches, that, for a time, all CHAP. IX.] PETER STUYVESANT. 177 talk of wav was suspended, and New-Amsterdam and its in- habitants seemed to be totally forgotten. I must not conceal the fact, that at one time there was some danger of this plague of witchcraft extending into the New-Netherlands ; and certain witches, mounted on broom- sticks, are said to have been seen whisking in the air over some of the Dutch villages near the borders ; but the worthy Nederlanders took the precaution to nail horseshoes to their doors, whicli it is well known are effectual barriers against all diabolical vermin of the kind. Many of tliose horseshoes may be seen at tliis very day on ancient mansions and barns, remaining from the days of the patriarchs ; nay, the custom is still kept up among some of our legitimate Dutch yeomanry, who inherit from their forefathers a desire to keep witches and Yankees out of the country. And now the great Peter, having no immediate hostility to apprehend from the east, turned his face, with characteristic vigilance, to his soutliern frontiers. The attentive reader will recollect that certain freebooting Swedes had become very troublesome in this quarter in the latter part of the reign of William the Testy, setting at naught the proclamations of that veritable potentate, and putting his admiral, the intrepid Jan Jansen Alpendam, to a perfect nonplus. To check the incursions of these Swedes, Peter Stuyvesant now ordered a force to that frontier, giving the command of it to General Jacobus Van Poft'enburgh, an officer who had risen to great importance during the reign of Wilhelmus Kieft. He had, if histories spealc true, been second in command to the doughty Van Curlet, when he and his warriors were iniiu- manly kicked out of Fort Goed Hoop by the Yankees. In that memorable affair Van Poffenburgh is said to have re- ceived more kicks, in a certain honourable part, than any of his comrades; in consequence of which, on the resignation of Van Curlet, he had been promoted to his place, being considered a hero who had seen service, and suffered in his country's cause. It is tropically observed by honest old Socrates, that heaven infuses into some men at their birtli a portion of intellectual gold ; into others, of intellectual silver; while othei's ai'e intel- lectually furnished with iron and brass. Of the last class was General Van Poffenburgh, and it would seem as if Dame Nature, wlio will sometimes be partial, had given him brass enough for a dozen ordinary braziers. All this he had con- ITS IIISTOKY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK Ti trivcd to pass oif upon William the Testy for genuine gold ; and the little governor would sit for hours and listen to his gunpowder stories of exploits, which left those of Tirante the White, Don Belianis of Greece, or St. George and the Dragon, quite in the background. Having been promoted by AVilliam' Kieft to the command of his whole disposable forces, he gave injportance to his station by the grandilo- quence of his bulletins, always styling himself Commander- in-chief of the armies of the New-Netherlands ; though in sober truth these Armies were nothing more than a handful of hei5-stealing, bottle-bruising ragamuffins. In person iie was not very tall, but exceedingly round ; neither did his bulk proceed from his being fat, but windy ; being blown up by a prodigious conviction of his own impor- tance, until he resembled one of those bags of wind given by ^olus, in an incredible fit of generosity, to that vagabond war- rior, Ulysses. His wandy endowments had long excited the admiration of Antony Van Corlear, who is said to have hinted more than once to William the Testy, that in making Van Poflf'enburgh a general, he had spoiled an admirable trumpeter. As it is the practice in ancient story to give the reader a description of the arms and equipments of every noted war- rior, I will bestow a word upon the dress of this redoubtable conmiander. It comported with his character, being so crossed and slashed, and embroidered with lace and tinsel, that he seemed to have as much brass without, as nature had stored away within. He was swatlied too in a crimson sash, of the size and texture of a fishing-net ; doubtless to keep his swelling heart from bursting through his ribs. His face , glowed with furnace heat from between a huge pair of well-j povrdered whiskers ; and his valorous soul seemed ready t.c bounce out of a pair of large, glassy, blinking eyes, project ing like those of a lobster. I swear to thee, worthy reader, if history and tradition be-j lie not tliis warrior, I would give all the money in ray pocket to have seen him accoutred cap-a-pie — booted to the middlel — sashed to the chin — collared to the ears — wiskered to the teeth — crowned with an overshadowing cocked hat, and! girded with a leathern belt ten inches broad, from w]uch.| trailed a falcliion, of a length that I dare not mention. Thus equipped, he strutted about, as bitter-looking a man of war| as the far-famed More, of More Hall, when he sallied fortl to slay the Dragon of Want.ley. For what says the ballad ?j CHAP. IX.] PETER STUYVESANT. 179 " Had you but seen liim in this dress, How fierce he looked and how bi^', You would hfive thought him for to be Some Egyptian porcupig. He frighted all — cats, dogs, and all. Each cow, each horse, and each hog ; For fear they did flee, for they took him to be Some strange outlandish hedgehog."* I iniist confess this general, ■with all his oufv/ard valour and ventosity, was not exactly an officer to Peter Stnyvesant's taste, but he stood foremost in the army list of Williatn the Testy, and it is probable the good Petei', who was conscien- tious in his dealings with all men, and had his military no- tions of precedence, thought it but fair to give him a chance of proving his right to his dignities. To this copper captain, therefore, was confided the com- mand of the troops destined to protect the southern frontier; and scarce had he departed from his station than bulletins began to arrive from him, describing his undaunted march through savage deserts, over insurmountable mountains, across impassable rivers, and through impenetrable forests, conquering vast tracts of uninhabited country, and encoun- tering more perils than did Xenophon in his far-famed retreat Avith his ten thousand Grecians. Peter Stuyvesant read all these grandilocpient dispatches with a dubious screwing of the mouth and shaking of the head ; but Antony Van Corlear repeated these contents in the streets and market-places with an appropriate flourish upon his trumpet, and the windy victories of tlie general re- sounded through the streets of New-Amsterdam. On arriving at the southern frontier. Van PofFenburgh proceeded to erect a fortress, or strong-hold, on the South or Delaware river. At first he bethought him to call it Fort- Stuyvesant, in honour of the governor, a lowly kind of ho- mnge pi-evalcnt in our country among speculators, militar}' commanders, and office-seekers of all kinds, by which our maps come to be studded with the names of political patrons and temporary great men ; in the present instance. Van Pof- fenburgh carried his homage to the most lowly degree, giving his fortress the name of Fort Casimir, in honour, it is said, of a favourite pair of brimstone trunk-breeches of his excellency. * Ballad of Dragon of Wantley. N 2 180 HISTORY OF XEW-TORK. [bOOK V. As this fort will be found to give rise to important events, it may be worth while to notice that it was afterwards called Kieuw-Amstel, and was the germ of the present flourishing town of New-Castlcj or, more properly speaking, No Castle, there being nothing of the kind on the premises. His fortress being finished, it would have done any man's heart good to behold the swelling dignity with which the general would stride in and out a dozen times a day, survey- ing it in front and in rear, on this side and on that ; how he woidd strut backwards and forwards, in full regimentals, on the top of the raioi)arts ; like a vain-glorious cock-pigeon, swelling and vapouring oa the top of a dovecote. There is a kind of valorous spleen which, like wind, is apt to grow unruly in the stomachs of newly made soldiers, com- pelling them to bux-lobby brawls and broken-headed quar- rels, unless there can be ibund some more harmless way to give it vent. It is recorded, in the delectable romance of Pierce Forest, that a young knight, being dubbed by King Alexander, did incontinenUy gallop into an adjacent forest and belabour the trees with such might and main, that he not merely eased otf the sudden effervescence of his valour, but convinced the whole court that he was the most potent and courageous cavalier on the face of the earth. In like manner the commander of Fort Casimir, when he found his martial spirit waxing too hot within him, would sally forth into the lields and lay about him most lustily with his sabre ; decapi- tating cabbages by platoons ; hewing down lofty sunflowers, which he termed gigantic Swedes ; and if, perchance, he espied a colony of big-bellied pumpkins quietly basking in the sun, "Ah! caitiff Yankees !" would he roar, "have I caught ye at last?" So saying, with one sweep of his sword, he would cleave the unhappy vegetables from their chins to their waist- bands ; by which warlike havoc, his choler being in some sort allayed, he would return into the fortress with the full con- viction that he was a very miracle of military prowess. He was a disciplinarian, too, of the first order. Woe to any unlucky soldier who did not hold up his head and turn out his toes when on parade ; or, who did not salute the general in proper style as he passed. Having one day, in his Bible researches, encountered tlie history of Absalom and his me- lanclioly end, the general bethought him that, in a country abounding with forests, his soldiers were in constant risk of CHAP. IX.] PETER STUTVESANT. 181 a like catastrophe ; he therpfore, in an evil hour, issued ordei-s for cropping the hair of both officers and men through- out the garrison. Now so it happened, that among his officers was a sturdy veteran uamed Keldermeester ; who had cherished, through a long life, a mop of hair not a little resembling the shag of •a Newfoundland dog, terminating in a queue like the liandle of a frying-pan, and queued so tightly to his head that his oyes and mouth generally stood ajar, and his eyebrows were drawn up to the top of his forehead. It may naturally be supposed that the possessor of so goodly an appendage would resist with abhorrence an order condemning it to the shears. On hearing the general orders, he discharged a tempest of veteran, soldier-like oaths, and dunder and blixums — swore lie would break any man's head who attempted to meddle with his tail — queued it stiffer than ever, and M'hisked it about the garrison as fiercely as the tail of a crocodile. The eelskin queue of old Keldermeester became instantly an affiiir of the utmost importance. The commander-in-chief \vas too enlightened an officer not to perceive that the disci- pline of the garrison, the subordination and good order of the armies of the Nieuw-Nederlands, the consequent safety of the whole province, and ulcimately the dignity and prosperity of their High Mightinesses the Lords States General, impe- riously demanded the docking of that stubborn queue. He rning once more to plunge them in gloomy caverns, and renew their intolerable captivity. But all these fair and glorious scenes were lost upon the gallant Stuyvesant; nouglit occupied his mind but thoughts of iron war, and proud anticipations of hardy deeds of arms. Neither did his honest crew trouble their heads witli any ro- mantic speculations of the kind. The pilot at the helm quietly smoked his pipe, thinking of nothing either past, present, or to come; those of his comrades who were not industriously smoking under the hatches were listening with open mouths to Antony Van Corlear; wlio, seated on the windlass, was relating to them the marvellous history of those myriads of fireflies, that sparkled like gems and spangles upon the dusky o 4 200 mSTOKY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK VI, robe of niglit. These, according to tradition, were originally a race of pestilent sempiternous beldames, who peopled these parts long before the memory of man ; being of that abomi- nated race emphatically called brimstones ; and who, for their innumerable sins against the children of men, and to furnish an awful warning to the l)eauteous sex, were doomed to infest the earth in the shape of these threatening and terrible little bugs ; enduring the internal torments of that fire, which they formerly carried in their hearts and breathed forth in their ■words, but now are sentenced to bear about for ever — iu their tails ! And now I am going to tell a fact, which I doubt much my readers will hesitate to believe ; but if they do, they are wel- come not to believe a word in this whole history — for nothing whicii it contains is more true. It must be known then that the nose of Antony the Trumpeter was of a very lusty size, strutting boldly from his countenance like a mountain of Golconda, being sumptuously bedecked with rubies and other precious stones, the true regalia of a king of good fellows, which jolly Bacchus grants to all who bouse it heartily at the flagon. jNow thus it happened, that bright and early in the morning, the good Antony, having washed his burly visage, was leaning over the quarter-i-ailing of the galley, contem- ])lating it in the glassy wave below. Just at this moment the illustrious sun, breaking in all his splendour from behind a high blutf of the Highlands, did dart one of his most potent beams full upon the refulgent nose of the sounder of brass ; the reflection of Avhich shot straightway down, hissing hot,, into the water, and killed a mighty sturgeon that was sporting beside the vessel ! This huge monster being with inlinite labour hoisted on board, furnished a luxurious repast to all the crew, being accounted of excellent flavour, excepting about the wound, where it smacked a little of brimstone ; and this, on my veracity, was the flrst time that ever sturgeon was eaten in these parts by Christian people.* When this astonishing miracle came to be made known to Peter Stuyvesant, and that he tasted of the unknown tish, he,, as may well be supposed, marvelled exceedingly ; and as a * The learned Hans Megapolousis, treating of the countiy about Albany, in a letter which was written some time after the settlement thereof, says, " There is iu the river great plenty of sturgeon, which we Ckristians do not make use of, but the Indians eat them greedily." CHAP, v.] PETER THE HEADSTRONG. 201 monument thereof, he gave the name of Antony's Nose to a stout promontory in the neighbourhood ; and it has continued to be called Antony's Nose ever since that time. But hold, whither am I wandering ? By the mass, if I attempt to accompany the good Peter Stuyvesant on this voyage, I shall never make an end ; for never was there a voyage so fraught with marvellous incidents, nor a river so abounding with transcendant beauties, worthy of being se- verally recoi'ded. Even now I have it on the point of my pen to relate how his crew were most lioi'ribly frightened, on going on shore above the Highlands, by a gang of merry roistering devils, frisking and curveting on a tiat rock, which projected into the river, and whicli is called the DuyveVs Dans-Kamer to this very day. But no I Diedrich Knicker- bocker, it becomes thee not to idle thus in thy historic way- faring. liecollect, that while dwelling with the fond garrulity of age over these fairy scenes, endeared to thee by the recol- lections of thy youtli, and the charms of a thousand legendary tales, which beguiled the simple ear of thy childhood — re- collect that thou art trifling with those fleeting moments which should be devoted to loftier themes. Is not Time, re- lentless Time ! shaking, with palsied hand, his almost ex- hausted hour-glass beibre thee? — hasten then to pursue thy weary task, lest the last sands be run ere thou hast finished tby history of the Manhattoes. Let us, tlien, commit the dauntless Peter, his brave galley, and his loyal crew, to the protection of the blessed St. Ni- cholas ; who, I have no doubt, will prosper him in his voyage, while we await his return at the great city of New- Amsterdam. CHAP. V. "While thus the enterprising Peter was coasting, with flowing sail, up the shores of the lordly Hudson, and arousing all the phlegmatic little Dutch settlements upon its borders, a great and puissant concourse of warriors was assembling at the city of New-Amsterdam. And here that invaluable fragment of antiquity, the Stuyvesant manuscript, is more than commonly particular ; by which means I am enabled to record the illus- 202 HISTORY Oi^ NEW-YOKK. [bOOK VI. trious host that encamped itself in the public square in front of the fort, at present denomiuuted the Bowling Green. In the centre, then^ was pitched the tent of the men of battle of the Manhattoes, who being the inmates of the me- tropolis, composed the lifeguards of the governor. These were commanded by the valiant btotfel Brinkerhoof, who whilom had acquired such immortal fame at Oyster Bay; they displayed as a standard a beaver rampant on a field of orange ; being the arms of the province, and denoting the persevering industry and the amphibious origin of the Nederlanders.* On their right hand might be seen the vassals of that re- nowned Mynlieer, JMichael Faw |, who lorded it over the fair regions of ancient Pavonia, and the lands away south, even unto the Navesink Mountains J, and was moreover patroon of Gibbet Island. His standard was borne by his trusty squire, Cornelius Van Vorst, consisting of a huge oyster recumbent upon a sea-green held, being the armorial bearings of his favourite metropolis, Commuuipaw. He brought to the camp a stout force of warriors, heavily armed, being each clad in ten pair of linsey-woolsey breeches, and overshadowed by broad-brimmed beavers, with short pipes twisted in their hat- bands. These were the men who vegetated in the mud along the shores of Favonia being of the race of genuine copper- heads, and were fabled to have sprung from oysters. At a little distance was encamped the tribe of warriors who came from the neighbourhood of Hell-gate. These were commanded by the Suy Dams and the Van Dams, incontineat hard swearers, as their names betoken ; they were terrible looking fellows, clad in broad-skirted gaberdines, of that curious coloured cloth called thunder and lightning, and * This was likewise the great seal of the New -Netherlands, as may still be seen in ancient I'ecords. f Besides what is related in the Stuyvesant MS., I have found mention made of tliis illustrious patroon in another manuscript, which says, '• De Heer (or the squire) iVlichael Paw, a Dutch subject, about 10th Aug. 1630, by deed purchased Staten Island. N.B. The same Michael Paw had what the Dutch call a colonic at Pavonia, on the Jersey shore, ojipo- site New- York; and his overseer, in 1636, was named Corns. Van Vorst, a person of tiie same name, in 1769, owned I'awles Hook, and a large farm at Pavonia, and is a lineal descendant from ^'an Vorst." t So called from the Navesink tribe of Indians that inhabited these parts. At present they are erroneously denominated the Neversink, or Ncversunk. mountains. CHAP, v.] PETER THE HEADSTUONG. 203 bore as a standard three devil's darning-needles, volant, in a tlame-coloured field. Hard by was the tent of the men of battle from the marshy borders of the Waale-Boght* and the country thereabouts; these were of a sour aspect, by reason that they lived on crabs, which abound in these parts. They Avere the first in- stitutors of that honourable oi-der of knighthood, called Fly- market shirks ; and, if tradition speak true, did likewise intro- duce the far-famed step in dancing, called "double trouble." They were commanded by the fearless Jacobus Varra Vanger, and had, moreover, a jolly band of Breuckelenf feriy-men, who performed a brave concerto on conch shells. But 1 refrain from pursuing this minute description, which goes on to describe the warriors of Bloemen-dael, and Wee- hawk, and Hoboken, and sundry other places, well known in history and song — for now do the notes of martial music alarm the people of New-Amsterdam, sounding afar from beyond the walls of the city. But this alarm was in a little while relieved ; for, lo! from the midst of a vast cloud of dust, they recognised the brimstone-coloured breeches and splendid sil- ver leg of Peter Stuyvesant, glaring in the sunbeams ; and beheld him approaching at tlie head of a formidable army, which he had mustered along the banks of the Hudson. And here the excellent ^but anonymous writer of the Stuyvesant manuscript breaks out into a brave and glorious description of the forces, as they defiled through the principal gate of the city, that stood by the head of Wall Street. First of all came the Van Bummels, who inhabit the plea- sant borders of the Bronx : these were short fat men, wearing exceeding large trunk-breeches, and were renowned for feats of tiie trencher ; they were the first inventors of suppavvn, or mush and milk. — Close in their rear marched the Van Vlotens, of Kaats-kill, horrible quaft'ers of new cider, and arrant brag- garts in their liquor. — After them came the Van Pelts of Groodt Esopus, dextrous horsemen, mounted upon goodly switch-tailed steeds of the Esopus breed ; these were mighty hunters of minks and muskrats, whence came the word Peltry. — Then the Van Nests of Kinderlioeck, valiant robbers of birds' nests, as their name denotes ; to these, if report may be * Since corrupted into the Wallabout, the bay where the navj-yard is situated. f Now spelt Brooklyn. 204 HiSTonr of new-yokk. [book vi. believed, are we indebted for tlie invention of slap-jacks, or buckwheat cakes. Tlien the Van Higgiubottoms, of Wrap- ping's Creek ; these came armed with ferules and birchen rods, being a race of schoolmasters, who first discovered the marvellous sympathy between the seat of honour and the seat of intellect — and that the shortest way to get knowledge into the head was to hammer it into the bottom. — Then the Van GroUs, of Anthony's Nose, who carried their liquor in fair round little pottles, by reason they could not bouse it out of their canteens, having such rare long noses. — Then the Gar- deniers, of Hudson aud thereabouts, distinguished by many triumphant feats : such as robbing watermelon patches, smok- ing rabbits out of their holes, and the like, and by being great lovers of x'oasted pigs' tails ; these were the ancestors of the re- nowned congressman of that name. — Then the Van Hoesens, of Sing-tSing, great choristers and players upan the jewsharp ; these marched two and two, singing the great song of St. Nicholas. — Then the Couenhovens, of Sleepy Hollow ; these gave birth to a jolly race of publicans, who first discovered the magic artifice of conjuring a quart of wine into a pint bottle. — Then the Van Kortlandts, who lived on the wild banks of the Croton, and were great killers of wild ducks, being much spoken of for their skill in shooting with the long bow. — Then the Van Bunschotens, of Nyack and Kakiat, who were tlie first that did ever kick with the left foot ; they were gallant bush-whackers and hunters of racoons by moon- light.— Then the Van Winkles, of Haerlem, potent suckers of eggs, and noted for running of horses, and running up of scores at taverns ; they were the first that ever winked with both eyes at once. — Lastly came the IvN'iCiCEKBOcivERS, of the great town of Scaghtikoke, where the folk lay stones upon the houses in windy weather, lest they should be blown away. These derive their name, as some say, from Knicker, to shake, and Bcker, a goblet, indicating thereby that they were sturdy toss-puts of yore ; but, in truth, it was derived from Knicker, to nod, and Boeken, books ; plainly meaning that they were great nodders or dozers over books : from them did descend the writer of this history. Such was the legion of sturdy bush-beaters that poured iu at the grand gate of New- Amsterdam ; the Stuy vesant ma- nuscript indeed speaks of many more, whose names I omit to mention, seeing that it behoves me to hasten to matters of greater moment. Nothing could surpass the joy and martial CHAP, v.] PETER THE UEADSTKONG. 205 pride of the lion-liearted Peter as he reviewed this michly iiost of warriors, and he deteimined no loncer to defer tlje gratification of his nuich-wished-for revenge upon the scoim- drel Swedes at Fort Casimir. But before I hasten to record those unmatchable events, which will be found in the sequel of this faithful history, let jr,e pause to notice the fate of Jacobus Van Poffenburgh, the discomfited commander-in-chief of the armies of the New- !Netherlands. Such is the inherent uncharitableness of human rature, that scarcely did the ncAvs become public of his de- plorable discomfiture at Fort Casimir, than a thousand scurvy rumours were set afloat in New-Amsterdam, wherein it was insinuated, that he had in reality a treaclierous understanding with the Swedish commander; that he had long been in the practice of privately communicating with the Swedes; toge- ther with divers hints about "secret service money." To all which deadly charges I do not give a jot more credit than I think they deserve. Certain it is, that the general vindicated his character by the most vehement oaths and protestations, and put every man out of the ranks of honour who dared to doubt his in- tegrity. Moreover, on returning to New-Amsterdam, he paraded up and down the streets with a crew of hard swearers at his heels — sturdy bottle companions, whom he gorged and fattened, and who were ready to bolster him through all the courts of justice — heroes of his own kidne}', fierce-whiskered, broad-shouldered, colbrand-looking swaggerers — not one of whom but looked as though he could eat up an ox, and pick his teeth with the horns. These lifeguard men quarrelled all his quarrels, were ready to fight all his battles, and scowled at every man that turned up his nose at the general, as though they would devour him alive. Their conversation was in- terspersed with oaths like minute-guns, and every bombastic rliodomontade was rounded off by a thundering execration, like a patriotic toast honoured with a discharge of artillery. All these valorous vapourings had a considerable effect in convincing certain profound sages, who began to think the general a hero, of unmatchable' loftiness and magnanimity of soul ; particularly as he was continually protesting on the honour of a soldier — a marvellously high-sounding assever- ation. Kay, one of the members of the council went so far as to propose they sliould immortalise him by an imperishable statue of plaster of Paris. 206 HISTORY OP NEW-YORK. [bOOK VI. But the vigilant Peter the Headstrong was not thus to be deceived. Sending privately for the commander-in-chief of all the armies, and having heard all his story, garnished with the customary pious oaths, protestations, and ejaculations — " Harkee, comrade," cried he, "though by your own account you are the most brave, upright, and honourable man in the whole province, yet do you lie under the misfortune of being damnably traduced, and immeasurably despised. Now, though it is certainly hard to punish a man for his misfortunes, and though it is very possible you are totally innocent of the crimes laid to your charge ; yet as heaven, doubtless for some wise purpose, sees fit at present to withhold all proofs of your * innocence, far be it from me to counteract its sovereign will. Beside, I cannot consent to venture my armies with a com- mander whom they despise, nor to trust the welfare of my people to a champion whom they distrust. Eetire therefore, my friend, from the irksome toils and cares of public life, with this comforting reflection — that if guilty, you are but enjoying your just reward — and if innocent, you are not the first great and good man who has most wrongfully been slandered and maltreated in this wicked world — doubtless to be better treated in a better world, where there shall be neither error, calumny, nor persecution. In the meantime let me never see your face again, for I have a horrible antipathy to the countenances of unfortunate great men like yourself." CHAP. VI. As my readers and myself are about entering on as many perils as ever a confederacy of meddlesome knights-errant wilfully ran their heads into, it is meet that, like those hardv adventurers, we should join hands, bury all differences, and swear to stand by one another, in weal or woe, to the end of the enterprise. My readers must doubtless perceive how completely I have altered my tone and d(-poriment since we first set out together. I warrant they then thought me a crabbed, cynical, impertinent little son of a Dutchman ; for I scarcely ever gave them a civil word, nor so much as touched my beaver, when I had occasion to address them. But as we jogged along together on the high road of my history, I gra- dually began to relax, to grow more courteous, and occasion- CHAP. Vl.J PETEK THE HEADSTRONG. 207 ally to enter into familiar discourse, until at length T came to conceive a most social, companionable kind of regard for them. This is just my way — I am always a little cold and reserved at first, particularly to people whom I neither know nor care for, and am only to he completely won by long intimacy. Besides, why should I have been sociable to the crowd of how-d'ye-do acquaintances that flocked around me at my first appearance ? Many were merely attracted by a new face ; and having stared me full in the title-page, walked off with- out saying a word ; while others lingered yawningly through the preface, and, having gratified their short-lived curiosity, soon dropped off one by one. But, more especially to try their mettle, I had recourse to an expedient, similar to one which, we are told, was used by that peerless floAver of chivalry. King Arthur ; who, before he admitted any knight to his in- timacy, first required that he should show himself superior to danger or hardships, by encountering unheard-of mishaps, slaying some dozen giants, vanquishing wicked enchanters, not to say a word of dwarfs, hippogriffs, and fiery dragons. On a similar principle did I cunningly lead my readers, at the first sally, into two or three knotty chapters, where they were most wofully belaboured and bufl^eted by a host of pagan philosophers and infidel writers. Though naturally a very grave man, yet could I scarce refrain from smiling outright at seeing the utter confusion and dismay of my valiant cava- liers. Some dropped down dead (asleep) on ti]e field ; others threw down my book in the middle of the first chapter, took to tlieir heels, and never ceased scampering until they had fairly run it out of sight ; when they stopped to take breath, to tell their friends what troubles they had undei'gone, and to warn all others from venturing on so thankless an expe- dition. Every page thinned my ranks more and more ; and of the vast multitude that first set out, but a comparatively few made shift to survive, in exceedingly battered condition, through the five introductory chapters. What, then ! would you have had me take such sunshine, faint-liearted recreants to my bosom at our first acquaintance ? No — no ; I reserved my friendship for those who deserved it. for those who undauntedly bore me company, in despite of difficulties, dangers, and fatigues. And now, as to those who adiiere to me at present, 1 take them aflfectionately by the^iand. Worthy and| thrice-beloved readers! brave and 208 HISTORY OF NEAV-YORK. [bOOTC TI. well-triecl comrarles ! who have faithfully followed my foot- steps throufrh all my M'anflerinps — I salute you from my heart — I pledjje myself to stand by you to the last ; and to conduct you (so Heaven speed this trusty weapon which I now hold between my fineers) triumphantly to the end of this our stupendous undertaking. But, hark I Avhile we are thus talkinsr, the city of New- Amsterdam is in a bustle. The host of warriors encamped in the Bowling Green are striking their tents ; the brazen trumpet of Antony Van Corlear makes the welkin to re- sound with portentous clangour — the drums beat — the stand- ards of the Manliattoes, of Hell-gate, and of Michael Paw, wave proudly in the air. And now behold where the ma- riners are busy employed, hoisting the sails of yon topsail iichooner and those clump-built sloops, which are to waft the army of the Nederlanders to gather immortal honours on the Delaware! The entire population of the city, man, Avoman, and child, turned out to behold the chivalry of New-Amsterdam, as it paraded the streets previous to embarkation. Many a hand- kerchief was waved out of the windows, many a fair nose was blown in melodious sorrow on the mournful occasion. The grief of the fair dames and beauteous damsels of Grenada could not have been more vociferous on the banishment of the gallant tribe of Abencerrages, than was that of the kind- hearted fair ones of New-Amsterdam on the departure of their intrepid warriors. Every love-sick maiden fondly crammed tlie pockets of her hero with gingerbread and dough-nuts ; many a copper ring was exchanged, and crooked sixpence broken, in pledge of eternal constancy ; and there remain extant to this day some love verses written on that occasion, sufriciently crabbed and incomprehensible to con- found the whole universe. But it was a moving sight to see the buxom lasses, how they hung about the doughty Antony Van Corlear ; for he was a jolly, rosy- faced, lusty bachelor, fond of his joke, and withal a desperate rogue among the women. Fain would they have kept him to comfort them, while the army was away, for besides what I have said of him, it is no more than justice to add, that he was a kind-hearted soul, noted for his benevolent attentions in comforting disconsolate wives during the absence of their husbands ; and this made him to be very much regarded by the honest burghers of the city. But CHAP. VI.] PETER THE HE VDSTROXG. 209 nothinpi; could keep the valiant Antony from following the heels of the old governor, whom he loved »s he did his very soul ; so embracing all the young vrouws, and giving every one of them, that had good teeth and rosy lips, a dozen hearty smacks, he departed, loaded with their kind wishes. Nor was the departure of the gallant Peter among th3 least causes of public distress. Though the old governor was by no means indulgent to the follies and waywardness of his subjects, yet somehow or other he had become strangely popular among the people. There is something so capti- vating in personal bravery, that, with the common mass of mankind, it takes the lead of most other merits. The simple folk of New-Amsterdam looked upon Peter Stuyvesant as a prodigy of valour. His wooden leg, that trophy of his martial encounters, was regarded with reverence and admi- ration. Every old burgher had a budget of miraculous stories to tell about the exploits of Hardkoppig Pit, wherewith he regaled his children of a long winter night, and on which he dwelt with as much delight and exaggeration, as do our honest country yeomen on the hardy adventures of old Gene- ral Putnam (or, as he is familiarly termed. Old Put) during our glorious revolution. Not an individual but vei'ily be- lieved the old governor was a match for Beelzebub himself; and there was even a story told, with great mystery, and under the rose, of his having shot the devil with a silver bullet one dark stormy night, as he was sailing in a canoe through Hell-gate ; but this I do not record as being an ab- solute fact. Perish the man who would let fall a drop to discolour the pure stream of history ! Certain it is, not an old woman in New-Amsterdam but considered Peter Stuyvesant as a tower of strength, and rested satisfied that the public welfare was secure, so long as he was in the city. It is not surprising, then, that they looked upon his departure as a sore affliction. With heavy hearts they draggled at the heels of his troop, as they marched down to the river side to embark. The governor from the stern of his schooner gave a short but truly patri- archal address to his citizens, wherein he recommended them to comport like loyal and peaceable subjects — to go to church regularly on Sundays, and to mind tlieir business all the week besides. That the women should be dutiful and affec- tionate to their husbands — looking after nobody's concerns J? 210 HISTORiT OF NEW-YORK. [bOOK VI. but their own, eschewing all gossipings and morning gad- dings, and carrying short tongues and long petticoats. That the men should abstain from intermeddling in public con- ceits, intrusting the cares of government to the officers ap- pointed to support them — staying at home, like good citizens, making money for themselves, and getting children for the benefit of their country. That the burgomasters should look well to the public interest — not oppressing the poor nor indulg- ing the rich — not tasking their ingenuity to devise new laws, but faithl'ully enforcing those which were already made — rather bending their attention to prevent evil thaa to punish it ; ever recollecting that civil magistrates should consider themselves more as guardians of public morals, than rat-catch- ers, employed to entrap public delinquents. Finally, he ex- horted them, one and all, high and low, rich and poor, to conduct themselves as icell as they could, assuring them that if they faithfully and conscientiously complied with this golden rule, there Avas no danger but that they would all conduct themselves well enough. This done he gave them a paternal benediction, the sturdy Anthony sounded a most loving farewell with his trumpet, the jolly crews put up a shout of triumph, and the invincible armada swept off proudly down the bay. The good people of New-Amsterdam crowded down to the Battery — that blest i-esort, from whence so many a tender prayer has been wafted, so many a fair hand waved, so many a teai'f ul look been cast by love-sick damsel, after the lessening bark, bearing her adventurous swain to distant climes ! Here the populace watched with straining eyes the gallant squadron, as it slowly floated down the bay, and when the intervening land at the Narrows shut it from their sight, gradually dispersed with silent tongues and downcast coun- tenances. A heavy gloom hung over the late bustling city ; the honest burghers smoked their pipes in profound thoughtful- ness, casting many a wistful look to the weather-cock on the church of St. Nicholas; and all the old women, having no longer the presence of Peter Stuyvesant to hearten them, gathered their children home, and barricaded the doors and windows, every evening at sun down. In the meanwhile the armada of the sturdy Peter proceeded prosperously on its voyage, and after encountering about as CHAP. VI.] P:pTER THE HEADSTRONG. 211 many storms, and water-spouts, and whales, and other horrors and phenomena, as generally betal adventurous landsmen in perilous voyages of the kind ; and after under- going a severe scouring from that deplorable and unpitied malady, called sea-sickness, the whole squadron arrived safely in the Delaware. AVithout so much as dropping anchor, and giving his wearied ships time to breathe, after labouring so long on the ocean, the intrepid Peter pursued his course up the Delaware, iind made a sudden appearance before Fort Casimir. Hav- ing summoned the astonished garrison by a terrific blast from the trumpet of the long-winded Van Corlear, he demanded, in a tone of thunder, an instant surrender of the fort. To this demand, Suen Skytte, the wind-dried commandant, re- plied in a shrill, whiffling voice, which, by reason of his ex- treme spareness, sounded like the wind whistling through a broken bellows — " that he had no very strong i-eason for re- fusing, except that the demand was particularly disagreeable, as he had been ordered to maintain his post to the last ex- tremity." He requested time, therefore, to consult with Governor Risingh, and proposed a truce for that purpose. The choleric Peter, indignant at having his rightful fort so treacherously taken from him, and thus pertinaciou.sly with- held, refused the proposed armistice, and swore by the pipe of 8t. Nicholas, which, like the sacred fire, was never ex- tinguished, that unless the fort were surrendered in ten minutes, he would incontinently storm the works, make all the garrison run the gauntlet, and split their scoundrel of a commander like a pickled shad. To give this menace the greater effect, he drew forth his trusty sword, and shook it at them with such a fierce and vigorous motion, that doubtless, if it had not been exceeding rusty, it would have lightened terror into the eyes and hearts of the enemy. He then ordered his men to bring a broadside to bear upon the fort, consisting of two swivels, three muskets, a long duck fowling- piece, and two braces of horse-pistols. In the meantime the sturdy Van Corlear marshalled all his forces, and commenced his warlike operations. Distending his cheeks like a very Boreas, he kept up a most horrific twanging of his trumpet — the lusty choristers of Sing-Sing broke forth into a hideous song of battle — the warriors of Breuckelen and the Wallabout blew a potent and astounding 212 HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK VI. blast on their conch shells, altogether forming as outrageous a concerto as though five thousand French fiddlers were dis- playing their skill in a modei'n overture. Whether the formidable front of war thus suddenly pre- sented smote the garrison with sore dismay — or whether the concluding terms of the summons, which mentioned that he should surrender " at discretion," were mistaken by Suen Skytte, Avho though a Swede, was a very considerate, easy tempered man, as a compliment to his discretion, I will not take upon me to say : certain it is he found it impossible to resist so courteous a demand. Accordingly in the very nick of time, just as the cabin-boy had gone after a coal of fire to discharge the swivel, a chamade was beat on the rampart by the only drum in the garrison, to the no small satisfaction of both parties ; who, notwithstanding their great stomach for fighting, had full as good an inclination to eat a quiet dinner as to excliange black eyes and bloody noses. Thus did this impregnable fortress once more return to the domination of their Pligh Mightinesses ; Skytte and his garrison of twenty men were allowed to march out with, the honours of war ; and the victorious Peter, who was as generous as brave, permitted them to keep possession of all their arms and ammunition, — the same on inspection being found totally unfit for service, having long rusted in the magazine of the fortress, even before it was wrested by the Swedes from the windy Van Pottenburgh. But I must not omit to mention, that the governor was so well pleased with the service of his faithful squire Van Corlear, in the reduc- tion of this great fortress, that he made him on the spot lord of a goodly domain in the vicinity of New- Amsterdam, which goes by the name of Corlear's Hook unto this very day. The unexampled liberality of Peter Stuyvesant towards the Swedes, occasioned great surprise in the city of New- Amsterdam ; nay, certain factious individuals, who had been enlightened by political meetings in the days of William the Testy, but who had not dared to indulge their meddlesome habits under the eye of their present ruler, now, emboldened by his absence, gave vent to their censures in the street. Murmurs were heard in the very council-chamber of Neu- Amsterdam ; and there is no knowing whether tliey might not have bi'oken out into downright speeches and invectives, had not Peter Stuyvesant privately sent home his walking-staff. CHAP. VII.] PETER THE HEADSTRONG. 213 to be laid as a mace on the table of the council-chamber, in the midst of his counsellors ; who, like wise men, took the hint, and for ever after held their peace. CHAP. VII. Like as a mighty alderman, when at a corporation feast the iirst spoonful of turtle-soup salutes his palate, feels his appe- tite but tenfold quickened, and redoubles his vigorous attacks upon the tureen, while his projecting eyes roll greedily round, devouring every thing at table ; so did the mettlesome Peter Stuyvesant feel that hunger for martial glory, which raged within his bowels, inflamed by the capture of Fort Casimir, and nothing could allay it but the conquest of all New- Sweden. No sooner, therefore, had he secured his conquest, tlian he stumped resolutely on, flushed with success, to gather fresh laurels at Fort Christina.* This was the grand Swedish post, established on a small river (or, as it is improperly termed, creek) of the same name ; and here that crafty governor Jan Risingh lay grimly drawn up, like a grey-bearded spider in the citadel of his web. But before we hurry into the direful scenes which must attend the meeting of two such potent chieftains, it is ad- visable to pause for a moment, and hold a kind of Avarlike council. Battles should not be rushed into precipitately by the historian and his readers, any more than by the general and his soldiers. The great commanders of antiquity never engaged the enemy without previously preparing the minds of their followei'S by animating harangues ; spiriting them up to heroic deeds, assuring them of the protection of the gods, and inspiring them with a confidence in the prowess of their leaders. So the historian should awaken the attention and enlist the passions of his readers ; and having set them all on fire with the importance of his subject, 'he should put himscdf at their head, flourish his pen, and lead them on to the thickest of the fight. An illustrious example of this rule may be seen in that mirror of historians, the immortal Thucydides. Having ar- * At present a flourisliiii!;^ town, called Christiana, or Ciiristcen, aboi t thirty-seven miles from I'hilaclelphia, on tiic post-road to Baltimore. P 3 214 HISTORY OF NEW-YORK. [book VX. rived at the breaking out of the Peloponnesian War, one of his commentators observes that "he sounds the charjre in all tlie disposition and spirit of Homer. He catalogues the allies on both sides. Ke awakens our expectations, and fast en- gages our attention. All mankind are concerned in the im- portant point now going to be decided. Endeavours are made to disclose futurity. Heaven itself is interested in the dispute. The earth totters, and nature seems to labour with the great event. This is his solemn, sublime manner of setting out. Tims he magnifies a war between two, as Rapin styles them, petty states ; and thus artfully he supports a little subject by treating it in a great and noble method." In like manner, having conducted my readers into the very teeth of peril ; having ibllowed the adventurous Peter and his band into foreign regions, surrounded by foes, and stunned by the horrid din of arms, at this important moment, while darkness and doubt hang o'er each coming cliapter, 1 hold it meet to liarangue them, and prepare them for the events that are to follow. And here I would premise one great advantage, which, as histoi'ian, I possess over my reader ; and this it is, that though I cannot save the life of my favourite hero, nor absolutely contradict the event of a battle (both which liberties, though often taken by the French writers of the present reign, I hold to be utterly unworthy of a scrupulous historian), yet I can now and then make him bestow on his enemy a sturdy back stroke sufficient to fell a giant ; though, in honest truth, he may never have done any thing of the kind: or I can drive his antagonist clear round and round the field, as did Homer make that fine fellow Hector scamper like a poltroon round the Avails of Troy ; for which, if ever they have encoun- tered one another in the Elysian Fields, I'll warrant the prince of poets has had to make the most humble apology. I am aware that many conscientious readers will be ready to cry out, " foul play !" whenever I render a little assistance to my hero; but I consider it one of those privileges exercised by historians of all ages, and one which has never been dis- puted. An historian is in fact, as it were, bound in honour to stand by his hero — the fame of the latter is intrusted to his hands, and it is his duty to do the best by it he can. Never was there a general, an admiral, or any other commandei", Avhoj in giving an account of any battle he had fought, did CHAP. VII.] FETER THE HEADSTROKG, 215 not sorely belabour the enemy ; and I have no doubt tluit, had my heroes written the liistory of their own achievements, they would have dealt imich harder blows than any that I shall recount. Standing forth, therefore, as the guardian of their fame, it behoves me to do them the same justice they would have done themselves ; and if I happen to be a little hard upon the Swedes, I give free leave to any of their de- scendants, who may write a history of the State of Delaware, to take fair retaliation, and belabour Peter Stuyvesant as hard as tliey please. Therefore stand by for broken heads and bloody noses! — My pen hath Ions itched for a battle — siege after siege have I carried on without blows or bloodshed ; but now I have at length got a chance, and I vow to Heaven and St. Nicholas, that, let the chronicles of the times say what they please, neither Sallust, Livy, Tacitus, Polybius, nor any other histo- rian, did ever record a fiercer fight than that in which my valiant chieftains are now about to engage. And you, 0 most excellent readers, whom, for your faith- ful adherence, I could cherisli in the warmest corner of my heart, be not uneasy — trust the fixte of our favoui'ite Stuyve- sant with me; for by the rood, come what may, I'll stick by Hardkoppig Piet to the last. I'll make him drive about these losels vile, as did the renowned Launcelot of the Lake a herd of recreant Cornish knights ; and if he does fall, let me never draw my pen to fight another battle in behalf of a brave man, if I don't make these lubbei'ly Swedes pay for it. No sooner had Peter Stuyvesant arrived before Fort Christina, than he proceeded without delay to entrench him- self, and immediately on running his first parallel, dispatched Antony Van Corlear to summon the fortress to surrender. Van Corlear was received with all due formality, hoodwinked at the portal, and conducted tlirough a pestiferous smell of salt fish and onions to the citadel, a substantial hut built of pine logs. His eyes were here uncovered, and he found him- self in the august presence of Governor Risingh. This chief- tain, as I have betbre noted, was a A'ery giantly man, and was clad in a coarse blue coat, strapped round the waist with a leathern belt, which caused the enormous skirts and pockets to set off with a very warlike sweep. Mis ponderous legs were cased in a pair of foxy-coloured jack-boots, and he was straddling in the attitude of the Colossus of Rhodes, before a P 4 216 HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK VI. liit of broken looking-glass, shaving himself with a villanously dull razor. This afflicting operation caused him to make a series of horrible grimaces, which heightened exceedingly the grisly terrors of his visage. On Antony Van Corlear's being announced, the grim commander paused for a moment, in the midst of one of his most hard-favoured contortions, and after eyeing him askance over the shoulder, vith a kind of snarling grin on his countenance, resumed his labours at the glass. This iron harvest being reaped, he turned once more to the trumpeter, and demanded the purport of his errand. Antony Van Corlear delivered in a few words, being a kind of short- hand speaker, a long message from his excellency, recounting the whole history of the province, with a recapitulation of grievances, and enumeration of claims, and concluding with a peremptory demand of instant surrender ; which done, he turned aside, took his nose between his thumb and finger, and blew a tremendous blast, not unlike the flourish of a trumpet of defiance, which it had doubtless learned from a long and intimate neighbourhood with that melodious instrument. Governor Risingli heard him through, trumpet and all, but with infinite impatience ; leaning at times, as was his usual custom, on the pommel of his sword, and at times twirling a liuge steel watch-chain, or snapping his fingers. Van Corlear liaving finished, he bluntly replied, that Peter Stuyvesant and his summons might goto the d — 1, whither he hoped to send liim and liis crew of ragamuffins before supper-time. Then unsheathing his brass-hilted sword, and throwing away the scabbard, " 'Fore gad," quod he, " but I will not sheathe thee again until I make a scabbard of the smoke-dried leathern hide of this runagate Dutchman." Then having flung a fierce defiance in the teeth of his adversar)% by the lips of his m.es- senger, the latter was reconducted to the portal, with all tlie ceremonious civility due to the trumpeter, squire, and am- bassador of so great a commander ; and being again unblinded, was courteously dismissed with a tweak of the nose, to assist him in recollecting his message." No sooner did the gallant Peter receive this insolent reply, tlian he let fly a tremendous volley of red-hot execrations, which would infallibly have battered down the fortifications, and blown up the powder magazine about the ears of the fiery Swede, had not the ramparts been remarkably strong, and the magazine bomb-proof. Perceiving that the works withstood CHAF. VIII.] PETER THE HEADSTRONG. 217 this terrific blast, and that it was utterly impossible (as it really was in those unphilosophic days) to carry on a war with words, he ordered his merry men all to prepare for an im- mediate assault. But here a strange murmur broke out among his troops, beginning with the tribe of the Van Bnmmels, those valiant trenchermen of the Bronx, and spreading from man to man, accompanied with certain mutinous looks and discontented murmurs. For once in his life, and only for once, did the great Peter turn pale; for he verily thought his warriors were going to falter in this hour of perilous trial, and thus to tarnish for ever the fame of the province of New- Netlierlands. But scon did he discover, to his great joy, that in this suspicion he deeply wronged this most undaunted army ; for the cause of this agitation and uneasiness simply was, that the hour of dinner was at hand, and it would have almost broken the hearts of these regular Dutch warriors to have broken in upon the invariable routine of their habits. Be- sides, it was an established rule among our ancestors always to fight upon a full stomach ; and to this may be doubtless attributed the circumstance that they came to be so renowned in arms. And now are the hearty men of the Manhattoes, and their no less hearty comrades, all lustily engaged under the trees, buffeting stoutly with the contents of their wallets, and taking such affectionate embraces of their canteens and pottles, as though they verily believed they were to be the last. And as I foresee we shall have hot work in a page or two, I advise my readers to do the same, for which purpose I will bring this chapter to a close ; giving thera my word of lionour, that no advantage shall be taken of this armistice to surprise, or in any wise molest, the honest Nederlanders, while at their vigorous repast. CHAP. VIIL '< Now had the Dutchmen snatched a huge repast," and find- ing themselves wonderfully encouraged and animated thereb}^ prepared to take the field. Expectation, says the writer of the Stuyvesant manuscript, expectation now stood on stilts. The world forgot to turn round, or rather stood still. 218 HISTORY OF NEW- YORK. [bOOK VI. tliat it might witness the aifray, like a round-bellied alder- man watching the combat of two chivalrous flies upon his jerkin. The eyes of all mankind, as usual in such cases, were turned upon Fort Christina. The sun, like a little man in a crowd at a puppet-show, scampered about the hea- vens, popping his head here and there, and endeavouring to get a peep between the unmannerly clouds that obtruded themselves in his way. The historians filled their inkhorns ; the poets went without their dinners, either that they might buy pnper and goose-quills, or because they could not get any thing to eat. Antiquity scowled sulkily out of its grave to see itself outdone ; while even Posterity stood mute, gazing in gaping ecstasy of retrospection on the eventful field. The immortal deities, who whilom had seen service at the " affair " of Troy, now mounted their feather-bed clouds, and sailed over the plain, or mingled among the combatants in different disguises, all itching to have a finger in the pie. Jupiter sent off his thunderbolt to a noted coppersmith to have it furbished up for the direful occasion. Venus vowed by her chastity to patronise the Swedes, and in semblance of a blear-eyed trull paraded the battlements of Fort Christina, accompanied by Diana, as a sergeant's widow, of cracked reputation. The noted bully Mars stuck two horse-pistols into his belt, shouldered a rusty firelock, and gallantly swag- gered at their elbow as a drunken corporal, while Apollo trudged in tlieir rear as a bandy-legged fifer, playing most villanously out of tune. On the other side, the ox-eyed Juno, who had gained a pair of black eyes over night, in one of her cui'tain lectures with old Jupiter, displayed her haughty beauties on a bag- gage-waggon ; Minerva, as a brawny gin-suttler, tucked up her skirts, brandished her fists, and swore most heroically, in exceeding bad Dutch (having but lately studied the lan- guage), by Avay of keejiing up the spirits of the soldiers ; Avhile Vulcan halted as a club-footed blacksmith, lately pro- moted to be a captain of militia. All was silent awe or bustling preparation ; war reared his horrid front, gnashed loud his iron fangs, and shook his direful crest of bristling bayonets. And now the mighty chieftains marshalled out their hosts. Here stood stout Risingh, firm as a thousand rocks, incrusted ith stockades and intrenched to the chin in mud batteries. His valiant soldiery lined the breast-work in grim array, CHAP. Vin.] PETER THE HEADSTRONG. 219 each havin memorials of the immortal Peter. His full-length portrait frowns in martial terrors from the parlour Avail ; his cocked hat and sword still hang up in the best bed-room ; his brim- CHAP. Xm.] PETER THE HEADSTRONG. 277 Stone-coloured breeches were for a long while suspended in. the hall, until some years since they occasioned a dispute between a new-married couple ; and his silver-mounted wooden leg is still treasured up in the store-room as an in- valuable relique. CHAP. XIII. Among the numerous events, which are each in their turn the most direful and melancholy of all possible occurrences, in your interesting and authentic history, there is none that occasions such deep and heart-rending grief as the decline and f\ill of your renowned and mighty empires. Where is the reader who can contemplate without emotion the disastrous events by which the great dynasties of the world have been extinguished ? While wandering, in imagination, among the gigantic ruins of states and empires, and marking the tre- mendous convulsions that wrought their overthrow, the bosom of the melancholy inquirer swells with sympathy commen- surate to the surrounding desolation. Kingdoms, principal- ities, and powers, have each had their rise, their progress, and their downfall ; each in its turn has swayed a potent sceptre ; each has returned to its primaeval nothingness. And thus did it fare with the empire of their High Mightinesses, at the Manhattoes, under the peaceful reign of Walter the Doubter, the fretful reign of William the Testy, and the chivalric reign of Peter the Headstrong. Its history is fruitful of instruction, and worthy of being pondered over attentively ; for it is by thus raking among the ashes of departed greatness, that the sparks of true knowledge are to be Ibund, and the lamp of wisdom illuminated. Let then the reign of Walter the Doubter warn against yielding to that sleek, contented security, and that overweening fond- ness for comfort and repose, which are produced by a state of prosperity and peace. These tend to unnerve a nation ; to destroy its pride of character ; to render it patient of insult ; deaf to the calls of honour and of justice; and cause it to cling to peace, like the sluggard to his pillow, at the expense of every valuable duty and consideration. Such supineness ensures the very evil from which it shrinks. One right yielded up produces the usurpation of a second; one en- croachment passively suffered makes way for another ; and the nation which thus, through a doting love of peace, has 278 HISTORY OF NEW-TOEK. [bOOK VU. sacrificed honour and interest, will at length have to fight for existence. Let the disastrous reign of VYilliam the Testy serve as a salutary warning against that fittul, feverish mode of legisla- tion, which acts without system, depends on shifts and pro- jects, and trusts to lucky contingencies ; which hesitates, and Avavers, and at length decides with the rashness of ig-' norance and imbecility ; which stoops for popularity by courting the prejudices and flattering the arrogance, rather than commanding the respect, of the rabble ; which seeks safety in a multitude of counsellors, and distracts itself by a variety of contradictory schemes and opinions ; which mis- takes procrastination for wariness — hurry for decision — parsimony for economy — bustle for business, and vapouring for valour ; which is violent in council, sanguine in expec- tation, precipitate in action, and feeble in execution ; which undertakes enterprises without forethought, enters upon them without preparation, conducts them without energy, and ends them in confusion and defeat. Let the reign of the good Stuyvesant show the effects of vigour and decision, even when destitute of cool judgment, and surrounded by perplexities. Let it show how frankness, probity, and high-souled courage will command respect and secure honour, even where success is unattainable. But, at the same time, let it caution against a too ready reliance on the good faith of others, and a too honest confidence in the loving professions of powerful neighbours, who are most friendly when they most mean to beti'ay. Let it teach a ju- dicious attention to the opinions and wishes of the many, who, in times of peril, must be soothed and led, or apprehen- sion will overpower the deference to authority. Let the empty wordiness of his factious subjects, their intemperate harangues, their violent *' resolutions," their hectoi'ings against an absent enemy, and their pusillanimity ou his approach, teach us to distrust and despise those clamor- ous patriots, whose courage dwells but in the tongue. Let them serve as a lesson to repress that insolence of speech, destitute of real force, which too often breaks forth in popular bodies, and bespeaks the vanity rather than the spirit of a nation. Let them caution us against vaunting too much of our own power and prowess, and reviling a noble enemy. True gallantry of soul would always lead us to treat a foe with courtesy and proud punctilio ; a contrary conduct but CHAP. XIII.] PETER THE HEADSTRONG. 279 takes from the merit of victory, and renders defeat doubly disgraceful. But I cease to dwell on the stores of excellent examples to be drawn fi-om the ancient chronicles of the Manhattoes. He who reads attentively will discover the threads of gold which run throughout the web of history, and are invisible to the dull eye of ignorance. But, before I conclude, let me point out a solemn warning, furnished in the subtle chain of events by which the capture of Fort Casimir has produced the pre- sent convulsions of our globe. Attend then, gentle reader, to this plain deduction, which, if thou art a king, an emperor, or other powerful potentate, I advise thee to treasure up in thy heart, though little expecta- tion have I that my work will fall into such hands ; for well I know the care of crafty ministers, to keep all grave and edifying books of the kind out of the way of unhappy mo- narchs, lest peradventure they should read them and learn wisdom. By the treacherous surprisal of Fort Casimir, then, did the crafty Swedes enjoy a transient triumph ; but drew upon their heads the vengeance of Peter Stuy vesant, who wrested all New-Sweden from their hands. By the conquest of New- Sweden, Peter Stuyvesant aroused the claims of Lord Balti- more, who appealed to the Cabinet of Great Britain, who subdued the whole province of New-Netherlands. By this great achievement, the whole extent of North America, from Nova Scotia to the Floridas, was rendered one entire de- pendency upon the British crown. But mark the conse- quence : the hitherto-scattered colonies being thus consoli- dated, and having no rival colonies to check or keep them in awe, waxed great and powerful, and finally becoming too strong for the mother country, were enabled to shake otf its bonds, and by a glorious revolution became an independent empire. But the chain of effects stopped not here ; the suc- cessful revolution in America produced the sanguinary revo- lution in France, which produced the puissant Bonaparte, who produced the French despotism, which has thrown the whole world in confusion ! — Thus have these great powers been successively punished for their ill-starred conquests ; and thus, as I asserted, have all the present convulsions, re- volutions, and disasters tiiat overwhelm mankind, originated in the capture of the little Fort Casimir, as recorded in this eventful history. 280 HISTORY OF NEW-YORK. [bOOK VH.] And now, worthy reader, ere I take a sad farewell, which, alas ! must be for ever — willingly would I part in cordial fellowship, and bespeak thy kind-hearted remembrance. That I have not written a better history of the days of the patriarchs is not my fault ; — had any otlier person written one as good, I should not have attempted it at all. That many will here- after spring up and surpass me in excellence, I have very little doubt, and still less care ; well knowing that, when the great Christovallo Colon (who is vulgarly called Columbus) had once stood his egg upon its end, every one at table could stand his up a thousand times more dextrously. Should any reader find matter of offence in this history, I should heartily grieve, though I would on no account question his penetration by telling him he was mistaken — his good-nature by telling him he was captious — or his pure conscience by telling him he was startled at a shadow. Surely, when so ingenious in finding offence where none was intended, it were a thousand pities he should not be suffered to enjoy the benefit of his discovery. I have too high an opinion of the understanding of my fellow-citizens, to think of yielding them instruction, and I covet too much their good will, to forfeit it by giving them good advice. I am none of those cynics who despise the Avorld, because it despises them ; on the contrary, though but low in its regard, I look up to it with the most perfect good nature, and my only sorrow is, that it does not prove itself more worthy of the unbounded love I bear it. If, however, in this my historic production, the scanty fruit of a long and laborious life, I have failed to gratify the dainty palate of the age, I can only lament my misfortune, for it is too late in the season for me even to hope to repair it. Al- ready has withering age showered his sterile snows upon my brow ; in a little while, and this genial warmth which still lin- gers around my heart, and throbs, worthy reader, throbs kindly towards thyself, will be chilled for ever. Haply this frail compound of dust, which while alive may have given birth to naught but unprofitable weeds, may form a humble sod of the valley, whence may spring many a sweet wild flower,'to adora my beloved island of Mauna-hata I THE EXD. London : Spottiswoodes and Shaw, New-street-Square. , THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. 3 1205 02528 7051 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 907 042 6 r I > r